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There was so much to do in this new life and as I awoke to a new day the only thing I could think of was the great feeling of having a waifu get me off within only being in the world for a couple of days. "Fuck Worm, and embrace titty logic," I whispered like a mantra which put a smile on my face but honestly even as I got cleaned up I realized I would need to actually accomplish the missions I had like killing Leviathan and Behemoth in Worm and likewise killing or subjugating the Simurgh as well... And I wasn't too sure DXD's powers could deal with those three honestly.

But I could be wrong and magic just goes through their dimensional nonsense without issues and I break their cores like throwing a rock on an egg... Can never know really.

But either way, I got ready for the new day and as I came out I saw the rest of Sona's peerage sitting down at the large dining table we shared our previous dinner together at. "Girls." I greeted them and took a seat next to Momo Hanakai the busty white-haired member of Sona's peerage that I got along with due to how casual she was.

"So what did President want to talk about with you privately?" Tsubaki Shinra asked conversationally in between bites of her french toast and I paused as my memory went back to that delightful time of intercrural sex between Sona's thighs... I very much doubted I should say anything about it.

Though a part of me was wondering with how the Sitri bloodline was founded on prostitution, if Sona would actually encourage me to sleep my way through her peerage to make them more powerful and talented...

But saying anything about that was liable to get me punched through a wall. Or stabbed or blasted by magic so I shook my head smiling wryly. "I don't mind talking about it really... But you should probably get the news from Sona herself Hahaha." I finished chuckling imagining Sona blushing at Tsubaki causally asking what we got up to along with the room being warded.

Tsubaki the Queen of the Peerage merely nodded in understanding if anything smiling as I didn't gossip or anything that may have been confidential or something. A couple of minutes later as I was eating some eggs and some well-cooked crispy waffles, Momo who was next to me tapped the table to get my attention. "I will be taking this morning to teach you some magic, more particularly the imagination-based portions of Devil magic so make sure to bring some paper to take notes." She explained cheerfully and I raised an eyebrow at needing to take notes but nodded.

And thus my breakfast was pretty silent besides talking to the other girls of Sona's peerage but nothing of real importance came up. So once both me and Momo finished our food she took me through the administrative side of the massive school and as she took me into a classroom that was lined with what looked like soundproof pads she spoke proudly. "These pads not only absorb sound a lot but they are insanely magically resistant so any magic used in here won't damage school property." She explained before pointing at the very thickly padded ground that was honestly kind of hard to walk on.

"Well let's just sit down on these floor chairs so we can talk about devil magic." She said and then she created a magical glyph that summoned a hand of solid wind that picked up and carried two legless flat chairs for us to sit on.

"That was pretty cool. I thought actually forming constructs out of elements was rather advanced or took a bloodline or something?" I questioned before smiling wryly as I sat down in front of Momo and I saw that even with her folding over her legs that the Kuoh skirt was so thin and short that I could still see some of her pink panties.

But it seemed like Momo didn't notice as she simply nodded with her smiling having a bit of a proud turn to it as she spoke confidently. "Oh, that's very much the case typically but as a Bishop in Presidents Peerage my already potent magical talents were boosted, and although yes having an elemental bloodline makes it far easier, forming constructs and micro-managing elemental spells in merely part of keeping a part of your will within the spell as you guide it." Momo explained before making a blank glyph form in her hands and I could feel my magical talent instantly analyzing it and I saw it as basically a blank piece of paper...

That was it... Devil Magic and its magical Glyphs for their spells were literally blank slates, it wasn't truly 'Imagination' based, but instead, it was taking the blank glyph and writing the story of the phenomenon that you desired to happen within the glyph with the more precise details and such making the glyph and spell more efficient on the devil's energy along with just being more stable.

That's how constructs worked! Well, that's how Sona made her constructs without just brute forcing their actions and providing them with some life.

So as Momo continued to explain the methods of magically inscribing my will and desire upon the glyph and creating whatever damn magical phenomenon I desired I realized the more esoteric the magic or just how out of the world's natural state the glyph was trying to force into reality the more costly the magic was going to be as even just showing five examples of true imagination based magic of creating a small moving ice horse made Momo sweaty and breath heavily with her matching pink bra slightly showing through her shirt due to her exhaustion.

"So yeah, although Devil Magic is insanely versatile and no real limits have been found to it really as we can resurrect people and even travel to the different supernatural realms with ease... Its cost is insanely prohibitive and thus low and mid-rank devils typically rather only use weapons or something to channel their magic as the cost is just..." She shook her head and took a deep breath visibly gaining back her energy...

But I was fucking different, to say nothing of my lewd perks that gave me a whole extra mana core that could store lewd energy to be used for magic or whatever I wanted. But with my magical talents I could already see ways of using my magician's contract to bind our magic together and should we use a devil spell, with her providing the canvas, myself the contents, and both of us working together, we could perform a devil imagination based spell at more than five hundred percent efficacy...

I bit my lip taking in her sweating form and after a moment I decided to say fuck it and speak out my thoughts aloud. "Couldn't you divide up the task of creating and maintaining the glyph with someone else providing the spell matrix and then combining the two people's magic to enhance the whole process?" I asked and she froze at my question before wryly smiling.

"Yes... And that's why we do magician contracts but if a mistake were to happen between the people then their combined magic would make the glyph explode with the combined energies and more with their energies combining into a denser form." She explained wryly and I wanted to screech that, she was wrong... I wanted to pull a Sheldon and literally call her a dingus for doing her math wrong but that was just the magic snob coming out of me so I simply took a breath and held a hand to her.

"Momo, can we try something real quick?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow before chuckling cutely as she blushed slightly.

"Oh Jake, we haven't formed a contract so I cannot do much but alright." She said with a bit of flirting in her voice as she reached out with her pale hand and as our hands connected and our hands intertwined lewdly in a parody of hand-holding even she blushed deeper as our bodies connected with our hands I forged a connection between our very souls and then I held out my other hand flat in front of her.

"Hold out your hand Momo," I said calmly as I went into a trance and she likewise went into a trance as our souls seemingly mingled together in a mental space, and then between our flat palms that aimed at each other a spark of something was born. Loud crackling rang out but our bodies were still and then in unison, those flat palms gently met together, and all the energy we created solidified, and as we came out of our trance a thumb-sized sapphire that matched Momo's eyes were left in her hand that made her eyes bulge at seeing it.

I couldn't help but chuckle seeing her gobsmacked expression at the fucking gem we made together so just to be cheeky I leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek so our mana would noticeably refuel at the affectionate gesture making her entire face twist into dozens of expressions as I stood. "Thank you for the informative lesson Momo, I truly enjoyed your teachings. But I need to go catch up with Sona and Lady Leviathan probably." I said cheerfully as Momo went bright red and squeaked in embarrassment as I closed the door to the room behind me.



Do you guys want a pic of Momo?


Yes been awhile since I've seen anything of dxd


Just throw Azazel an Ajuka at Earth Bet for 6 months to analyze the EB's with Dimension Lost user and they should have all the Info they need (with the MC info on how they work) to put them down or in their case come up with a way to Hack them if you give them a year (at most). They would love that opportunity, would be a difficult fight but if all else fails worst you can do is always throw Sirzech an Shiva at them. See how they deal with walking talking Conceptual Destruction. Or try dropping them in the Dimensional Gap for Great Red to practice on Or drop Ophis on them. All nuclear options but they do solve the problems though getting all the humans off of that Earth would be just the logistical issue which is probably much easier to solve.


An interesting interaction would be if he copied Ddraig ability of Penetration which ignores defense an attacks you, or Albions Reduce. Though I imagine that Vali an his team would love to be thrown at any EB for the Training as would Rias Cousin an the Older folks can use that to gather Data while the Young one get up to Par. I Imagine that Serafall, Katerea, an Grafiya( she an Ice mage so would have fun) would all love to throw down with Levi just to show him what a true Leviathan can do. Thinking about it the various endbringers can be used as a why of Training for the MC and the Girls but also an another cast you want to add


Cao-Cao would love Earth Bet as the best training ground for the Hero Faction but also would think it interesting in that if her "faction" can't take these monsters they would never be able to help with GR.


Also a very good idea... And with Ddraig there learning penetrate wouldn't be that hard


The Devil Forces with Endbringer Siege Units


Or you can mind control Eidolon with magic and switch EB to friendly mode.


May or may not work since I believe all he did was active them an give them their initial orders but after that they where just working off regular programming. They where always supposed to wake up but it was supposed to be much later in the cycle an one at a time.

Daniel Foley

Dear Author-san, Can you please add the Tags for this chapter. Thanks.


Ddraigs Penetrate abilities conceptual ability to ignore all defences is what he needs

Alexander Brown

Maybe he can subdue them by offering them up as familiars to the Satans. Serafall can take leviathan, Ajuka can take behemoth to study it and Falbium can take the Simurg to make it do his job for him