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When the time for our pre-planned dinner rolled around I had already made a nice spread for dinner and plated up everything with some lids over the plates to keep them warm. And when a series of knocking rang out from my door I smiled as I walked over and as I opened it up I raised an eyebrow at the sight before me.

"Saya wasn't interested I am guessing?" I said holding an arm out to escort Yuriko into the room with her demurely striding in and I took in how she was wearing a form-fitting thin dress that clung to her fantastic curves in the best ways.

"Unfortunately she is more interested in power games with those Miku and Hina girls. But with how you so rudely dropped this invitation onto my lap I couldn't just refuse and make you waste food." She said pointedly and I chuckled as I pulled a chair for her and then took my own seat.

"Hmm like I said, I was more interested in ladies like yourself. Calm, assured of yourself, and more supportive of your partner than trying to jockey for position." I said and she sighed as she elegantly picked up the glass of wine I had set out for us to sample.

"Yes... That's the problem with this new generation. It's all too competitive rather than multiple people cooperating and working together to make a better situation for multiple to prosper. It's all about pushing someone to the top and taking down those around you to reach those heights." She grumbled before she took a sip of the wine and raised an eyebrow at the taste.

"Yeah, looting with the end of the world has some privileges in getting some of the best stuff if you know where to look." I said wryly and she chuckled sadly as she raised her glass in the air to my words.

"To the end of the world." She toasted and I matched her toast with my own glass and then we silently dug into the fried ravioli I made from scratch before I broke the silence after a couple of minutes.

For a moment I considered bringing up the mission tomorrow to clear out the mall but I shook that rather dangerous mission out of my head as I decided to just get to know Yuriko better. "So Yuriko, what kind of hobbies do you have?" I asked starting easy.

And Yuriko smiled softly as she spoke with her mind clearly imagining the memories. "Oh, I have always been a very busy lady. I came from a wealthy family that was steeped in traditions, so I was raised to be a traditional lady but with a spine of steel rather than just a demure lady that would fold under other men's pressure." She said that smile turning brittle for a moment before she chuckled as she in turn asked me a question. "And you Jake, what does a young man your age do here in Tokyo so far from your homeland of America."

For a moment I considered making up some bullshit about how I was just visiting for school reasons but I knew the moment I got taken from HOTD and sent off to the next world that, such lies would bite me in the ass if I was to take anyone from this world to the next one.

So in the end I decided to come clean a bit. "Well, before I literally got isekaied to this hellhole of a world, I used to play some video games in my spare time but my favorite hobby was cooking due to having taken culinary classes." I spoke nostalgically about the easy life I had back in my old world.

Sure having superpowers, a devoted girl who was obsessed with me to keep herself safe, and even a human snuggle pillow who I could do whatever I wanted with was awesome... But the weight of the group's total reliance on me to survive and the knowledge that this world was literally just the baby steps introduction to my jump chain of apocalypse worlds until my ascension was a fucking noose around my neck at times.

And I had no delusions about my group surviving without my intervention at the start, I knew for a damned fact that literally everyone in the school and the girl's school we raided and saved the people within should have died. As the news about the Devil Worms infection through drinking water and food simply didn't get out soon enough before seemingly 98% of everyone was already dead and turned.

To say nothing of how there were no immune people if you got any of the viruses or got infected with the devil worm that was it.

At my words, Yuriko snorted before she smiled wryly. "So you were reincarnated here or transmigrated?" She asked before continuing. "The students who are into manga were always swearing up and down that you were some cheat Gary Stu that came to fix our world by some weird god throwing you here... Though they tend to throw a fit when they inevitably come to how you somehow get laid in this world for some reason?" She said with some honest confusion in her words and then she lightly shrugged with her voluptuous breasts that were partly exposed from top opening in her dress bouncing with the motion.

"Yeah... In return for superpowers, I get sent to worlds that are fucked with no chance of survival without out-of-context help. And once I gain the powers to fix worlds with a flip of my wrists I will be free of this duty basically." I said wryly as that stipulation to this whole deal always tickled my fancy as when I had that power, I wouldn't even be duty-bound to keep fixing worlds and providing them more time for my patrons to reset them.

"So you plan to leave this world behind and those behind in it?" She asked raising an eyebrow but her voice had sharpened making me sigh as I stabbed my ravioli with a sigh.

"I am not sure... Each world will get more and more dangerous and although I will get a base that will follow me on my travels should I survive this world's trails. I don't even know if people will want to follow me to the next worlds." I finished as I placed my fork onto my napkin as I leaned back to stare at the ceiling above me.

A soft scraping noise rang out and in a moment Yuriko came into my vision with her purple hair trailing past her back as she softly cupped her chin as I looked up at the ceiling with her standing beside my chair.

Wordlessly Yuriko sat in my lap with her hands gently cupping my face in her elegant thin fingers and as her womanly frame settled onto my lap with my hands reflexively setting onto her hips.

"Jake... You stupid young man..." She whispered huskily into my right ear. "You will take responsibility for giving us hope, you saved our lives and we all have no delusions of our lives belonging to you. and even with your gift of the power in Aura we know damned well that without you farming that food and bunches of wheat in the soccer field for us to extend our supplies. We know we would be dying in droves acquiring supplies across the city." She said with her hands gently almost massaging my chin and the top of my throat.

"You are literally our messiah and we will follow you to another world with no questions asked as we are not nearly stupid enough to believe we will survive longer than a year without your protection and powers." She finished and then her dark amber-colored eyes closed as her face dipped low and our lips met with her voluptuous breasts pushing into my shirt and I could feel the hard nubs of her nipples in the center of her breasts pushing into my chest.

My hands slid down from her hips and then as my hands sunk into her plush backside she hummed into my mouth and her hips ground down into my lap earning an inhale from me.

While Yuriko continued grinding her dress-covered womanhood on my length I realized as I held her ass and a hand that came up to massage and cup her large soft womanly breasts, that the reason her dress fitted to her frame so naturally and beautifully was because she was wearing no underwear beneath the tight fitting dress so as my hand slipped into the dress and began playing with her breasts, there wasn't a bra or anything to get around.

Our lip lock broke apart with a small lewd smacking noise with her hazy amber eyes looking into my own as she whispered to me. "So will you take responsibility?" She whispered and even as my hands were playing with the definition of a milf's body I realized she meant not only taking responsibility for her as I would take her as my woman but she was meaning towards the group as well.

And as her thighs clenched around my waist I whispered in affirmation as I lifted Yuriko into the air carrying her across my classroom-turned bedroom to lay her on my bed. And after I laid her on the bed, her feminine smooth legs twisted as Yuriko seductively used a finger to slowly pull the hem of her long dress upwards until it bunched up around her waist unveiling her bare womanhood that glistened with the light fluorescent lights above us.

"Come, Jake, make me your woman." She whispered as I slipped out of my clothes and as I kneeled between her legs, hers snapped around my waist with her abdominal muscles flexing as her plush backside rested on my thighs as I pushed my manhood into her sodden depths.

She sighed at feeling my cock pushing through the walls of her womanhood and as my length bottomed out in her she smiled as the walls of her womanhood flexed around my length and I realized she had some talent in controlling her kegel muscles.

I knew she wasn't some blushing virgin so I bent down and with her dress removed, I sucked one of her stiff nipples into my mouth as I worked myself into her cunt with my stomach colliding with the bottom of her ass as I bottomed out with each thrust that made her motherly breasts bounce against my face.

"Are you going to take me, Jake?" She hissed as her legs tightened around me. "You bad conquering man, you stole this widowed mother from her castle and now you're going to seed her with foreign cum and make her birth your babies aren't you?" She whispered huskily and I remembered how her family and her old husband were part of the ultra-nationalistic section of Japan's government that wanted to grow Japan's power bloc in the world.

But hey if she wanted to cosplay Peach as I was pounding into her womanhood and had an impregnation fetish who the hell was I to complain as Hina didn't want any kids yet.

My mouth popped off the breast that had I was playing with and I smiled as my hand replaced my mouth on the opposite breath and began mauling with a hard massage as her thick plush ass smacked against my waist.

"Oh, should I give Saya, a sibling?" I asked and she tightened up making me chuckle as I continued to whisper. "Why does the thought of Saya calling me daddy make you tighter Yuriko." And she flushed in shame covering her face with her hands and at that I decided to have mercy and while I was buried in her womanhood I held her by her hips and flipped her onto her back so I could pull that thick ass into my waist with a sigh of delight.

"Yuriko from the moment I saw your ass swaying in that dress back at your estate hmm." I groaned as I slapped her ass making her yelp but with her Aura for better or for worse her flesh didn't bruise as I began a punishing speed of slamming into her backside that rippled like a wave as my cock slammed into her depths and I could ever so faintly feel the end of her love tunnel almost caressing the head of my cock like a feather on a finger, as I slammed into her.

My frantic fucking into her depths became more erratic as I took in her rippling clapping ass with her large breasts bouncing to and for, from the sides of her chest. And as one of my hands that moved past her ass grabbed onto her breasts and twisted her nipple she cried out like a songbird with her depths tightening and fluttering causing my own orgasm that met her own with my hot seed filling her depths. Though she didn't know I had control over my fertility.

We both shook as her cunt seemingly tried to strangle and milk my cock for all its thick seed until wordlessly as my length softened I laid beside Yuriko and she snuggled up into my arm as her voluptuous naked breasts pushed into my chest as I naturally found her body molding against my own with my hand coming to rest above the soft rise of her amazing ass to pull her tight against me.

Finally, Yuriko softly kissed my lips for but a couple of moments with a kiss filled with the affection of a woman who has been claimed and accepted it. Then she kissed down my chin, down my neck, and once her lips met my shoulder she softly kissed it before sighing with her breath tickling my neck as she tucked her face into my neck as we settled in for a nap.



It’s refreshing to actually see someone be up front about their transmigration and not make weird excuses to cover it up


Yeah I prefer it to be open especially when they are moving onto another world, but the whole 'you are a fictional character' bit is annoying so I skip that bit.