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Thick luscious primeval forests surrounded us as I came out of the portal and as I looked around I felt my internal systems pinging that the air was of breathable quality so I allowed the mechanical plates around my helmet to pull back so my head was clear.

"Landing was smooth and the planet we have landed upon is within the Goldilocks zone with its inhabitable zones... Please note that this world however has some very hostile native lifeforms." I spoke into my comms as I felt 2B readjust with her systems acclimating to the cross worlds lines we left in the dark void.

Metroid Prime's main world of Tallon IV was basically a maiden world that the super advanced race of the Chozo the one that gave Samus her genetic alterations and super tech. Colonized said world and wanted to live a more simple life on the planet. But these events were centuries if not millennia before Samus came to the planet.

Either way, even though the Chozo seeded the world with life and their 'primitive' tech for their minimalist lives on the planet. They still left technology YoRHa and humanity itself was nowhere near able to figure it out. But the question was... Where was Samus?

This world was fucking huge... Literally bigger than planet Earth by a good bit as the systems were picking up a good thirty percent increase in gravity so the first thing we did was to get our technological elements going if I was going to start stripping this world of the super advanced tech and allow YoRHa study the potent animals and crazy plants around here... And of course deal with Phazon.

"2B, under no circumstances should you touch any blue glowing stuff, should your body become infected immediately self-destruct and reform from a backed-up memory," I ordered her solemnly as Phazon was not a joke at all as it was a biological radioactive hive mind that would not only attack and consume people's body but even take over their very soul. Phazon was far... Far scarier than the Grimm or the Machine Lifeforms of the Nier world as Phazon was completely sentient and a singular life form bent on consuming the universe and making it all Phazon touched with the core being of Phazon being a mega planet made completely out of Phazon.

And there was a seed of that crap here in this world.

So either way with 2B's solemn nod as I told her the substance could possibly travel via her soul back to the world of RWBY and infect that world she understood the stakes as only Samus's suit and her Chozo cheat DNA allowed her to survive that nonsense.

"Now let's start getting these minature satellites into the atmosphere so we can start scanning for targets of interest," I spoke as I mentally went over the information in my head about targets of interest in the first game.

Ignoring the thought of trying to waifu Samus and going after her like a horn dog I realized that probably my best plan to getting good tech would be to go after the main Space Pirate facilities in the Ice Biome which were sure to have some tech we could scavenge as I doubted the massive Space Pirate ship had crashed landed yet from Samus blowing up its reactor core.

It's a pity this isn't Metroid Prime 2 as there is a lot more easily accessible tech like the Human Federation frigate ships and the Chozo dimensional traveling technology but perhaps that was for the best.

After a while of setting up some stuff, I created another darkness portal and through it large crates were sent through, with the crates holding the sensitive equipment that would be needed to make a ground base while I opened a portal into the atmosphere to throw some satellites into space and from there YoRHa would get them oriented where they were needed.

"Alright, now while these things get to scanning and supplying us with details of the area and where we are on the planet. Let's try to find some landmarks or targets of interest." I spoke as I watched some computer screens display the rapid pictures being taken and categorized from the orbit of the area around us. I knew it was going to take a couple of days with the dozen satellites I threw into space for them to map out the planet so it was time to get some boots on the ground as it were.

And Tallon 4 even as we left the clearing made its danger level known as large turtles scuttled across from us as we entered the forest around as 2B scanned them the turtle-like creatures didn't like us looking at them at all and the round holes on the shell of the turtle-like being glowed before shooting glowing needles everywhere that pinged off our aura. As we couldn't block the fletchet machine gun like hail of spikes being shot in all directions, but within another moment a loud series of zipping noises rang out as 2B's POD shot them with several lasers that killed the hostile animals.

"Well, that's not a good opening to this world," I said wryly as I moved my sword Virtous Contract from where I was using it as a shield for my face. But as 2B's POD was scanning the remains of the animals I heard it speak while I myself noticed how the spikes were glowing.

"2B, Sir, scans are showing there to be highly reactive chemicals within the quills shot by the dispatched animals. It seems that it is currently evolving to the point in which the chemicals held within the crystalline quills would explode upon contact." The POD explained and I couldn't fucking help but eye the damned turtle-looking things like monsters for they were literally walking Needler guns from Halo... Oh, the animals and plants here were going to be fun.

"Here let's send this back to YoRHa to study," I said and then I sent the animal's remains and some of the intact needles that hadn't broken when they impacted the softer forest dirt back to YoRHa through the portal system we had set up.

And things never really got simpler, as we encountered wasps bigger than a person's head that had hive-mind intelligence and would attack us at all angles. We got attacked by even more animals that desired to eat us or just attacked to keep us away from it overzealously or we accidentally entered its territory. But as we continued on making a sort of loop through the thick forest around us we came across a weird fucking door with a blue solid hard light shield that covered said door that lead into a mountain side.

"POD start scanning the door. it contains actual hard light technology that's lasted countless years in the literal definition of being left to the elements." I ordered wryly as the true wonder of these damned doors was where these things were getting their power and as the POD spent the next while simply scanning the door I heard White speak to me through the comms.

"Jake, use your Earth Manipulation to break down the soil around the door and send the entire door to us so we can begin to study how to hold a hard light projection in place... To say nothing of the power system that we have no idea is maintaining that system for more than five hundred years according to the weathering on the nearby rocks." White ordered and I realized I was going to end up looting this entire damned world down to its bedrock to snatch all the insane tech casually left around everywhere...

'I wonder what Samus will think when she comes across all the empty hallways missing the glowing doors she was so used to shooting?' I idly thought holding back a snicker as I teleported the door away.



That's fair lol. Check back in a month and enjoy the couple dozen chapters probably by that point