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In Skyrim, Vaermina needed a whole temple devoted to her that would act as the container for the focus for the ritual that would siphon the souls and energy of the town of Dawnstar. With one of her Daedric Artifacts being the focus for this ritual.

So with the knowledge that Vaermina would need a large space that was seeped in magical energy to act as the centerpiece for the ritual, that left only three options in the capital for where the ritual could be occurring. The royal palace, which I highly doubted the Royal Family would partake in the Daedra's schemes after I bluntly told them how evil and sadistic they were.

The second place being the capital's power plant which used both natural coal and oil to make power while also using magical energy condenser Artifacts to help generate power. And lastly... The Midgar Magic Knights school.

"So we can probably knock off the royal palace as an option as we made how stupid it was to deal with Daedric Prince's." I said dully before continuing with a frown. "And the Power Plant probably isn't an option either due to both the high number of workers and the mage knights that patrol it constantly to keep magic beasts away from the magical power sources." I continued and thus there was one option left.

"You mean the school and how it lays on a leyline, plus all the mage knights training there throwing mana around, along with the magical experiments that would hide Vaermina's divine signature," Alpha answered cooly as she held her fist to her chin in thought and I nodded to her correct guess.

I sighed as honestly as much as my church's presence in the background of this world's power structure was growing and becoming famous. We couldn't go just smashing into the nobilities school where they trained the magic knights. While I did have clearance to come as I pleased with how I was a guest teacher with my otherworldly magical knowledge... That didn't mean Shadow Garden could flip the school over hunting for Vaermina's ritual site.

"Although we can hunt these rats for you Jake, if we are to be able to be thorough, we will need to do this in the open." Zeta acknowledged and I agreed with her.

Delta then raised up a hand with her head cocked to the side as she asked in curiosity. "Why not have Jake, talk to Princess's Alexia or Iris? I mean they can go literally anywhere they want." Delta continued weakly as the other girls frowned.

I snapped my fingers to get the girls out of their funk. "Eta, you got that divinity radar created yet?" I asked the narcoleptic sociopath and she tiredly blinked at my question as she realized I was talking to her.

"Yesss sorta..." She drawled before shrugging. "It can pinpoint people with the divine blessings that your gods have given people Jake." She explained while yawning and then at the end she shook her head as she simply said. "No data for foreign divinity so I cannot give a definitive answer."

But either way, Eta waved her hand and a large cooler-sized metallic box engraved with runes appeared on the table. "You can try... I don't need it anymore honestly." Eta said softly and then I facepalmed as I saw Eta's head tilt downwards with her chest movements evening out as she obviously fucking fell asleep right there in the middle of our meeting.

But it wasn't anything unusual for Eta with her sleepy nature so Gamma spoke up as the room went mostly quiet. "Actually Princess Alexia is supposed to be coming down to the mall to browse our more private collections of clothes as well as to pick up some of her favorite strawberry chocolates," Gamma said with a soft smile at being able to contribute and I nodded at her offer.

"When will she be here Gamma?" I asked and Gamma hummed as she flipped over her wrist to check her watch. If it was actually just Alexia then as her relationship with her older sister Iris was still a bit stiff. I already had a good idea of how to spin this whole thing to her to get her support in getting the school under our thumb for a couple of hours for us to find this ritual site or even check the power station if it wasn't at the school.

But as Gamma spoke she slightly blushed and coughed into her fist as she spoke. "Ahem... She will be here to be fitted for new underclothes in the next half an hour. It would probably be for the best you introduce yourself afterward with some of her favorite sweets." Gamma offered and I couldn't help an awkward smile as Delta and Zeta shook their head at Gamma's words.

"Weird humans and elves. Underwear only gets in the way." Delta said with disgust in her voice and Zeta... Well her Shadowgarden outfit's middle was completely open from top to bottom exposing the middle and sides of her breasts down to her lower waist with the top connected to the legs of her outfit so her opinion was clear as she nodded along to Delta about the one thing they agreed on.

I facepalmed and literally groaned into my hands as Beta and Gamma rallied about the pros of wearing such things and this was one of the times I wished Eminence in Shadow wasn't a harem world in which all the men were either stupid or assholes... Literally, how can I make guy friends to chill when the main villain of a good chunk of this timeline was a dude named 'Perv Asshat...' That was the cesspool I was working with.

Although Scathach said nothing about it, maybe if I was lucky the Dragonborn was a dude I could chill with.

"Anyway," I said loudly cutting off the girl's conversation when Alpha interjected and started asking about the pros and cons of different cuts of panties. "Yeah... I am still here." I said dryly shaking my head as I stood up. "Send a number to get my attention when the private business is dealt with, I am going to go relax in the library," I said with my eyes hollowed out as the girls giggled at my haunted expressions as I made my escape.



The Dragonborn as a chill bro? I'll take it! That sounds fun. :v


I can only imagine them as a huge kleptomaniac with an inventory of cheese wheels. The bigger question is the Dragonborn's gender!


He needs a not retarded male friend, so dragonbro is needed

Osiris Sundavr

Nah Jake, the Dragonborn is more than likely female to match with the female Alduin. But hey, the dragons can all shift into a human form so silver linings.