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After killing all the zombies and the general stress of the day... I fully admit to relaxing on the ground of the bus with how we removed all the seating and in a couple of minutes the girl had my head in her lap and was brushing her hand through my hair.

"Rather affectionate aren't you," I stated and she smiled sadly as she held up a hand in front of her face and then took that hand and took my own hand that had been washed of the majority of the blood stains but I still couldn't get the blood out from the edges of my nails and she traced her hands over those tiny smudges of blood.

"My name is Hina and I have been raised and taught to get the best man possible to provide for and protect me as that's a standard lesson at our school." She stated frankly with her sad smile.

"Even Miss Busujima was raised in a conservative household and knows that she should support her man, but I don't have her talent with a sword." She said shrugging before looking back down at me with a more natural smile.

"So Jake was it? I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to the apocalypse so I have an idea of what's coming... I want to call first dibs as your caretaker, who cooks, cleans, and takes care of you so you don't go crazy, and in return, I want the three virtues of a woman's needs in food and water protection." She said bluntly and I realized she was a bit savvier than most girls as she was as blunt as possible to make sure there was no misunderstanding.

"I will naturally protect you as a member of my group but-" Before I could continue her hand that had moved on from my own had crept over to hang just above my pants and she leaned in.

"Jake, I starved, thirsted, and watched hundreds of my classmates die screaming today..." She whispered and now that I wasn't focusing on how she was brushing her hands through my hair I could feel how her legs were bouncing up and down and likewise, her entire body was going through shakes and I realized how all the other girls except for Tomashi's sister and Saeko were clearly a nervous wreck that was all holding hands with one another to provide one another with comfort.

"I had a good friend in my class and she decided to open the door to the classroom to try to sneak past the zombies as we figured out they were attracted to sound." She began speaking and I saw a couple of girls who were clearly listening had their face twisted in hatred as Hina continued to speak. "She put her phone on a timer and then as soon as she opened the door she moved to the side and the zombies streamed into the room towards the phone and our screaming classmates." I could already guess what happened.

"She left you guys to die, didn't she?" I asked closing my eyes her hand that rested on my navel flexed as she giggled and it chilled me to the bone hearing it.

"Oh no... She got what was coming to her, another classmate took her ringing phone she left behind that classmate was a softball played, and she beamed that girl in the head so hard with the ringing phone she got knocked down onto the ground and... Yeah the zombies started by eating her face as it was so close to the phone on the ground when she collapsed." Hina finished explaining before her smile at her traitorous friend died off as she looked back to me and spoke flatly.

"I don't care about my pride, morals, virginity, or whatever... I just don't want to starve, thirst, or be eaten and I will do anything to not face that fate." She said and her hand slipped under my pants and gave my groin a quick squeeze so there was absolutely zero confusion on my part on what she was offering when it came to taking care of me while I provided for her.

Like what the fuck was I supposed to say in this situation... She wasn't stupid nor was she a dreamer who would accept me saying something like 'Oh I will protect and provide for you for nothing but a smile!' No, she wanted something more concrete and nothing as banal as us to start dating... She wanted me to be a caveman and take her as my woman as in the face of zombies and the modern world falling apart she needed assurance that she had someone to provide for herself.

Frankly, I couldn't blame her and as I laid there with my head in her lap I came to a powerful realization about this whole multi-world jump adventure... I was supposed to save lives that were supposed to be lost, before being moved to the next universe/world and all the worlds I would go to, were worlds facing some kind of apocalypse the world simply wasn't rated to handle natively and recover from.

Sure I could help manhandle the world into becoming better but in the end, the majority of people simply weren't heroes who could pick up a weapon and slay an army of monsters like Takashi and Saeko could. To say nothing of the apocalypses that will be more natural in nature or man-made. Whether they be a super volcano going off, nuclear, robotic uprising, or any other number of things honestly most people simply couldn't handle that stuff so it fell to me to try to keep these souls alive so their world could still exist and be fixed.

So I just nodded and Hina visibly relaxed with a deep exhale with her hand going through my hair and paused before continuing for the rest of the way back to the school.

"Uh Jake, the gate is not opening and no one is at the watch?!" I heard Takashi yelling from at the front of the bus, and I cursed as I rolled to my feet with a snarl of anger. I literally made a kiosk out of stone so the teacher on watch duty would be perfectly safe even if some asshole drove an excavator or something through the wall I made he would still be safe.

I quickly came got out of the killed the zombies lurking nearby and then made a pillar of dirt to get over the wall of stone I made around the school and as I saw the teacher I fucking saw red.

The dumbass was sitting there with a pair of headphones on to deafen himself, with a female student between his legs sucking his dick and I could see the bright pink headphones she was also wearing...

I was an inch away from literally killing them both to make an example out of them. I was so close to just pulling the trigger on my axe to blow a whole in their chests as I was so pissed. But instead, I pulled the lever and the wall of stone that was the gate into the school's parking lot came down but even at all those vibrations of the pistons moving the multi-ton stones they didn't react.

"Takashi, Saeko, other teachers... What's the punishment for abandoning a post in the Japanese military or likewise abandoning others during a crisis out of almost malicious negligence." I asked coldly and Saeko spoke bluntly.

"Execution if they weren't willing to perform seppuku... This is just ridiculous." She snorted and then with a loud cracking noise she pulled open the door to the kiosk that actually got the two's attention, and then I heard the man scream as the girl accidentally bit down in shock at how the door got thrown open.

Then I got to see the 'delightful' scene of Saeko and Takashi grabbing the man and girl by their hair and literally dragging them into the open as people from the school came out seeing us come back safely but everyone froze seeing the teacher with his pants down and headphones around his neck.

"We went on a mission," I spoke softly and everyone was dead silent with only the girl's light sniffles ringing out as Saeko pushed the girl onto her knees. "We were saving lives, and what was our guard doing? He was busy getting his dick sucked with headphones on so he couldn't hear us arrive... Were we supposed to honk the bus's horns and alert all the zombies in the next couple of miles to come here?" I asked and everyone subconsciously shook their head with fear clear in their eyes at the thought.

"So I ask you... The guard who volunteered for this task with the reward of an extra serving of food has all but betrayed the group, how should he be dealt with." Honestly, the girl was one thing. I didn't know if she was already in some kind of thing with the teacher but I was just so pissed that it looped back to incredulity as I just couldn't believe the guard of all people would do it.

"I say banishment as we can't trust him obviously." Takashi threw out there and Saeko nodded with a couple of the teachers doing the same, likewise with most of the students who were more scared of the thought of zombies getting into the school while the guard was 'busy'.

And then from out of the crowd of students and teachers who came to check on the new people I saw Shido nudge his way through the crowd and the man began loudly speaking. "No no no! We cannot banish people to those... Monsters! Sure he can be kept in confinement or something but to just throw him out to the monsters is just terrible and a sign of society breaking down!" Shido said grandly and I literally just laughed in his face.

"Hahaha! Society breaking down Hahaha!" I couldn't stop the laughter with the man finally broke his silence as he managed to buckle up his pants.

"I fucked up Mr. Barris, but please don't banish me." He plead and my laughter slowed before dying off with a sigh before I eyed the man.

I looked at Saeko and spoke. "Saeko spank his bare ass with the flat of your bokken thirty times right here and now." I said before spitting at the man's feet. "A stupid action gets your ass spanked. But I tell you all this, if I see something so fucking dumb again I will either banish you and throw you to the zombies outside or I will kill you then and there." I said coldly before I looked at the teachers who drove the vehicles.

"Now get back inside your vehicles I want to get back from the distribution center before night comes. Also, you ladies and gentlemen idling around,  turn one of the fourth-floor classrooms into a bedroom for myself with a bed, as I need space to work some of my abilities so I can better help support the group on a larger scale." I ordered the crowd of students and teachers as the girls from the all-girls school merged into the crowd of people returning back to the school.

So now it was just me and Takashi leading the expedition to get supplies as I showed Saeko she only needed to pull a damned lever to open the gate and then we were off with Tamashi also riding in the bus as we needed him to operate the forklifts. I obviously had to leave Saeko behind as I most certainly wasn't going to leave the lives of others in hands of someone who I couldn't really trust.

Granted I didn't know and completely trust Seako herself but I knew she was a woman of principle and with her samurai heritage I doubted that out of anyone in the cast that she would abandon her post.



Nah, we can't let that slide my guy. Punish the girl too so other girls think twice about getting close to him.


Wouldn't surprise me if it was a scheme of Shido's and the girl was one of his victims sent to distract or bribe the other teacher