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Getting a foreign Elemental core inserted into you was... Fucking horrible! It was like someone taking their thumb and twisting it in your belly button while pushing hard like they were trying to stab through said belly button into your guts.

I could feel my very own bones convulsing, popping with my convulsions, while dark ruddy bruises formed across my body as blood vessels popped under the stress my barely enhanced body was clearly incapable of withstanding. I would love to say I grit my teeth and like a true cultivation protagonist I withstood getting this gift of the heavens and cheat...

But that was a fucking lie, I never dealt with such agony in either life of mine before. Even as Alice stood beside me and Taihou went above everyone else she took my form into her arms and put her hand into my mouth and pinched my tongue so I couldn't bite it anymore nor choke on it while I had my seizure.

Even as I cried and literally pissed myself at the agony of my blood partially boiling within my body due to the oversaturation of magic, Taihou never let go of me and just held onto me until I passed out in her arms when the Summoning element naturally slotted itself into my body and no longer caused me untold agony.

Sure my father, mother, and other step-sister Alice watched over me. But Taihou helped me directly as even in the throes of my agony I recognized her cinnamon and vanilla scent and for the rest of my days, I wouldn't forget how even as I accidentally bit Taihou's fingers to the point of her bleeding she didn't pull her hand away and just kept them there.


I awoke to only darkness and felt a soft body curling up around my stiff and almost bloated feeling form. I instantly knew it to be Taihou as I could smell her distinct shampoo and body wash she had always used for years in the vanilla body wash and matching cinnamon-scented shampoo and conditioner. "Tai..." I whispered to her and I felt her tighten her arms across me and my face was pulled into the soft valleys of her breasts as her legs intertwined with my own as her nose buried into my hair.

"I was so scared Jake... I honestly accepted I was about to be killed by mother and father when I thought they had given you some kind of poison and I would have tried to kill them in turn." Taihou whispered thickly into my hair and I silently just pressed my face into Taihou's soft breasts.

Like what could I say to that? I could tell Taihou had changed me into new clothes and taken care of me almost assuredly all on her own. So I just hugged Taihou and took comfort in her warmth rather than saying something stupid.

"Thank you Taihou I love you," I said softly and she snorted with it turning into giggles that shook her chest and I felt one of her thin smaller hands that were wrapped around my back move up and thread through my blond hair and push my face deeper into her breasts.

"Stupid Jake... I know you love me. I love you more anyway, but this humble Taihou will always be with you..." She said lovingly with her fingers gently going through my hair with her voice coming out as a whisper as she continued. "Today, tomorrow, and forevermore. Taihou will be with you, Jake."

With that ominous speech out of her system, Taihou just shimmied in place as though trying to find ways she could share more body contact with me and I thanked the gods for the air conditioning being blasted as Taihou had a hot body temperature. So being snuggled up with her under the covers was an entirely pleasant ordeal... Besides the boner, I got from my step-sister rubbing her stupidly sexy and voluptuous body all over me.

It got to the point I actually had to shimmy out of Taihou's overenthusiastic hugging and scooting around so I could lay on my back making her whimper in despair before I patted my chest to get her attention. Where she instantly latched onto my chest with her sleeping gown-clad body all but molding into my side with her large breasts pushing against my chest and side as I held her waist with one arm as I finally could look up at the clock.

"Jeeze I was out for more than six hours," I muttered wryly and I could feel Taihou nodding against me as one of her fingers idly began tracing lines I could recognize as the Japanese kanji lettering for the word 'love'

Were Taihou's dependence and overwhelming affection for me healthy? Probably not but my parents had not only not tried to get her counseling for her trauma of seeing her entire city wiped off the face of the world but such trauma was common here in this world, filled with monsters. She was coping, she wasn't looking to be a threat and in my mother's words, 'If her form of crazy isn't going to lead to you being cucked or killed, then just enjoy the girl who loves you without question.'

And I couldn't really argue with the logic that came from surviving to the point of becoming a Super Mage and making a mountain of corpses to get to that level.

"Taihou, did Mother or Father say anything about when I was to use my summoning element?" I asked wondering if they said anything to that effect as I could feel the Summoning Element primed and ready to go with all the stars already set into a star map which was probably why it put so much stress on my body.

At my question, Taihou's body heat rose as she obviously felt some kind of frustration as I could feel her fiery internal mana collect for a split second before she slouched into my chest with her mumbling. "Yes, Jake... They already set up a ritual point so that whatever you summon later today, nothing you summon will be able to attack you or flee instantly... But they told Taihou that she wouldn't be allowed beside you because I would affect the summoning process!" She complained grouchily and I couldn't help but snicker at how adorable Taihou was.

So with it already being past midnight and my room still being fucked over due to myself being a dumbass and trying a spell indoors in my excitement, I relaxed and I only needed to spank Taihou across her ass a couple of times through the night when she tried licking my arm...


When I awoke the next day I was still snuggling with Taihou with her head buried into my chest as she still slept but as my mind woke up I felt my sense tingling at me so I opened my eyes and shivered to see my mother sitting on the edge of the bed and she chuckled at my reaction. "Well seems like you two are comfortable... Not as comfortable as I hoped but it's progress." She spoke making me roll my eyes at her but I still squeezed Taihou who was in my arms.

My mother's blue eyes tightened on my form and she spoke more gently. "Are you alright now?" She asked softly and I nodded with her smiling wryly. "Strength is never a painless thing to acquire Jake... Even if we have some decent wealth and background if you want to walk far on the path of Mages you will need to acquire resources and fight for them." She counseled me while patting my shin that was poking out from under the thin blankets me and Taihou were sharing.

But yeah, her words were very much correct as magical power always needed to be gained through some kind of trial, and in my case, that was the agony I withstood in order to accept that Summoning Element seed within myself.

So I didn't blame or feel any discontent towards my parents at the suffering I faced in absorbing the elemental seed.

"Momma?" Taihou whispered as she tiredly opened her eyes to look at my mother who eyed the crimson-eyed girl who was dropped over my form.

Before I could even react my mother's hand blurred and with a loud cracking noise her hand slapped Taihou across her ass so loud I couldn't help but flinch myself as Taihou squealed in pain while my mother eyed her Taihou as she spoke. "Brat, I better not feel your killing intent aimed at me or your father again or there will be real consequences." She said with no emotion in her voice before she looked up to me with an indulging smile.

"Now son, take another shower so you can get anything Taihou may have missed last night. I will then meet you in the gym in forty-five minutes where the summoning circle is." She smiled with a bit of anticipation in her voice as she finished. "So we can safely summon your contracted being."

"Mother, are you busy or something? A shower isn't going to take me that long?" I asked confusedly as typically mother was... Meh, not doing much at all in the mornings except for maybe taking some calls for materials to be delivered or something.

But my mother just raised an eyebrow and as she retorted I couldn't help but cough as she spoke flatly. "Jake, you literally blew up the pipes that led to your own shower... I cannot see you taking a quick shower with Taihou, so I am giving you some extra time for whatever happens." And then my mother not only winked several times but literally said it so there was no confusion as she said it with clear mirth in her voice. "Wink wink wink."

And at my mother's words, even the shameless Taihou couldn't help but flush pink while I rolled my eyes and finally climbed out of bed and stretched as I heard Taihou's bedroom door closing as mother left the room finally.

"Well, Taihou, you going to do terrible depraved things to me in the shower or will I keep my chastity for another day?" I teased her but that backfired as I saw her eyes glow with fiery passion as I entered the bathroom and turned on the shower to let it heat up unknowing of the hungry beast behind me that burnt away her nightgown with her fiery mana.

Once I stripped bare the predator silently slinked forward and I felt the hard nubs of her nipples press into my back as her lips kissed the side of my neck and she whispered. "If my darling wishes Taihou to be more assertive then I will of course comply."



This chapter fought me a good bit lol... So with the next chapter having a small Taihou lewding we will get to the summoning in that next chapter.


Idiot jake, dont poke the crazy with dare