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The city of Fuyuki was a burnt-out hellhole. Which with the context of knowing the town having been burnt to the ground by the grail war that happened here and tainted by the god of all the world's evil? Yeah, it made sense that every breath of this place reminded me of my stint in Hell.

"More skeletons on the way!" Mash yelled and I grimaced at the poor remains of the townspeople that ambled toward us armed with spears, swords, and even bows and arrows made out of bones.

Wordlessly I flexed my spiritual power and the necrotic power filling the skeletons with a disgusting parody of life was blown out like a candle making the skeletons just collapse to the ground. "Such necromancy is disgusting." I couldn't help but sneer as the tainted magic that clung to the skeletons was offensive to me as a soul-like being.

"Woah, how did you do that!" Ritsuka asked as Mash staggered at the sight of the small horde of a couple of dozen armed skeletons just collapsed to the ground.

For a moment I considered how to answer until I shrugged. "I don't like necromancy so I forced out the cursed magic that was filling their frames leaving their remains to go back to rest," I answered somberly as I noticed one of the skeletons was actually child-sized...

I frowned as my Pesquisa pinged off a stronger soul moving our way, "Mash, cover the squishy girls we got company." I said looking up towards one of the neighboring buildings and atop it was a woman shrouded with her hood drawn over her head but her eyes glowed with a pearlescent shimmer through the hood.

"Don't even look at her eyes, as she is Medusa," I said wryly, I knew she heard me as she blinked and I felt her petrification focus on me exclusively making me chuckle as it didn't do squat to my innate magic resistance and durability as a hollow.

For a moment I considered if I should go after her or stay and protect Ritsuka and Olga... But I remembered Mash was literally a shielder class servant somehow. So without another second, I used a Sonido that made me blur at such a speed that not even Medusa was able to react as I all but teleported into the air above her. And with a loud cracking noise, I lowered my heel in an axe kick that collided with her shoulder, and the concrete lip of the building she was standing on shattered as I kicked her through it.

"Bastard!" She cursed as one of her arms went lame at my kick utterly pulverizing her shoulder and that side of her collar bone but with her monstrous constitution she survived the alpha strike and I hastily had to dodge her hooked spear that I knew to be Harpe. Sure I was much physically more potent than most if not all base Servant but their noble phantasms were bullshit with the conceptual shit they could do.

Like Harpe where it prevents whatever is harmed by the spear from healing.

My sword God-Killer was the same as it did its best to prevent the enemy from healing and attacking the enemy's soul directly while helping me fight by contorting its size and shape to accent my fighting style.

"Dammit Medusa, why didn't you just keep away," I muttered wryly as she was one of my favorite servants honestly and at my words, she snorted and form glowed with purple power as she augmented her bodies strength, and the asphalt of the road we fell onto shattered sending rocks everywhere as Medusa became stupidly fast and came in for a dropkick with both of her legs impacted my braced arms in front of my chest.

But I was a fucking Vasto Lorde, who could match Superman... I took her kick to the chest with a grunt as the force of her kick broke past my guard of arms and as her glowing legs burst with light to even further explode her strength to kick me away I took a lesson I learned from fighting Wonderwoman and tilted to the side and grabbed her kicking legs by the knee's and then used both her own speed and my own turn to use her legs as a lever to smash her face first into the ground.

"You ready to be a friend?!" I yelled as I smashed her again into the ground and purple lasers shot out of her eyes colliding with my body and turning my clothes to stone that broke apart but my skin remained untainted by her petrification bullshit. "Alright, I am going to knock the corruption out of your head Medusa Haha." I chuckled as I tried the Naruto approach of just beating the fucking friendship into someone as I smashed Medusa head first into the ground by using her very nice long legs as a lever to control her body.

A half dozen slams later when I brought her up for another concrete shattering slam she went to stab me with the spear that she summoned back into her hand and saw the flash of light. I let go of her mid-way through pulling her up violently, so even as she spun through the air but she still managed to strike at me with a spear I blocked the spear with God Killer but before I could continue in my desire to beat some friendship into Medusa the other girls got to the other side of the road from where I kicked Medusa through the building to start the fight.

Even as I tried to find a way to disarm Medusa from her scary-ass spear so I continue beating the friendship into her I heard Olga yell out. "Servant! Quit playing and kill her before more enemy Servants come here!" She roared and my eye twitched at her thinking she could fucking order me around so I let Medusa's spear skate across my hierro enhanced arm creating sparks at the hardness of my flesh and as she flinched at doing nothing to me I dropped my Hierro so I could Sonido forward a meter and with a loud cracking noise my fist smashed into her face.

I drove that fist forward and downwards, so as she fell backward I slammed the back of her head into the road with her head rebounding back into my fist again as I fell onto her stunned form. "I'm sorry Medusa, I hope to see you summoned later," I whispered as God Killer morphed into a knife and I swiftly ended her life by jamming it through the base of her neck into her skull making her body swiftly break down in golden motes of light as her Servant Container body couldn't take the abuse anymore with how corrupted it was.

But even with an anti-divine knife in her skull, I saw Medusa briefly smile before whispering something to me that I couldn't catch before the rest of her body broke apart into golden dust.

A hand clasped onto my shoulder and I heard Ritsuka speak as I stood up with a groan. "Blake you alright?" She asked softly and I wryly smiled.

"Yeah... I know Medusa a bit so killing her current form is a weight to the heart, you know." I explained with a frown and in response, Ritsuka gave me a tight hug around my side making me freeze at her sudden affectionate gesture.

But Olga wasn't having it as I could literally hear her heels tapping the ground as she put her hands to her side and stared at us impatiently. "Well?" She called out. "We need to get moving and Ritsuka, use your mana to fix his outfit... He is distracting." She said blushing slightly as Harpe did mess up my dragon hide outfit a bit but at her words getting my attention I focused on her and I smiled mischievously.

"Hey, Olga... I got a very important suggestion?" I asked with a smile with too many teeth and she gulped at the sight and before she could bluster out a response I continued. "Don't tell me what to do missy, or I will spank you as your father should have," I said cheerily she flushed in indignation while I just laughed and Ritsuka hid her face against my chest as Mash awkwardly wouldn't look at the tsundere rage bucket that was Olga.



Thanks for the chapter


Spankings ahoy for Olga in the future, i see. Lol

Wrath of Vajra

Spanking Olga right in that sexy backside? DEW IT!

Dragon Cross

I honestly think Olga just needs a good pounding lol