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With how I yoinked the Holy Sword of Selection and the magical stone it was inserted into that acted as the seal to the magic door, I could quickly push aside the large ritualistically engraved stone door that stood in my way.

And within the large vault weren't treasures never before seen for millennia, magic swords, or what people in this world called Artifacts, tools that could use magic. No the only thing behind the door was one of the most valuable treasures the Cult of Diabolos had. One of Aurora's limbs when she became the Demon Diabolos.

Hooked up through machines I could tell how the arm would have blood from the people the cult captured with Demon Possession pumped into the arm's stump and at the end of the arm at the wrist were several veins that were pulled out of the arm and attached to a pump that would suck the now pure blood of Diabolos from said arm to be made into the Tears of Diabolos.

And those Tears of Diabolos would give the cult their enhanced lifespan...

For a moment I considered leaving the 'nuke' here and destroying the arm with the nuke, being a convoluted bowling ball-sized orb that would open an unstable passageway through space and time that would, in essence, be a mini black hole for a couple of seconds the size of a pinhead that Scathach assured me would close itself off due to both the lack of energy and the world itself shutting the temporal fuckery.

But as I gazed at the almost draconic looked red scaled arm that was as tall as I was I remembered how Claire, Cid's sister in canon was able to assimilate it into her body and greatly grow in power with Aurora actually allowing the absorption to happen. Granted I was nowhere near brave enough to stick the arm that looked like a demonic more spiky version of the Boosted Gear on an arm stump after I cut off my own arm but maybe it can be useful... At some point anyway.

So by following the Skyrmin logic I looted fucking everything, threw it into a pocket space and once I was satisfied, I put down the 'nuke' and turned it on before taking out the large hoop I put on the ground and poured mana into it and the hoop filled with rainbow shifting colors.

"Ok now to jump high and make contact at an angle with a diving motion to reach the portal..." I recited Scathath's instructions on how to use the portal until I realized it was basically me being a dumbass and diving face-first into a portal. But knowing I didn't have any time to question Shishou on why the hell I couldn't just place it against a wall or something I pumped mana into my body to jump a good fifteen-plus feet in the air curl up and then I went face through the portal while the timer on the nuke continued ticking until it reached its end.

But once I came through the portal I realized what the hell Scathach was meaning as I came through the portal face first and thus was going up into the air and with the angle I went in at I landed outside the portal as it shut off with its one-time use nature.

Then as I looked around to see where her portal took me I realized I was in a forest with the large lake where the Sanctuary was underneath. "Shit!" I cursed and then instantly booked it away from the lake with the gods within me howling with laughter as the ground beneath my feet gave way and for ten seconds I was floating in mid-air aimlessly as gravity caught up with the fact there was a tiny unstable portal of a black hole sucking up the reality marble facility before I delved deep into Baldur's blessing for my form to break apart into motes of light that reformed a dozen miles away with me face planting into the ground and groaning at the landing.

"Jake, are you alright? We saw the bomb go off and it looked bigger than it was supposed to." I heard Epsilon call out through the magical radio and I groaned as I flopped onto my back as I pulled it from my belt to answer the blue-haired elf.

I held up the radio and began speaking with a wry smile. "Yeah... I am fine, Eta didn't account for the facility being some kind of reality marble or something as it was bigger than it was supposed to be." I said before taking a breath to continue. "Anyway, take Nelson straight to the church and have Victoria start to work him over... And make sure to tell her that she is not to allow him to die without getting all the information out of him." I said with finality.

Victoria or otherwise known within Shadow Garden as agent 559 her previous number designation was... Beyond the pale insane in her devotion towards the group and by extension myself. She was actually the last person I personally cured of their demon possession as Alpha and others had the mana control needed to do it and due to Victoria's insanity and actions had decided there was enough of the 'crazy girls' in Shadow Garden trying to impress me.

Victoria in canon was one of the girls in Zeta's sub-faction in Shadow Garden that desired to bring back Diabolos within Cid's sister and then use the same process in cutting up Claire in order to turn Cid immortal with the blood of Diabolos.

In her previous life before being indicted within Shadow Garden she was actually the Saintess of the very church Nelson was the pope of. But when she turned with the Demon Possession and was outcasted and she fled before the cult could catch up to her. She kinda broke mentally with that situation and latched onto me with my own whole church situation probably even more than she did with Cid due to the church's atmosphere typically being close to what she had lived her whole life.

And combat wise she was the match for any of the Seven Shades only losing to Delta and Alpha in canon. Here with my pantheon in the picture due to her devotion to both myself and the church. She was the only one to be blessed by literally all the gods and goddesses in the Pantheon, she could literally beat Delta and Alpha as well...

Epsilon hearing my orders audibly sighed through the radio before she spoke. "Jake, you know Victoria goes above and beyond in her tasks... She will likely kill him honestly without getting anything in her rush." At that I shrugged, I didn't care if she killed him. I just wanted the info out of him beforehand and she wouldn't blink at my request to do it.

"I understand," I said holding up the radio as I began to walk back towards the city so I could try to get a train ride back to the capital of Midgar. "As I said before, tell her that. He is not to die without giving up the information or I will be most displeased." I finished and then audibly clicked off the radio as I sighed and looked up into the twilight sky above myself. "I don't have time to wait for the cult to react... I need to get most of the Knights of the Round dealt with, before the Dragons and Oblivion gates start opening up everywhere." I muttered before I broke off into a run toward the city of Lindwurm.

I wanted the Cult dead not only because of how they were an unstable element. But also because I had no doubt they would throw their lot in with the likes of the Dragon Priests, the Mythic Dawn who was helping the demon portals... I really didn't want to tangle with a Knight of the Round who decided to become a Vampire Lord or decided to learn reality-bending dragon shouts.

Once I finally got onto a train heading back to the capital I added a couple of large blocky attachments to the radio to boost its magical range so it turned from a simple hand-held radio to something the size of a cinder block and weighed like three times as much as I tried to connect to Alpha's radio. "Alpha, you there?" I called out and for a couple of moments, there wasn't a response before a crackle rang out and Alpha's sleepy husky voice came through the comms.

"Yes... I am here. Are you riding a train" She answered.

I wryly smiled and hoped the train's noises weren't too bad in the first-class cabin I was in, but either way, I continued. "Yes, I am on the way back to the Capital with my job complete and wanted to give you girls a heads up." I spoke and I heard Alpha humming in thought as well as the sound of her blankets and sheets shifting.

"Goodwork... We were busy through the night doing our own job and Delta got a bit rowdy wit Zeta so I am just sleeping that stress away. Is there anything else Jake?" She questioned softly and I could already imagine her long blond hair framed around her head as she buried her face into her pillows as she was a heavy sleeper.

"Yeah Alpha go back to sleep, maybe when I get there I will just snuggle with you as well. Seeing as Epsilon, Beatrix, the numbers, and myself had traveled through the night to get to Lindwurm, I could use a good rest as well." I said teasingly before I turned off the radio before she could react so she would be stewing on those thoughts.



Thanks for the chapter

Wrath of Vajra

Now that I think of it, perhaps we should have Tyr from God of War to join in, a god of war loved by many for his desire for peace, and just imagine people seeing him for the first time, shocked by how someone could be so damn tall.