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Ritsuka Fujimaru was tired... No, forget that, she was beyond tired and instead feeling utterly defeated and hopeless. Her first damned new day on the job working at Chaldea after working so hard at the Magus Association and trying to live up to her mother's reputation, it got blown up and she got sent into some kind of death world with her new best friend/servant Mash.

"Master, are you alright?" Mash spoke as she sat next to her master and put down her large shield and in response, Ritsuka's eyes snapped open to the scowling face of her superior Olga Marie Animusphere who didn't look like she was happy at the silence being interrupted.

Rituska simply sighed and shook her head with her light orange hair moving with the motion but before she could say anything to assuage her Servant a loud beeping noise came up and Ritsuka for the first time in the last couple of hours smiled.

"Romani, you are alright!" Ritsuka cheered at the sight of the head doctor of Chaldea and even though the salmon pinked-haired man looked utterly exhausted he still smiled at the sight of the girls in seemingly good health.

"Yes, we just managed to get a lock onto your girl's location in this Singularity," Romani explained happily before shaking his head and trying to bring more focus to himself. "Mash, are you alright... Your life signs are." Romani trailed off and Mash nodded with a small smile.

"I see," Romani muttered before he was instantly grilled by the Director of Chaldea, Olga about the damage to Chaldea. "Ah... It's better to say what's not damaged as the bombs that were spread across the facilities were very thorough in destroying many of the core facilities of Chaldea but thankfully the labs due to 'her' were spared of any sabotage." Romani said cryptically making Ritsuka want to pipe up but she held in her desire as Olga spoke again.

"While you wasted so much time locking onto our location we had to deal with hostile monster attacks and now even worse there is psychobiotic Servant's fighting one another in this burnt-down husk of the city! Now Romani where is the grail so we can retrieve it and get out of this damned city."

But before Romani could speak, Ritsuka held up a hand with a wry smile drawing their attention. "Actually this is literally my hometown of Fuyuki... And remember my mother is Rin Tohsaka, with my family's connection to the grail wars, I know this city's magical knowledge like the back of my hand." Ritsuka said wryly and Olga's face went through several twitches and turned from red to blue before going pale.

"That was in your file wasn't it..." Olga said quietly and Ritsuka slowly nodded while Olga hissed before she took a visible breath Romani's head sunk towards his shoulders as he seemed to fear Olga's tsundere rage spiking and erupting like a volcano. "I see, in anycase after your abysmal showing in your first meeting and falling asleep during my speech I didn't bother to read your file beyond your name due to thinking you were going to be on the next helicopter back with your memories wiped," Olga said bluntly and Ritsuka only wryly smiled as she was well aware of what type of girl Olga was.

She was one of those terrible tsundere her father always warned her about... Her father mostly advised her to just take the verbal damage they put out and make sure to drown them in compliments and they will fall apart into putty in her hands... And if they came from a cutthroat magus family they would melt into very affectionate puddles that would likely marry you to keep the secret of their weak moments.

That or kill you to keep their secrets.

"Ahem anyway!" Romani spoke up trying to interject more energy into the conversation. "You girls are really close to the local leylines and with Mashu's shield acting as a catalyst you guys can easily summon a Servant to help you guys!" Romani said with great fervor and Ritsuka raised an eyebrow before she looked at her absolute scrumptious demi servant Mash and then to Olga who wouldn't meet her eyes.

"It's just the standard Servant summoning chant right?" Ritsuka asked excitedly as this was the reason she joined Chaldea straight from her studies at the Clocktower... After the holy grail wars in Fuyuki were completely broken down and her parents came together all she dreamed of was summoning great heroes and walking in their steps!

Olga snorted and almost glared at Ritsuka who only tilted at her superior overreaction but at the sunset redhead's cute head tilt, Olga could only bite back her harsh words and say through gritted teeth. "Yes, it's still the same incantation. Do you know it exactly?" Olga asked with a sigh and although Ritsuka knew it by heart... She knew how her father wrangled a wild tsundere so she played ignorant.

"Uhmm yeah, I believe I do!" She said excitedly but she put on a troubled face as she looked pleadingly at Olga. "But Olga you are an accomplished mage from a storied family, could you help recite it to make sure I was taught properly," Ritsuka asked eagerly and guilelessly. And at her subordinate's heartfelt plea, Olga blushed and hurriedly recited the chant that Ritsuka knew by heart.

Then Mash left her shield on the ground but prepared herself in case up in case the summoned servant was hostile by standing right beside Ritsuka who spoke with her hopes of her entire childhood being fulfilled.

"Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation

Let blue be the color I pay tribute to! / Let my great MasterTohsaka be the ancestor!

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare.

Your body shall serve under me.

My fate shall be your sword.

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail

If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!

An oath shall be sworn here!

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell! " She chanted but as she reached the part of including evil servants in being in the dominion of Hell she felt a heat cover the form that made her shiver at the feeling but dauntless she continued and finished her chant.

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,

Come forth from the ring of restraints,

Protector of the Holy Balance!"

She finished with finality and a pillar of light formed atop her Mash's shield. As the smoke cleared and she used the inherent ability of all Masters to read their servant's stats and abilities her mouth flapped open. And she couldn't stop the words from escaping her mouth.

Parameters: Yes

Strength: A

Endurance: EX

Agility: B(more with Sonido)

Mana: EX

Luck: A+ or E


Class Skills:

-Existence Outside the Domain: EX

-Territory Creation: EX Creator of World

Personal Skills:

-Spiritual Existence(Soul King):

-Spiritual Predator(Demonic):

-Independent Existence: EX

-Lord of the Unfettered Winds: ?


God Killer: EX, A sword made out of materials beyond universal limits and has tasted the blood of gods and perfectly augments the user's strength, and will protect the user on its own accord due to being partially sentient.

Devourer: In the depths of his hunger, he has eaten entire hell planes and supped upon gods flesh, all magical energy within the user will be absorbed and likewise will passively absorb the world's mana to fuel the user's container without mana from a master.

"Holy shit... You are hot too?!" She cried out taking in the man who was clad in armored black and red scale-like leather armor and at her words golden slitted eyes snapped open and she realized the inhuman being in front of her had all but teleported in front of her with those same golden eyes seemingly staring into her amber ones and all she could do was blush under the weight of the pure curiosity in the eye of the Servant she summoned.


Bob Smith

Hell yeah


Was he summoned as a foreigner? (I vaguely remember existence outside the domain being a foreigner skill or maybe the skill of a specific foreigner?) I mean that would make sense all things considered but I'm curious what other Classes would he qualify for in your opinion?


Yes he qualifies as Saber, Berserker, and Caster with his territory creation.


Hmm, yeah. They make sense, thanks! And another question does he currently have any connection to his relm like a reality marble or is he mostly disconnected from it due to only being part of his soul?


Yeah he has lost all connection to that inner world but he retains that spark of creation in his territory creation. Gaia would throw a fucking fit if a stable world decided to just slap it's metaphorical cock on her face and say "Whelp here I am and here I am staying!"


Hmm, I see! Thank you for explaining! I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out!


This boutta be some good shit right here boiis


Hmm..just realized, but do ya have a pic for Hollow Jake? Also God damn! Those stats are bullshit! But that's to be expected with the help of Alaya lifting restrictions. If not for his ability to function without a master, the mana drain would suck Ritsuka dry in seconds. xD


No unfortunately I do not have a picture for him though maybe I should try and talk to some people and get one. But yeah without his skills to reduce if not null his mana cost just for existence he would drain Ritz dry let alone should he fight



Dragon Cross

Wouldn’t FGO/Bleach be a better choice for a name


Is this story about his ripped out soul part? Or will og jake come in?


Is Ritsuka bi? This is before she goes crazy cause of Gacha?

Goddess of Victory

since this a sequel to DC/Hollow, should that one be read first? or can I jump into the FGO one without missing much?