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The mood was somber as we arrived back at base and once we arrived back at base I was pushed in front of the intercoms to obviously give a speech as for whatever reason some drones were streaming the events of the battle back to the school to watch. So now everyone was freaking out.

I didn't have time to think, I didn't have time to make plans I just spoke frankly as I knew our options were only one choice in reality. We needed to flee.

There was literally not a single thing I could do to kill that monster as my Karmic Battery was well and truly emptied and I wasn't getting much off the simple continued survival of these people. So with the Japenese Military all but defunk and already fucking gone to the less populated and more easily controlled islands like Guam or Hawaii I knew there was nothing to be done here.

Hell, there was literally no reason to actually stay here now at this point with my inability to even deal with an Ogre to say nothing of an Abomination that was Kaiju sized and bigger than a damned sports stadium.

"I did the best I can do, even if all you finally unlock your aura we will not be able to kill that massive monster... But the Devil Worm and these other contagions do in fact have a major weakness." I spoke up and then explained how freezing temperatures would freeze the worms and the zombies.

"So I say we try to commander a cruise ship or something and then we leave for Alaska or something. You people have some skills in reading English and there is actually decent amounts of food to be found in Alaska especially if we go prepared for a prolonged stay." I said and everyone's eyes lit up as they also understood that such a stupidly rural area also wouldn't have any of the zombies as well. So long as we didn't just land in a major city or something.

I took a deep breath and I wryly smiled as I spoke. "Look, we are all alive, and hell imagine living on a cruise ship for a couple of weeks as we sail over the ocean!" I said trying to bring some excitement to these people matters like the ships needing fuel, or actually controlling the ship were set to the wayside as one Hirano with his Semblance could probably somewhat control the ship with his weapon merging semblance, and two we just needed a bit of a mental victory right now after this flop of an expedition.

So with a destination of sorts picked out, we got into the nitty-gritty details, like acquiring supplies for some two thousand people, finding an appropriate ship, and such. But before we could continue Yuriko Takagi spoke up. "Due to the fact that commercial planes cannot be used due to us not having an actual pilot or crew to operate it. A small cruise ship that we could just point in the right direction and have Jake beach wherever we wish with some of his Earth manipulations would be for the best type but we obviously would still need a crew for such a large ship." She spoke frankly and I nodded.

We obviously needed to leave Tokyo Japan somehow, so getting a commercial plane that could take some six to eight hundred of us in a single trip would be perfect. But flying a massive commercial plane, fueling and prepping it was beyond us.

Sure we could go into the countryside but this was literally the capital of Japan, for the next dozens of miles in any direction there would be literally millions of zombies between us and true wilderness away from the major population centers... Just leaving Japan was our best bet.


Once my speech and the discussion were dealt with I retreated back to my room with Hina, Yuriko, and Seako in tow to relax with our snuggly human 'pet' that I ended up naming Aurora.

But while I was just talking to the girls I was thinking about things bigger than actually taking all these people out of Tokyo at least. I was obviously considering what in the world I needed to do in order to actually get to the next world basically. But almost in answer to my frantic thoughts as I brushed my hands through Aurora's soft silvery white hair I heard a powerful extremely clear voice speak within my head.

[Actually, you already did what I wanted you to accomplish, you made the most important souls survive for the month I needed you to keep those souls alive. Killing zombies or monsters was never the goal of this mission as you had zero conceivable methods of killing that Abomination in any simulation I could imagine unless you decided instead of going for Aura and Chakra and somehow managed to get something like the Eyes of Death Perception.]

The voice of my alternate spoke to me and my face went slack as time seemingly slowed and my girls froze in place. [You will toil and rail against these breaking worlds but except for some worlds in which the apocalypse is some kind of demon or eldritch monster, you cannot fight to save them... You must merely endure my alternate.] My alternate consoled and then I finally was able to speak as his power seemingly isolated itself from my form.

"So what happens now and what happens with my friends?" I asked as I definitely wanted to bring some of these people with me though frankly, I wanted to leave many behind as they were kinda deadweights who could only survive with people hand guiding them.

My alternate didn't respond for a moment and then he finally did with his voice coming off with a grin I could all but feel aimed at me. [Dude I wasn't going to separate you from your ladies... My fellow Jake's are pissed enough at me for throwing you through this gauntlet and if I actually kept you away from the harem that you collect in these breaking-down worlds then I wouldn't be surprised if I become the first Jake to get killed by another Jake.] He replied dryly and I could only sigh in relief and then my alternate spoke again and I felt relief fill me at his words.

[Alright Jake so here is how it's going to go. I have the world's pillar souls locked down and copied along with the essence of the world so tomorrow night I am going to pull you and your friends from this world and then I am going to rewind this world several millennia before getting rid of the Devil Worm so the world can play out as it's supposed to with the heroes eventually settling down and making a new life after the zombie virus dies out... So enjoy the night with your ladies and get your friends to agree. As you are going to My Hero Academia but the world got fucked due to the Quirk Singularity Theory reaching fruition far sooner than it should.]

Then with that monologue finished my alternate visibly left my mind and as time seemed to resume I flinched as Aurora's head finally out of stasis bumped into my stomach because I stopped petting her head making the blind, deaf, and mute girl seek out my affection.

Soooo how do I celebrate graduating my first death world with three almost obscenely large-breasted women who were ready to do the do?



So, with conditions cleared, celebrate and take the ladies and leave? Not bad at all.


Hm, Quirk Singularity theory...can i assume its about creatures from the void or a higher dimension invading or something? Also, im hoping he gets Fuyumi Todoroki, Mandalay, Ryukyu and/or Itsuka Kendo there. Bubble Girl is cool too. :v


No its a canon thing in MHA where they consider how quirks are getting stronger and will destroy the world at some quirks. Like Hero 13 who creates blackholes... So quirks are much stronger and drugs like Trigger is much more effective with the quirks inner sentience growing in power with drugs and training... Literally turning into bio cultivation now that I think about.


Here's to hoping the busty sniper shows up in the next few hours


No Shizuka??

Big ToFu

He could take that abomination with dust release, sand release, resengan, there are multiple chakra abilities he could take that abomination down with. He just needs the time to grow. Honestly, I'm surprised Kirin didn't kill it, the thing dies in the game from bullets and explosions because there sure isn't any other way to kill the thing.


No it died because some scientist used a Deus Ex Machina of super distilled chemicals that broke apart its biological elements. It took that scientist months to make the chemicals over in America. So there's no way to get it over to Japan and he simply doesn't have the chakra to do that stuff at all. He only has the chakra of a genin and the only reason he was able to use Kirin was by emptying his Karmic Battery.

Big ToFu

Ginin levels of chakra is rather low isn't it. He started with above average intellect which is yin and he has way above average physical energy which is yang. I would expect chunin at the least. But I get it, he has nothing in the tank to take that beast down, well guess its time to cheat outrageously since he has been playing it safe a lot of the time. Wonder if the monster would enjoy lava bucket meal.


That is an option but the point of this world was to keep a number of people alive. Not kill monsters. Hence why he was going to leave, before his patron rang the bell.


whats the name of the story for the next world ?


Was still going to be apocalypse in MHA but no one has commissioned it 😞


Well if he got arc of embodiment to literally create cheats out of his ass or all fiction to make all wrom or undead related shit become that a fictional thing that never existed if that guy from madoka box can literally make the colors of the world he lives not be real and foce that reality to make it happen wich turn the colored manga into black and white then erasing a few things wouldnt have been a problem