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With Jake having fled the meeting room as the girls tactically got into extremely uncomfortable topics for men, like which type of pads and feminine hygiene was best used for periods. The members of the Seven Shades settled in to speak without their divine oversight from Jake and his gods.

"So now that Jake is busy gargling bleach to get those thoughts and options we spoke of out his memory. How should we approach Princess Alexia." Zeta spoke firstly as she lounged in her chair with her arms held under her exposed breasts how her jump suits middle was open.

Alpha folded her hands together atop the table as she glanced at Zeta and then looked to Beta who was sitting just to the right of her. "I suggest Beta and Gamma, being the most personable of our members go to speak with her and get her to... Open up as both Princess Alexia, and Iris aren't too happy with Jake and his people with how their father basically sold them away to Jake."

Both of the elves agreed so Alpha smiled as she stood up. "Very good, Jake was somewhat misled about Alexia and Iris's timing here so let's get this meeting between us and them done with so they cannot get closer to Jake." Alpha said with her arms held up like it was a grand task and the Seven Shadow's members in Delta, Beta, and Gamma cheered with a bit of enthusiasm while Zeta looked like this whole situation was entirely unnecessary and stupid, while Eta...

Eta was literally snoring with her using her large breasts as a pillow on the table she was sleeping on.


Beta and Gamma were elegantly walking towards the boutique that the numbers of Shadow Garden had reported that Princess Iris and Alexia were within, and as they went into the very expensive shop and entered the back dressing rooms their face twitched as the words being spoken were... Outlandish to say the least.

"Big Sister these  make me feel like a whole new woman!" Alexia said desperately as her sister stared at her in scandalized disbelief at what she was wearing.

"Absolutely now Alexia!" Iris all but screeched as she held a shaking finger that she pointed at her sister's bottom half. "Those... Thongs are the work of the devil! Literally, the devil's work!" She cried out in embarrassment. "I can basically see everything Alexia, and you always wear a skirt so I forbid it!" She cried out but then Alexia advanced on her sister and before the older red-headed sister could react she slammed her hand beside her sister's face with her breasts clad in a new bra pushed up her sister's.

Crimson eyes met one another in a silent clash of wills as Beta and Gamma watched the scene in awestruck silence... As the two princesses in their struggle had opened up the noise-canceling curtains. "My sister... I truly desire these thongs." Alexia said softly as her eyes turned soft as she looked into her sister's eyes. "Do these deserve your absolute rejection even if I use them for a profound purpose?" She whispered and Iris sunk in under the passionate gaze of her sister's all-consuming crimson eyes.

"I guess..." Iris started and then getting the 'Ok' in her own eyes Alexia gleefully turned around and seeing the curtain open only froze and flushed for a second before seeing it was only ladies in the room and put on her princess demeanor as she spoke gleefully as Iris sunk down to her knees in defeat.

"I will take three dozen pairs in different cuts and colors!" She called out as put back on her dress as Iris's eyes twitched seeing the several zeroes Alexia wrote on the cheque to pay for the designer lingerie and underwear.

Seeing the game play out Gamma and Beta decided to interject at this point with Beta stepping forward to talk. "Princess's there is an important matter we would like to speak to you about regarding security concerns of the city." Beta started and then went on to explain how those Daedric gods we warned them of previously had now started to seep into the world with us being sure of the three possible locations in which the Cult of Vaermina was located.

During the explanation, Alexia and Iris shared silent glances with one another before Alexia spoke. "And if Vaermina's cult is actually beneath the school is being led by the noble teachers and students... What will you do?" Alexia asked with a saccharine smile.

As much as Beta wanted to say bluntly that they would kill all who were involved with such a plot she knew that to be very much the wrong answer as the Dark Knights school was one of Midgar's most important resources in how the school churned out the mage knights that made the nation one of the strongest in the world. So she bowed her head in a respective nod as she replied flatly. "We of course will be doing our best to assist your own efforts in capturing such wayward students and teachers but the leader of the cult regardless of background and the Daedric Artifact that is being used as an anchor must be remanded to our care to be destroyed."

At hearing the Artifact being destroyed and just taken in general the two princess's faces tightened with Beta snorted with a challenging smile as she folded her arms under her larger breasts to pump them upwards and made the other girls flinch at how she was 'bigger'. "I mean no offense." She totally did Beta continued to speak with that sarcastic smile. "But you have no way to secure, let alone destroy it... And having a divine artifact that's its whole theme is to suck away the souls of all around it sounds like a terrible thing to have in the middle of one of the largest cities in the world correct?"

At that, the two princesses had no argument but also knew the Church of Gaia had already a strong claim within the people's hearts due to Jake's repeated miracles so they knew he wouldn't ruin their working relationship and more to bring up some weird lies to say nothing of how they themselves picked up how weak the normal people of Midgar City were acting.

It turns out that when hundreds of hot priestesses in either black and gold combat jumpsuits or lewd nun outfits are running around the kingdom curing people's diseases, growing back limbs, and other miracles only asking for prayers to be given to a dozen-odd gods also actually were sometimes seen walked around doing their thing. Such a faith would grow in believers quite quickly.
