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As the three took seats in front of me I gave Batman a dirty look. "Really. The first time I get some free time to hang out with a hot, big titty goth girl, you come crash the party. I am going to dump even more problem children on you Bruce." I threatened him and Batman's fake public persona cracked Wonder Woman held his arm to calm him down as she spoke.

"Jake. As you said, the Light has been dealt with. What do you plan on doing now?" She asked with kindness in her voice, but it was obvious as much it would pain her, she would undoubtedly bring me down if I spouted some bullcrap about bring more 'justice' to the world by killing more criminals.

So, my response to say the least threw her for a loop. "Nope Earth's affairs are no longer my problem. I dealt with all the Light members that were an actual danger, so I am planning to just stick to ruling my own world within the Fae Realms... Though coming back to Earth to drink with Lucifer and other cosmic beings are likely when I get lonely within my realm." I added at the end with a shrug.

"Do you honestly expect us to take you by your word." Batman coldly responded and I just met his hard dark eyes for a minute of silence before I looked to Superman, or more properly Clark Kent here in his civilian get up.

"As I said previously, I am stepping away from hero work or just earths affairs in general. I got armies of werewolves, vampires, other monsters, not to mention every two-bit magic user that wants to take over the new kid on the blocks realm. I literally have countless more important things to worry about that some bank robber trying to escape police capture." I explained truthfully.

Earths issues without the galactic effects the Light would bring upon it... Were just too small for me to care for, especially when I knew I had burnt all my bridges with how I wiped out a generation of criminals to send a message.

"And yes Bruce. I expect you to believe me. For one, there is zero prison that can hold me from just teleporting away and keeping me in a coma won't work as such drugs don't work as I am literally a ghost remember?" I pointed out with the man's face tightening up in rage.

Honestly, I wanted to prod at the man about how my slaughter had dropped Gotham's crime rate by more than sixty percent as with the massacre of all the super villains. All the cronies kept their heads down and got more honest work in fear of me paying them a visit like I did to some groups that stood up like a nail and got my attention for selling weapons or hard drugs.

"Jake, do you think that at the end of the day. What you did was right?" Clark asked and I took a deep breath before I looked the big blue boy scout in the eye.

"Superman do you want to know a secret of the universe? Hell, literally is the cage you make it. There is no karma or consequences for after when you die other than the chains your own consciousness put on you... So no, in the end killing them was me taking the easy way out."

Bruce Wayne hearing my words went to speak but I cut him off.

"But letting them rot in prison would accomplish nothing as they would inevitably break out to continue their plans or do god knows what else. That was my choice and everything I did in pursuit of it although some was regretful I would do again so that I can now have the peace I have now." I finished tiredly as Batman's hard eyes attempted to bore a hole through me.

A minute of cool silence filled our table before Batman finally spoke. "And you are done. You won't be interfering with judicial matters of Earth anymore?" He asked drily as his eyes tried to capture any micro expressions of me lying or anything.

"Yes." I responded dead seriously as I stood up with my tray of finished food and drinks. "Now you three must excuse me. I have to take my girlfriend back home while Bruce needs to get back home to take care of what was it now? Five or six kids now?" I asked with a smile as Bruce's eye twitched at the reminder of all the kids he had adopted, or I had dropped into his lap.


After I got Galatea back home and we got settled down, Galatea asked me rather pointedly where Raven was and how come she didn't just come home with us. "Justice League members wanted to talk to me about my intentions to Earth. So, I sent her off to do her own thing and for Astrid to bring her back" I said making finger quotations at the whole intentions bit earning a hum from Galatea as she grinned while folding her arms over her chest.

"Hmm you didn't go making out with her anything did you Jake?" She joked and I snorted as I shook my head.

"Nah. But funny thing about that. She can sense when and how long we make love or fuck so she wanted to know if we were some kind of sex monster that was going to eat her up Haha!" I responded laughing at the end as Galatea rolled her eyes.

"Hmph, I see you looking at her pale ass when she is doing her thing. Do you plan to bring her into our bed like Astrid wore me down?" She asked straightforwardly and I hesitated for a moment at the thought of Raven's pale flesh contrasting with Galatea's pretty tanned skin tone as they laid together.

So, I shrugged as I honestly answered. "I would love for such an event though I doubt either of you would be so open to-" Before I continued Galatea laid a finger across my lip as she crawled into my lap and her large breasts pushed into my chest with how she was almost pressing our faces together.

"Jake. You are mine, I accepted you as my one and only as I do care for you. As you do take care of my needs whether they be physical or emotional." She bit her lip as she paused before she continued stuttering at the start looking usually vulnerable as she spoke. "I... I don't really get love and even jealousy Jake. Those emotions aren't needed for a clone and thus never really developed within myself."

Galatea slumped with her forehead resting against my own as her finger moved from my lips so she could hold both sides of my face with her hands gently. "Jake, you said it yourself I was your queen and if you want to bend that emo little princess over, just do it out of my sight or better yet let me sit on her face... Don't rub it into my face or anything and I honestly cannot care less if you go into one of those rooms and play with her." She finished as she moved to kiss me softly before she leaned back.

"Now before you even think about using up all your energy trying to break that girl, you got me worked up soooo. Me first Jake" She said as she tore my T-Shirt off my chest with her superhuman strength and I likewise did the same to her and the following hour of activities filled the castle with the lustful energies of our joining.



Shame, Batman liked and appeared to trust Jake a great deal, but now all that's been lost because he killed Joker and most of the Light. How sad...I liked their relationship. But all good things must come to an end... good chapter, keep up the good work, though I did kinda wish this meeting was a bit longer.


Yeah I probably should have stretched it out. But it was in public so they couldn't get physical and honestly Jake is just kinda done with Earth's drama. He has his waifu at home and doesn't need to deal with Earth's problems and morality.

Strange Loop Sleuth

I disagree that killing them was taking the easy way out. I'm more inclined to believe *not* killing them was the JL taking the easy path over the right one. They declared themselves protectors but lacked the resolve to do what was necessary to actually protect people. The deaths and torment of countless innocents were less important to them than not having blood on their own hands. It's all well and good to say they are acting within the justice system and that the government is responsible for sentencing and imprisonment, but they seem to be unable to recognize the difference between a normal police action and a superpowered terrorist threat that can't be contained in a normal prison.


That's fair and if anything very true. The whole no killing thing is always my biggest gripe about the DC universe The DC universe is better in almost every way than the Marvel universe but the heroes complete inability or willingness to kill or have a permanent solution really hampers my enjoyment of the universe