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There were five main noble families here in Columbus Ohio. The new Raiden family came and purged the previous head family that ruled Memphis and took control of the city's auction house and the mega mall that catered to Mages that drew in mages from across America for the resources found within. Of course, the Hoshino family which was a strict clan that also moved over here from Japan after the advent of mana to get away from the constant sea monster attacks that plagued Japan, and they were heavily involved with all the municipal aspects of the city.

Those were the two most powerful families not only for their own families having strong family members at the peak of what most mages could reach but each family had recruited strong mages into their family often marrying said mages into the bloodline to create a stronger next generation.

But the next three families being the Merano family, the Aston family, and lastly, the Campbell family, each had their claws in the city somehow and that power for the most part put them above the law being a militant power in of themselves with their families all having at least one Super mage standing guard.

"Those Raiden girls are getting bold with all the profits they have been turning lately Mr. Bariss so I suggest you keep your head down with this embarrassment that happened to them heh." The hunched-over grandmother leader of the Hoshino family spoke to my father but to all who seen the scene, they would know the Raiden's should be mad at the Hoshino for getting involved...

But they were well known for being shameless busybodies and entirely too tight-knit and thus impossible to bully without the rest of the family coming down like a pallet of bricks on whoever offended them.

"I will keep that in mind." My father said dully and then he frowned as he looked over to the side Ai literally skipped over the invisible dividing line between our families to come to chat to me apparently.

Looking at Ai's starry eyes I couldn't help a wry smile coming to my face as she like the rest of her family didn't get the thing called tension or social skills as she casually just bulldozed past my father and even mother's looks of afront as she poked where my mages badge typically would be but I already took it off so more people didn't see my weird element I hadn't figured out yet. "So Jake, what's your element going to be? Well I mean if you could have it be any element unknown to anyone what would you like it to be?" She questioned excitedly and honestly... I myself was curious.

"Maybe it's multiple elements or something, I don't know," I said unknowingly though a part of me seeing the rainbow colors hoped it was something cool like some kind of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception or something but honestly I would be happy so long as the element had something I could use offensively at the first rank.

Ai smiled and I saw her look past me with that now recognizable smug smile and I felt heat accumulating behind my back as Taihou stomped over after disengaging from Alice's grip when she began unfolding her own dense fire-attuned mana but she hadn't unleashed any form of spell yet. "Oh it's the big 'Sister'" Ai said putting emphasis on the word sister as she tittered looking at Taihou with something akin to pity.

But Taihou was undauntedly and like an Ojou-Sama in anime she laughed in a high-pitched fake voice as she retorted. "Ohoho look, it's the pesky fly who keeps flying making noise... Maybe you should fly away and return home and bother someone else who isn't already taken."

I actually blinked as that was the first time that Taihou outrightly said I was hers. Typically it was just hinted. Normally she just teased and when I teased back, she would become a flushed mess and would run away at superhuman speeds.

Ai unlike me who blinked in surprise and looked at Taihou with interest... Didnt blink at all at her words and still wore that sarcastic teasing smile but it was clearly painted on now.

And at that moment as Ai and Taihou stared at one another with me only in their peripheral view I saw something scary as hell.

Ai's bright starry eyes turned pitch dark with those stars that once sparkled turned dull and lifeless. Then the scary part began as her eyes' dead stars spun before seemingly entering her eyes and disappearing.

"Alright, that's enough," I called out seeing a way out as a large truck was coming down the road and I recognized it as one of our trucks that typically picked up supplies around the city. But mostly I could see something... Was wrong with Ai and I could feel the crazy coming off her. Sure Taihou was a bit fuck nuts but I just had to flirt with her to make her putty in my hands.

Ai had the Hoshino trait of 'fuck you I want to know what's going on and I don't care how embarrassing or personal it is.' So no amount of playing off her to get her to give me some space would work... That is if she was actually Yandere or something. But I could be wrong and she was just plain old boring crazy.

"Jake help wrap the chains around the car's remains so I can winch it up onto the bed." My father called to me to give me the perfect excuse to get away from Ai but I could feel her gaze on my back as I walked over and with Ed and his brother's help I put some chains around the balled-up remains of the car to get it pulled up onto the bed of the crane.

Either way, we got everything prepared and loaded up with a couple of cars coming to pick up Ed's family me giving my bro a side hug for the help and I went out of my way to thank his father and brothers for showing up with my own family to stick up for me. I had no idea what the Raiden's were going to do but I doubt it would have ended with me not signing some kind of magical contract.

But once we got everything loaded up there was a bit of an issue...

"Father there's not enough seats," I said wryly as I saw my father take the driver's seat of the truck while my mother took the passenger seat and the female worker that drove the truck here in the first place got into the back right side behind the passenger seat that meant Alice took the middle seat and that left only one seat for me and Taihou...

"Oh just let the girl sit in your lap and just hold her waist so she doesn't fly off should we hit someone on the highway." Mother said bluntly and I couldn't help but stare at her in stunned silence before she perked up an eyebrow and put a hand to her waist and then used her other hand to point at the truck. "Well, young man? Get in the truck so we can get home and you can start cultivating your magic and we can find out if it was worth owing the Hoshino family a favor to keep out of those Raiden cougar's hands." My mother ordered and I just held in a sigh as I got into the back seat of the truck and sat beside Alice while I ignored Taihou's hysterical barely hidden giggles of glee.

Taihou gently climbed into the back of the truck with horribly repressed giggles that just made her look like she was having an ever so middle seizure... But with a soft thumping noise, Taihou shamelessly sat flush against my chest with her back just fully molding against me to make as much contact. And she had zero shame in actually wiggling her backside to get 'comfortable'.

So to say the least the ride home was hell... I had my Alice on my side and that coworker as well in the back so it's not like I could pinch Taihou for being a tease or whatever and Taihou was a full-sized girl. She had 'very ample' curves so she wasn't a slip of a girl I could ignore sitting on my lap hence why the trip was so awkward.

But once we got back home to the compound I was pretty bluntly told to go cultivate for the next couple of days to see if I could reach the seventh mote of light within my inner star to form a star map for the mystery element to see what it did. My mother and Alice also dragged Taihou away to leave me alone to figure this shit out.

So there I was in my bedroom sitting on my nicely padded exercise mat using the universally accepted best method of cultivation to fill the five rainbow motes of light within myself with the surrounding mana by simply spinning the motes of light and making it act as though it was a planet with a gravitational field. There was a reason all the cultivation/mage terms used astral terms like star paths, star map, or when someone reached the Mid Mage class rank they would literally have a star cloud/nebula within themselves.

Hence there were no real secret cultivation techniques that gave major advantages. The only cheat cultivation method was getting some kind of spirit or some natural treasure to enhance their element's base state to a higher form which would make the denser element pull in and refine the infinite ambient mana even quicker.

I frowned as I was in my cultivation as I realized something with the rainbow motes of light... Once I got them spinning, it no longer took any more mental strength to keep them rotating, absorbing and refining the natural energy around me when I tried to mess with the light blue mana of my water element to try it out. And hell even my water element motes of light were spinning much faster and losing their momentum far slower than they should naturally?

"Did I awaken a natural talent?" I muttered before I shook my head.' I don't think I had one of the mutated talents like the main protagonist Mo-Fan had with his double awakening but then again there were a lot of different special talents and that talent could have been what helped me awaken this mystery element.' I pondered before sighing and just closed my eyes and focused deeper on solving what the hell my mystery magic did after several hours of meditation I created the last two little motes of light I needed to form my star path and the glyph that would be proof of my status as a true Novice Mage.

But as I finished the star path and saw what resulted of it my face twitched as the appearance of my star map took the form of the silllohute of a woman sitting on some kind over-sized bow and behind her was a large glowing planetoid and unbidden the name of the spell came to me. "An Gal Ta Kigal Šè" I whispered and my star map lit up within myself and below my feet a golden star map that formed the sillohute of my inner spell as a basketball sized planetoid that looked like Venus formed above my hand and even as I felt my mana draining I realized a great number of things... For one the floor, walls and roof of my room were shattering under the enhanced gravity that wasn't effecting me. And lastly I knew as my will filled the concept of the planet venus that I was supposed to shoot the orb from my hand like a fireball...

"Mom is going to be soo fucking pissed..." I whimpered as I did what I had to do and there was a roar of sound as the orb was blasted through the armored wall of my room like it was nothing and as it hit the compound outside I heard the distant explosion as it went off as I just blankly stared at the whole in the armored wall that should have kept Commander Level monsters at bay... You know that moment when you kick/hit a ball and its heading towards your house and deep down you hope your fears are wrong and it actually breaks the window and you just stare at the scene of your fuck up incapable of understanding just how fucked you were?

As I heard my family and the workers at the compound rushing to my room I just sat there waiting for them to arrive as I realized what the mystery magic was in truth... It was Astral Magic that governed the heavenly bodies above us.

"I am so fucked...." I whispered as I could already see the Holy City throwing a fit at me being special. But hey at least there was plenty of hot girls in this world.



That's hilarious can't wait to see the reactions to this.

Wrath of Vajra

The power of Ishtar who has domain over love AND war? They better have a lot of body bags ready to be filled because I won't be surprised if he has the potential to summon Gugalanna at his beck and call to bring forth supernatural disasters, if pushed over the edge, God have mercy if any harm were to fall on his family, for he will go to WAR because of his LOVE for them.


Its the power of the cosmos less Ishtar's. Though I will probably use some inspiration from Space Ishtar


did he just pull the nobel phantasam of a goddes out of his ass