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"Uh, I thought making water into ice wasn't a big deal magically speaking?" I spoke wryly and Sona looked about ready to smack me over the head but even as I said that I felt my Magic Core's influence on my mind telling me that. 'No you buffoon, magical ice is very much different from normal water and the Sitri water manipulation isn't just smacking people with water constructs.'

"Does this ice mean something special?" I asked and she tiredly nodded as she pinched her nose.

"Yes... Higher levels of ice magic take a certain kind of magical density that only certain people have. With my big sister being the only one in my clan specializing in all use of water magic capable of using higher level ice magic." She groaned before her face lit up with her chuckling.

"Well, I suppose I cannot fault Rias for her luck if I just randomly picked you up like she picks up gems of peerage members," Sona muttered slightly and I chuckled awkwardly as Momo Hanakai a white-haired beauty raised her hand to get Sona's attention.

"Uhm President, remember Miss Rias found him first after just recruiting another boy into her peerage that was killed by those fallen... She just let him slip out from between her fingers." She said weakly as a vein popped up on Sona's head the heiress of the Sitri clan took a breath before flatly speaking.

"Momo go file the budgets for all the clubs." She ordered and when Momo said she already did it, Sona just stared at the white-haired woman before she nervously chuckled and buried her face into some other 'paperwork'.

"Anyway, I already sent a message to my sister Serafall Levithan, to come here at her earliest convenience," Sona spoke aloud to everyone in the room. "Now I am going to introduce you as my contracted magician that way she won't be able to just try to throw you out of the room so she can embarrass me in front of my Peerage. But I still want you to show my sister respect despite her attitude and bearing as she-" Sona tried to continue but the door to the large wardrobe was blasted off its hinges from within, sending the large wooden door flying threw the meeting room and embedding itself into a wall.

"Sona! Don't say anything mean things about meee!" I heard a feminine cry of anguish and then falling out of the wardrobe while being completely entangled by the Kuoh school uniforms was Serafall Levithan... Who literally flashed me her panties as she fell to the ground being tangled up in the uniforms.

Even as Serafall stood up and divested herself of the dozen off Kuoh ladies' uniforms that she got entangled into I was taking in her form that was clad in some kind of magical girl outfit. She had long midnight black hair done in twin tails that trailed down her back, and a bodily frame that looked soft with her larger breasts but unlike Akeno and Rias, their size wasn't almost obscene and made you wonder how they could walk downstairs without falling due to the poor weight distribution.

"Sister..." Sona groaned honestly sounding utterly defeated as she continued to speak. "Why are you in the closet?" She asked with her tone suggesting she knew exactly why she was in the closest.

"Hmph, your big sister was making sure you were fine with the evil Fallen Angels flying around so I was listening in... And what did I hear?" Serafall spoke with the pitch of her voice rising as she sniffled. "My most beloved Sona, my twinkling star in my eyes was saying how I was an embarrassment to her new peerage member... Who is a boy no less!" Serafall almost seemed to wail at the end.

Serafall began sniffling loudly as Sona just whined and covered her face in her hands to hide her embarrassment as Serafall continued to speak. "Where is my magical girl Sona-Tan that would smite all evil Angels and swore to marry me so we could have the pure yuri love only fellow magical girls could have!"

Sona's head met the thick wooden table of her desk repeatedly as though she was hoping if she hit her head hard enough on the table, this fever dream would pass away when she got a concussion.

"And you!" Serafall roared turning to me and pointing at me dramatically and I felt the temperature in the room drop. "How dare you accept my darling Sona's offer of peerage! Now her peerage isn't a pure magical troop in the making!" She roared and I raised an eyebrow before chuckling making Serafall pout.

"Lady Serafall," I said trying to be respectful but she waved her hand in front of herself.

"Nope, you are a member of my darling Sona's peerage so just call Sera-Tan!" She said excitedly and I smiled wryly but continued.

"Ah... Well anyway Serafall, I am Sona's contracted magician, and if anything can't I be like Tuxedo Mask in Sona's magical life." At my words Serafall clutched her chest, her hand cupping her large breast as she staggered in place and shook her head in virulent denial.

"No never! No dashing man in a tuxedo is going to steal my Sona... Wait you watched magical girl shows as well!?" She asked excitedly and as her eyes literally shone with twinkling stars in her pupils I decided to flip the entire board.

With a flourish of mana, I created a rainbow of spatial mana and I grinned as Serafall's eyes bugged out as different magical signatures came through the portal that would only partly connect to other worlds.

"Yup, I just got my bargain bin planeswalker powers and ended up here." I said bluntly Serafall was a powerhouse of magical might and could clearly tell the portal I opened led to differently spiced worlds of magic as I ever slightly connected to the worlds of Sailor Moon, Madoka Magica, and other worlds that had a magical girl theme.

As the girls stared at the portal of light I continued. "I do not watch Magical Girl shows... I can literally go to their worlds and... But I am a bit too weak to go to other worlds as they can be scary." I said weakly with Serafall chuckling at my admission before she frowned.

"Then what world are you from and why did you come here?" She asked with serious weight to her voice and I shrugged.

I honestly didn't know why I focused on DXD when I could have literally gone to RWBY or any number of other worlds where I could get more systematic combat training... Hell, I could have gone to any of those low-fantasy combat school animes that were just shallow excuses for harem shenanigans.

"My world is a hellhole that is being used by autistic outer gods in order to find the cure for entropy so I need to train and become more powerful so I can shank them with some kind of conceptual death beat stick..." I said bluntly summing up my missions and kill list I got for my powers that I needed to complete within the next ten-odd years.

I much rather die against the Entities of Worm and thus fail my end of the contract than fail because of refusing to hold up my end of the bargain and thus get my soul yoinked into primal hell and get tortured an eon before my soul is let go.

For a moment the girls looked like they were going to utterly refuse believing my words and then I just remade the ice lotus in my hand and Serafall's eyes snapped to it and her eyebrow twitched and she all but teleported beside me and laid a hand on my shoulder.

"Your mana amount is too small to be able to use the Sitri ice... How are you doing this."  She muttered letting go of my shoulder to inspect the ice lotus.

"Because as a bargain bin planeswalker, I can use whatever the hell magic I want even if it's bloodline magic. I only have to have it explained to me in great detail, or like what Sona did. By giving me a tiny seed of the magic within myself to use it, its like I was born with it." I explained and she stood there with her eyes staring past me like she needed to reset her mind from the nonsense I spoke.

"Soooo" She drawled off. "Let's say I believe you about all this, I just have one question." She said leaning towards my face and in doing so I got to see down the cut of her magical dress shirt showing off her ample handful-sized breasts.

"Take me to the world of Madoka Magica... I have a monster I wish to kill and magical girls to save." She ordered and in response I opened another portal and pushed more mana into it but even as the portal faintly showed the image of what looked to be some kind of wacky witches realm I couldn't recognize but Serafall could as she gasped. But the portal snapped shut as I gagged at the foul feeling of the corrupted mana and energy coming through the portal.

"I can't make a safe portal for another week due to my powers being limited... You can look into these different worlds but we can't go there for now." I explained with my senses still rebelling against the foul energy of the corrupted witches' realm.

"Seekivara with her mecha fetish is going to hunt you down probably," Sona said and I looked over and saw how her and her peerage members themselves looked unsettled at the feeling that came out of the portal.

But before I could respond to that bit Serafall clapped her hands loudly gathering my attention to her and then as I looked at her. Her hands clasped themself on my shoulders and she smiled blindingly at me. "Ok Jake Barriss, with the dowry present of a peerage of magical girls I can recruit, I accept you as Sona's contracted magician! Don't worry I won't smother with you a pillow in your sleep for training my precious Sona haha." She said happily chuckling as she let go of me and winking while sending me a thumbs up as though a promise making me nervously chuckle.

"Well, it's been a day, to say the least..." I said leadingly and Sona nodded looking over to Momo Hanakai,

"Momo take Jake to one of the spare bedrooms we have in the council building and get him a male Kuoh uniform so he can wash up." Sona told her subordinate who gratefully got up from her extra paperwork and escorted me from the room.



Is DXD going to be his hub world? Also is he gonna let Serafall travel to other magical girl worlds for free?


Yes the hub world, and as for Serafall it's most certainly not free lol. She is his unspoken beat stick that can and will freeze entire continents.


It would not be free after all she can and will kill him if he is a thread to her + more magic he can learn and madoka magic is all kinds off bullshit


He is probably going to get Ajuka showing up with all the Bribes possible asking to be taken to Magitech Worlds or to Scifi worlds that man love Magic and SCIENCE way to much to not want more (as the Shards say) DATA or want to study the Entities as will Azazel. Then there is Rias asking for Anime worlds, and as you said before Seekvera and Love for all things Gundam (which Ajuka may want to vist). DxD is probably the best just for the fact that if you are upfront with those of Power they will likely side with you if you have something to offer. Though he might be able to solve the Entity probably by just tossing Ophis at the problem by telling her she can get silence if she just beats up one of them then all she has to do is wipe out everything in that Dimension. Or just throw Trihexa at Scion on his home Dimension and have Ajuka make a barrier to stop them from escapeing they would probably solve themselves. Gabriel is probably going to ask if they can find a version of YHWH that either hasn't Died or one that would be willing to help revive their Father. So much fun things that can come from this


Yeah... You listed a lot of things that could happen though I have to focus on getting Serafall and Sona with the MC as the commissioner wanted lol.


That's fine I was just mentioning things that popped into my head as a Domino effect from the MC mentioning his power and what the beings from various factions would do in their character. But getting Waifu is always a top priority. But if you continue this after getting the girls those are somethings to make things interesting. Though I will mention that while Serafall would probably easily go for the MC with the proper incentives, Sona would likely be harder since she wants someone that while powerful her main Desire is someone that is Clever and Intelligent. So MC might want to focus on showing Cleverness an Intelligence to her, if he can get Sona, Serafall will likely be much easier to get as long as he has Power (she is a Devil an a Satan)


He can take them on a date in food wars


Yeah Sona is the harder target in all of reality. Because once Sona is hopping into the MC's bed, Serafall isn't too far behind.


The benefits to dxd devil magic is that they should be able to copy other Magic systems once they get an idea of how they work(as long as the Devil has the Power or Skill). Don't forget that while he may have Serafall he will probably also have Ajuka as well considering how much DATA he gives him access to. To Ajuka someone like the mc is basically the Holy Grail (pun intended) for getting Research gathering.


The amount of Devils or supernatural in general that would want to hire the Chefs of Food Wars or have them join their Peerage would be insane or try to go to Fate and Steal a Divine level Chef in Shirou.


You also could take them to Nanoha Strikers to appeal to both of them Magical Girl Theme and Nanoha is a Teacher and Combat Instructor the recruitment would be tricky but Hayate would be all for a powerfull trump card her superiors do not know about to help with the big bad not to mention Ajuka would love the math based Magic style or Serafal gets a Sidekick in form of a Unison device to help with Paperwork and Organisation + Vivio needs to be saved by Maou Shojo Serafall

Bob Smith

I feel like the world of the Irregulars would have been/is perfect to learn magic of different varieties, especially since their magic seems to work conceptually different to most other types of magic


True + Elemental Sight and Material Burst is Broken as Hell do not even start me on th bullshit that is regrowth and tatsuya and his sister are searching for a way to escape from the yotsuba and heal Tatsuyas Ability to feel emotion if i remember it right and Ajuka would love Tatsuya to bits for Research and new devices etc

Rauko the varment

heh a dowry of magical girls, what a hoot~.