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Galatea for as much as she believed in Jake after she saw him shatter miniature dead worlds knew they were outnumbered, even with that weird maid/snuggle pillows idea about summoning super ghosts. So, what better idea was there then to go back to Earth with Astrid's help then to contact the Justice League itself as Zeus's plans to create a mega realm will inevitably include taking over and absorbing the Earth to project his realm into real space permanently like Akapokolis and the New Gods Realms were overlayed with reality.

'If only Batman wasn't being a shit head because Jake killed his secret boyfriend...' Galatea thought with her eyebrows twitching as her legs hopped up and down as the nerves of this league meeting was down to the wire.

"Superman... No, my father, Zeus is going to force the child inside me to become the new Sun god and kill me and Jake after he gets whatever sick joys out of us that he desires." Galatea spoke to Superman who frowned at her words but honestly for all of Superman's strength she doubted he would be all that useful in war with how much he held himself back unless his precious Lois Lane was threatened.

"My mentor Wonder Woman... My fellow sister of Themiscyra, Zeus is once again being a scumbag of the worst kind and is intent on forcing himself upon myself and even planning on absorbing Themiscyra into his new mega realm and even Lady Artemis's blessing has strengthened upon me to show her support to me in particular as she stays out of this war." Galatea spoke as she emotionally as she could.

She tried everything in her power to get the League off their ass after Jake killed and broke the villains of the world which made many of the heroes stagnate.

"Our jurisdiction is over Earth... A warlord invading a realm is not under our purview." A black skinned green lantern spoke that she didn't even know the name of.

Galatea snorted. "And when Zeus is far more powerful after he absorbs several realms what then? Will you just sit, with your thumb up your ass as he absorbs the earth slowly over the course of centuries, so you don't even notice it as you don't give a shit about magical issues that aren't some dragons burning down a city?" Galatea retorted and the Green Lantern grimaced at her crass words as it rang all to true as many of the Lights plans that they could do nothing about were magical in nature.

"Enough." A masculine voice spoke up and all eyes were drawn to Captain Marvel who had lost his jolly and childish demeanor that was the core of his character being only some ten odd years old. "Galatea is right and helping a past leaguer is the right thing to do... Zeus even if his power fills me is a butthead and I wont say anything else about him." Captain Marvel looked around the room at everyone as he continued to speak. "I became a hero; I became Captain Marvel to do the right thing... And letting someone who helped saved the world several times even when he shouldn't have bloodied his hands be killed simply because he killed some evil people here on Earth disgusts me."

Captain Marvel then stood up from his seat with his large muscular body rippling under his hero suit. "Don't make excuses about this being an Earth jurisdiction issue as the League has gone to other worlds to help and a Green Lantern shouldn't say that most of all as you get called to other worlds all the darned time anyway! Now sure... Going to war isn't going to be fun but we all fought and killed Parademons with no hesitation before." No longer was Captain Marvel filled with the courage of Achilles now he looked at his fellow Hero's with the innocence of his true child self as he spoke softly.

"So, I am going to help Galatea and Jake. As she and Lorde, the greatest hero of Earth needs our help and this time even if I have to represent the whole League, I won't let Jake shoulder the weight of the whole world again knowing we would do nothing help him." He said as he turned to Galatea. "Well, is there anyone else you want to try to pick up?"

Galatea looked at the league members and many refused to meet her eyes like the Hawk duo and others who refused to meet her eyes out of shame or just didn't believe this was their fight she couldn't help but exhale in relief as three more people stood up.

Captain Marvel, Dr. Fate and the Flash all stood up with the Flash smiling as he looked to Galatea. "Sure, this is a little messy, but I trust Jake.  Yes, he went off the rails when he saw literally all infants in the world dying... But I remember that spark of joy in his eyes when I helped him be introduced into the League." The Flash spoke before he shook his head. "Zeus is a terrible person, he has done nothing for humanity and only preyed on it. And I refuse to sit here and do nothing!" Flash yelled looking at the founding trio of Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman.

Batman grunted as he himself stood up. "I won't be part of this... Jake betrayed our ideals, and we have no proof of Galatea's words so if you wish to entertain this nonsense, I will be protecting Gotham like we all swore to protect our cities, rather than get involved with interdimensional affairs." Batman spoke gruffly as he walked out of the meeting room and got teleported away.

"Keeping Zeus from overreaching and taking over the world is the best course of action and thus has the approval of the Lords of Order and I will help." Dr. Fate said in his monotone voice and at with the inclusion of these reinforcements Galatea felt a lot more optimistic and was just hoping Jake was still holding on.



Will the servants summoned be able to stay after the war or are they getting yeeted back to the the throne of heroes after it’s all over?


Yes if they survive they get a new life as they are being incarnated


None of the heroes had any moral or what so ever ground to stand on after Doctor Fate and the lords of order agreed to assist Jake and co. Not to mention when even Captain Marvel and Flash agreed to it

godUsoland (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-22 08:49:35 I wouldn't be surprised if the Flash family and Billy got Blessed by Lorde for coming to his aid. Billy is an orphan too right? Set him up with a castle filled with maids & kids his age (the child assassins) that he could bond with and make a new Marvel Family. I'm sure Billy would love to be surrounded by all the ancient heroes coming from the Throne as well. Imagine Raikou or someone takes him in as her son?
2023-03-13 23:19:23 I wouldn't be surprised if the Flash family and Billy got Blessed by Lorde for coming to his aid. Billy is an orphan too right? Set him up with a castle filled with maids & kids his age (the child assassins) that he could bond with and make a new Marvel Family. I'm sure Billy would love to be surrounded by all the ancient heroes coming from the Throne as well. Imagine Raikou or someone takes him in as her son?

I wouldn't be surprised if the Flash family and Billy got Blessed by Lorde for coming to his aid. Billy is an orphan too right? Set him up with a castle filled with maids & kids his age (the child assassins) that he could bond with and make a new Marvel Family. I'm sure Billy would love to be surrounded by all the ancient heroes coming from the Throne as well. Imagine Raikou or someone takes him in as her son?


They all have strong ego's about what they consider to be right and wrong. So if they decide to do something or not. Thats all but final