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I had completed gods great work... I mind broke the already crazy Salem into a puddle of mewling flesh after reversing the corruption of the Darkness Pools that once stained her. And with Salem out of the way, and everything else taken care of. It was getting close to the time for me to move on from this world honestly.

From becoming sober and realizing I was balls deep in Salem of all women I just kept summoning water to keep myself hydrated and she still had her immortality so we fucked for literally three days with me using all kinds of elemental magic to enhance her pleasure and by the third day she had mentally broken and I knew she wasn't going to be an issue for Remnant now.

Or in her her words... 'Ozma who?'

Maybe it was a terrible thing for me to do... That is cucking an immortal body snatcher who couldn't keep his wife happy and ended up fighting with said wife in such a powerful battle that their children died almost certainly by his hand and thus basically bringing a slow apocalypse to the world? Yeah fuck Ozpin, I will happily keep the housewife Salem who just wants kids to adore and if he gets pissy about it he can choke on it.

Already Salem was draped over my chest with her long blond hair and angelic light-filled wings also covering most of my upper body and she was mindlessly humming as she looked up to me with her eyes that had changed from black and red to white and blue.

There was no stress in her eyes, there was no simmering anger, and there was no more of that hatred for the world, humanity, or even the gods. I had filled that gaping hole of hate and spite inside of her heart with so much cum that I made it utterly clear that she had fucking quadruplets on the way so she better clean up her act.

"Salem, are you ready to leave this world and go to a new one?" I asked softly as I looked up from Salem's ocean blue eyes that were locked onto my face from her position upon laying on my chest.

She hummed in thought and I shivered at the feeling of her thin fingers traying up my sides she was thinking of her answer before she finally spoke with her voice coming out as a husky whisper. "The real question is whether you are ready Jake Barriss... I may have lost a bit of my hatred for this world that has caused me so much pain. But such pain has not reached you and do you truly wish to leave without having completed your school year and your forces of Yorha haven't even rebuilt all their forces since your last transfer?" Salem questioned in turn showing her mental wisdom.

My face twitched as I realized how even with the small conversations I had with her over the last three days she had most definitely compartmentalized the information I spoke of and she being literally several thousand years old wasn't new to the matters of statesmanship.

'Yeah her words are a bit too on the money, I would most certainly in fact like to finish the school year, and you know... Hold my very own kid that Weiss is pregnant with.' I thought wryly before sighing with my arms tightening around Salem's waist with her large wings twitched dragging their soft feathers across my arm with the motion.

Finally, after a moment of just snuggling with Salem, I spoke up. "Your right... YoRHa needs to build up its forces as I have no idea what world I will be going to next." I said wryly before shaking my head. "That and I want my team at Beacon to at least complete a school year before I take them on some kind of crazy adventure." I finished already with my plan firming in my mind as to the course of action.

Let YoRHa build up its forces and I would be slaughtering Grimm wholesale to strengthen my Guardian so I could create a massive portal to bring whatever forces and logistics to this world I would be going to. While I also got to have fun with my teammates...

I wasn't blind, I knew Pyrrha, and Ruby was into me and with how more open-ended relationships were here in Remnant, I knew they wouldn't object to dating me at the same time. Jeanne was already mine in all but name as my unlocking of her aura and her aura sharing with me, she was just waiting for me to make the first move.

"Do you plan to get rid of the Darkness Pools as well?" Salem questioned and at her words, I froze as I fucking realized the error of my thinking... The Grimm pools were literally distilled conceptual darkness that formed the Grimm that would periodically come out of them. I could just let my guardian absorb the pools of darkness slowly to see how it went.

"I have some uses for them," I said wryly and she snorted but then she shifted to sit on the edge of the bed before she paused as she obviously had something on her mind.

"Just... Get rid of them soon, I don't want to think of them anymore." She whispered softly and then she attempted to get up. That's right attempted to get up

Didnt matter that she was immortal, I literally mind-broke her sweet ass for several days, if she could walk, I would drag her blond ass back to bed as I obviously didn't do a good enough job.

So as Salem blushed like a newlywed wife I gave her some aftercare by levitating her into the bathroom and helping clean her of the exertions of the last three days.

But finally, my funeral bells rang as my Scroll went off and I froze at the caller ID which was automatically answered by the traitor YoRHa Operator units. "Jake Barriss, where the hell are you!" Weiss demanded and then continued with her pale face turning red with frustration.

"You literally drunk fucking teleported away to the other side of the world and then had your scroll on silent, so come back home please." Weiss finished with a bit of pleading in her voice and my eyes softened at the petite white-haired beauty on the other end of the video call.

"Alright Weiss I just got caught up in some stuff, I will be back in a couple of minutes," I assured her and then the call got cut off as Salem leaned over my shoulder with her large milf breasts pushing into my back as she rested her chin on my shoulder and then her hand went past my side and then with an audible click Salem pressed the hang-up button on my scroll.

"If you only have a couple of minutes then I best make this quick for you Jake," Salem whispered and then she moved to lay beside me so her head would go over my lap and I realized this drunk booty call was probably the best idea I ever had.



I am going to try to wrap up the RWBY section now, So we can get to Halo or Mass Effect, Idk I need to flip a coin or someone can weigh in on the coin's weight to change my decision.


Halo, must acquire the digital booty


Cortona's reaction to all the smut YoRHa has of the MC fucking androids


YoRHa would shoot first, ask questions later. Especial should they land on Shanxi during the invasion.


Very true but YoRHa nor RWBY have much if any space faring capabilities beyond going to and from space bases / satellites. So they will need to work on that I guess.

Iori Daemona Angel

This makes more sense to go to a lower level setting with space capabilities first, not Halo, personally I would go to an anime world with spaceships and stuff like Tenchi Muyo world.

Iori Daemona Angel

Fuck yeah, and steal the Samus booty, you can steal the space federation's technology there and adapt it to your Nier stuff.


Hell yeah, plus fucking no one does Metroid despite Samus being one of the hottest characters and her tech once converted and simplified into some power armor that's enhanced with Aura... Chefs kiss

Iori Daemona Angel

Excellent, I will leave you to it, glad to have become a sounding board, build up organically to your level of tech, don't go to the other settings which will demanded high level resources, politics and force of arm yet. Develop your tech, your finance, and look for a way to breach universe without your magic. Then you can start putting up your armies to setting like Mass Effect and Halo.

Wrath of Vajra

Halo all the way, my childhood memories in the glory days of the Xbox 360, and add to the fact of Yorha androids teaming up with UNSC, if not the Spartans themselves, integrating their technology together to give humanity an edge agaisnt the Covenant. That is of course assuming ONI doesn't try to fuck Jake over first and earning the wrath of all his girls in the process.


Salem ftw! Funny that she is the voice of reason, but then again. She is the patient one

Colin Poitra

I agree with Wrath of Vajra, nothing would be cooler than Nier Androids cutting the Covenant to pieces.


The prime issue is that if Jake goes to Mass Effect, I highly doubt Yorha is going to allow him to consort with some random aliens, no matter how hot they are. Maybe he can convince them by saying he's just spreading his superior genes to the unwashed alien masses?

Jironimo Ross

I just hope androids are more at the forefront.


Yeah RWBY girls are going to be taking a back step in the next scenes.

Wrath of Vajra

Idea: What if you have Commander White wear the same way like Samus Aran does? knowing the combat capabilities of Yorha Androids and since Commander White would pass off an identical twin to Samus, should White and the Master Chief fought together, you have a callback of Haloid made by Monty Oum himself (RIP).

Digital Hammer

I am sorry to bother you over this but I wanted to start the nier story but it only goes back to chapter 28 are chapters 27-1 in a different place?


Yeah they are on my Webnovel or Questionable Questing. WB here https://www.webnovel.com/book/a-new-hope-nier_22095739106476605/chapter-1_59312802120126568