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it turned out that giving the first woman to fuck and wake me up with a blowjob, super powers was both a great and terrible idea. At its core it made the other ladies that survived the first couple days of the apocalypse see hope in life when it was found that Aura actually killed the Devil Worms that caused the Black 4 Dead modes of infection and body jacking.

So within the next couple of days, we learned the hard way how stupid and lazy people were in an apocalypse and the great value of Aura as it protected the body against parasites and viruses.

I was giving a couple of dozen people aura a day when I wasn't further reinforcing the school and destroying the nearby buildings for materials. But incidents that happened still happened. Some girls thought that they could use a heavily chlorinated barrel that was hung up to take a shower so they didn't need to wipe themselves down with a rag from a bowl of boiled water...

The Devil Worm spread, reproduced, and thrived in water, those chemicals literally did nothing and thus a dozen girls fell victim and turned, with only the single girl I gave Aura over the days that decided to join in the stupid action not turning.

So with the school pretty well fortified to all special infected besides the Kaiju and boss variants I decided it was time for another run. This time to get three things.

"Really... A chicken farm? Why the hell are we raiding a chicken farm!? Sure getting guns and ammo is smart but why in the hell should we mess around in a massive hot spot of biomass that is undoubtedly going to be swarming with the monsters!" Saya demanded and I smiled as I took out a Minecraft bow that wasn't pixelated or anything.

But what set the bow apart from other bows was how I learned how I could use my magic as Minecraft 'EXP' along with the energy I got from killing zombies, and thus with some confiscated... 'donated' jewelry, I was able to make a maxed out enchantment table with the books within the school's library.

So the Bow glowed purple as it had the four major enchantments in, Flame, Infinity, Punch, and Mending so I didn't need to worry about the durability of the bow so long as the wielder killed a few zombies every once in a while.

"This bow is magical and this school does in fact have an archery club." I pointed out and then explained the enchantments making Saya's face twitch at how bullshit it was. "Still I do need a lot of bird feathers if I am to actually get started on this project." I finished and she grudgingly nodded her head.

"Anyway your route is passing by my house do you think we could stop and see how my father's group is going?" She asked getting to the heart of the matter and I raised an eyebrow before shrugging.

"Sure that's up to you," I said bluntly as I did what I could in having all the students spread the word however they could via their flip phones but it wasn't even 2010 in this world yet so the internet hadn't completely taken over all aspects of life. I was honestly wondering why things hadn't started to break down the power system-wise but as I was listening to the morning radio which was just news of cities and military encampments getting overrun by the infected I heard the voice sigh deeply.

"And in major international news, we are just receiving a confirmation of the infection of the United States, President having fallen victim to the infection with him being relieved of duty before he could do anything drastic..." The radio anchor said and I was both elated at the news and highly fucking disturbed at it.

Because with the death of the US president meant that the dumbass wouldn't be launching nukes everywhere like he did in the normal Highschool of the Dead timeline... But the issue is. How in the hell did one of the most important people in the world get infected!? Was it sabotage and a power grab or did a worm truly get into his food or water somehow?

Even Saya hissed as she lifted a finger to her lips to chew on it while she was in thought at how in the world that happened. "Saya, go get Saeko and Takashi for the run." I said as I got looked up from the table in my room where I kept my notes about what I needed to do.

With Saya scampering off and leaving me alone I sighed as I pushed my hands through my hair and with a thumping noise I crossed my arms and my head hit my arms that were laying on the table as I just took deep breaths to calm down.

Sure fucking around Hina was great and all. Hell seeing the beautiful women of this world was awesome as they were truly real in all senses of the word. Even hanging out with Takashi and that fatty gun nut Khota Hirano that was still bugging me to get him some guns was still relaxing.

But the weight of being the damned lynchpin in keeping all these people alive and mentally stable was wearing on me.

"Do you need to take a day off Jake?" I heard a feminine voice speak up and I flinched looking up. And I saw Saeko Busujima was standing at the edge of the door that Saya didn't actually close all the way like the damned teenager she was when she rushed out.

Seeing me look up, Saeko opened up the door stepped in, and fully closed it to give us some privacy as she came over to sit across from me. "I thought you were looking a bit wrung out earlier when you had picked teachers to be ready to take us to these locations. You... I want to say you don't need to go with us, but if you weren't to go and people died our faith in ourselves would be greatly diminished." She spoke wryly as she considered her words and found her appeasement to be impossible at this point.

"Maybe if I can get enough time to make a whole squad of people with aura who were willing to risk their lives getting supplies and such I could do so... But in the end in the face of special infected monsters and our people having no guns I cannot allow you guys to go as you will all get slaughtered." I said bluntly and her face twisted but then she grudgingly nodded.

Saeko was an amazing swordswoman but in the face of a monster with a thousand-pound arm that was more durable than steel and could swing faster than a professional baseball batter she was outmatched so her following words weren't a surprise at all to me.

"Then give me Aura then... I want it for the strength not to just become immune to the worms and to lightning the weight on our supplies to boil the water and such. I will be useful and strong enough to lead groups." She spoke strongly and I nodded.

"Alright give me your hand then." I said and she raised an eyebrow as her eyes glinted with humor.

"Oh, I just have to hold your hand? I heard Eiri, paid you for the superpowers by flashing you her breasts?" She teased and then overdramatically gasped with her hands going to her large breasts and covering them as she continued to speak. "Wait were you going to put a ring on my hand or something and take me as your wife or something?!" She bemoaned dramatically and as she grinned at me I couldn't help my own chuckles and I felt a bit of the weight on my shoulders be lifted.

"Just gimmie your hand or I will give Rei Miyamoto superpowers... I heard she is doing well with her spear." I joked and Seako pouted at how I mentioned the brown-haired girl that stuck herself to Takashi after her boyfriend Hisashi decided to run off with Shido for whatever reason.

Wordlessly Saeko let me take her hands and with another chant, my dark blue aura filled her body and then her own soul was metaphorically set alight with her soul glowing a deep bloody red.

"That's always tiring," I muttered as I pulled back my hand, and then with a sigh I stood up with my office chair rolling backways. "Alright, you have probably seen other people use their Aura so you should know that its protection is almost entirely automatic though you can consciously use it to strengthen yourself and such." I said as I grabbed my axe that was next to the table.


The teachers who were elected to be our drivers and our student volunteers going on the trip were all sitting in a tight-fitting meeting room as I went over the plan for our route of the day. "Alright, so the nearest police station is next to this train station downtown... Obviously, due to its insanely high population rate, it's likely the police station was overwhelmed and thus its weaponry should be up for grabs, especially the weapons the Special Assault Team uses." I said mentioning the Japanese version of the American SWAT team that has the more heavy weaponry available to them in machine guns, large shotguns, and other special munitions.

And if they trained nearly as much as their American counterparts did, then I had no doubt that they would have a decent good storage of ammo.

"Afterwards we will be going across town to both refuel our vehicles at the bus depot, taking its extra fuel and then we will drive to this chicken butchery to collect some bags of feathers so I can make arrows to these magical bows," I said and they nodded in understanding as there wasn't really an easy way to get heaps of arrows except for the method I was bringing up.

"Also I will be further reinforcing the buses and trucks when we get back. So you guys that are sitting around, read up on some mechanical books or something so you can tell me the weight limits on these vehicles." I ordered an the teachers that weren't chosen to be drivers wryly smiled at what amounted to being homework.

For a moment I took a breath before I spoke with finality in my voice. "Are there any questions?" I asked and my eye twitched as the student representative rose her hand.

In the canon timeline where the dozen-something surviving students fled the school, Yuuki Miku was a depraved sadistic slut who did anything in order to survive and prosper in the apocalypse which yeah, is not exactly my favorite type of person. But in this timeline, she hadn't run headfirst into Shido's cult bullshit... No, she knew her body's appeal and had a natural charisma herself and thus used her popularity to get elected as the representative of the students purely so she could be closer to me and I was unsure how to deal with her if at all.

"Go ahead Miku." I said nodding to her not showing any particular emotion as she began speaking.

"Jake, the girls need more sanitary supplies and I believe it would be prudent to raid a vitamin store or something so we can add some of the powered vitamins into the stews we make to feed everyone at night as Shizuka has found out that Aura users, use more calories in a day." She spoke concisely and if I didn't know she actually approached Hina to learn more about me and what I wanted in a woman I would think she was actually fitting my interests naturally.

I looked at the blond ditsy nurse Shizuka and she smiled with her massive breasts bouncing boobily as she waved. "Yup, Jake! A couple of thousand girls go through pads and other things real quick... Uhm please make sure to also pick up some birth control and iron vitamin pills so it can help the girls." She said blushing slightly and I facepalmed...

I thought my apocalypse was going to be Mad Max style filled with battles... But nope it's just crazy overpowered zombies and dealing with the reality that there is never enough fucking toilet paper and other private supplies.

"Alright then here's a new route then." I said going over a revised route and then after a few minutes we ironed out the details and we then set off and the last thing I saw as we drove out the gate was Miku talking to Hina again and I had no damned doubt that was going to be an issue.



Has he not made chest yet? Shouldn't he just make a bunch and put them in the busses for easy transfer/storage?


Well, it looks like Miku needs to be hit by a begone thot soon.


The nurse needs to be lewded