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Galatea and Astrid held onto my cloak as I pushed through the endless thick darkness that filled the lower end of the DC universe and even with a concrete location and a sympathetic anchor in Klarion and the Wrath of Trigon in a demon hybrid named Jared.

I was swiftly developing a dislike for Traveling outside of the Fae paths and inside the areas of the DC universe's underbelly that was the host of the eldritch and forgotten evils which was exactly where we were. "Jake what happens if I step off the path you are creating and into the creepy as hell swirling darkness surrounding us?" Galatea sarcastically asked and I snorted.

I made sure to hold onto Galatea in my arms though making Galatea grunt in surprise at my act. "I cannot know as we are surrounded by the chaos of the weight of the universe's light pushing down upon and compressing the Darkness into spatial storms. At best I could find you if you didn't get swept out to far or a much more likely event is you getting thrown into some parallel timeline and I will never find the right 'you.' I spoke solemnly and both of girls didn't make any more jokes.

"Alright so Astrid, you help Galatea and if you can, kill Klarion's demonic cat as it's his anchor to reality and although we aren't in true reality now. His anchor dying will severely weaken him." I spoke to Astrid as I felt demonic energies pushing against my Path and knew I was getting closer to Trigon's realms.

"Yes, my Lord I shall strike from the shadows and take the cur's head in your name." Astrid spoke reverently as she sunk into Galatea's shadow in preparation to launch a surprise attack on Klarion or his Familiar Tinkle.

Galatea's hand strengthened on my arm as she coughed to get my attention. "So, Jake do I need to worry about you using Astrid for a... What's the word Pocket Pus or something?" Galatea asked me pointedly and my face twitched as I had definitely taken note in Astrids beauty, and my herald Fairy was more than willing to warm my bed as it were.

For a moment I was about to deny it but then I saw Galatea's look of amusement and I shrugged. "Maybe. Or perhaps if you are feeling tired one of these nights you can give me a handy by using her." I offered and Galatea burst into laughter at the thought and Galatea's shadow quaked as if it was shaking in embarrassment funnily enough.

"Alright that's enough jokes. We are here." I said dropping my genial smile and the perverted thoughts as with a flourish of light we broke through the darkness surrounding my path in all directions was Hell.

Well, a more stereotypical depiction of Hell rather than the actual Hell of the DC universe. There was no sky merely a cave like roof with bright boiling lava pouring out in some points to light up the surroundings as it cascaded downwards towards the ground.

"Damn its boiling hot in here!" Galatea complained pulling at her white jumpsuit and she was right as Trigon's hell dimension was swelteringly hot at least in the part we were in.

"Let's just get this over with and we can leave." I said pointing at the ominous black evil looking tower in the distance.

We quickly flew over towards the tower and I painfully ignored the desire to kill every little demonic life form I came across as we made our way over the hellscape until we eventually landed in front of the tower.

"Let me ring the doorbell." I said as I pointed a finger at the large evil looking tower and with a screech of spiritual energy roaring to life, I created a powerful condensed Cero Oscuras that glowed ominously with my purple spiritual energy.

With a mental thought I stopped preventing my Cero from flying off and thus the ultra-condensed ball of explosive spiritual energy screamed its fury as it tore through the brimstone smelling air before it collided with tower creating a cataclysmic explosion.

"You got Klarion. I will take Wrath." I spoke lowly with almost a growl as I flexed my hands and felt my Heirro covered fingers grinding against one another before with a mad grin I felt with my Pesquisa my prey and I dashed forwards in a Sonido.

"Die Jared!" I roared as I stabbed my Heirro covered fingers straight into the throat of the massive eight-foot-tall ultra-muscular demon. Even as I felt the demon hybrids throat give way under my knife hands stabbing motion, I felt a great congregating of demonic energies and I cringed as I heard a voice yell.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" I was then smashed with a massive hammer made seemingly out of pure darkness, but I could feel the spatial and demonic magic taint within it.

I was smashed through several walls before I managed to reorient myself in the air with a snarl but as I saw Raven or Rachel Roth, I faltered allowing a billboard sign sized hand of her magic to slap me through another series of walls as I reigned in my thought to just pluck her heart out as her demonic blood sang to me.

"Enough!" I roared. I quickly used a series of Sonido's to speed my way back and as Jared the demon hybrid finally got his breath back, I kicked him in the back of the head burying him into the ground before I began repeatedly stomping his head into the stone floor of the tower remains.

"Get off of him!" Raven yelled as she sent a massive raven made out darkness at me to seemingly knock me off her brother, but I merely reached down and grabbed the back of Jared's shirt and used his body to shatter Raven's magical construct before slamming his form back into the ground.

"Go to sleep Raven." I spoke as I flashed behind Raven and unlike her siblings, she had only a slighter more durable humanoid physique which allowed me to slap her in the throat making her choke and be unable to chant her magic or focus it.

"Shh...Shh no more following demon daddy's rule." I said as I put Raven into a head lock after securing her arms preventing her from making the motions to cast her magic and she could only struggle for a couple minutes before she passed out on me.

"Get off her! You have no idea who you are messing with do you?" I heard Jared the Wrath of Trigon growl at me as he staggered back to his feet and even as I looked out into the hellscape and saw Galatea taking advantage of being much more mobile than Klarion as she punched him around and carefully dodged all his Chaos magic blasts.

"I thought I killed you already... Pity for you, I am not some mortal you can age with a touch." I said as I dropped Raven to the ground as I used a Sonido to flash into a kick that shattered Jared's jaw and sent his teeth everywhere as his head snapped back to the side at the force of the kick.

"Should have just played dead little monsters." I hissed as I grabbed him by his hair with a loud crunch I leaned forward and with my Hierro coated jaws I ripped his throat out as his durability was getting annoying.

"Kakkk!" Jared coughed and gurgled as I tore out his throat and then with my blood thirst quite literally sated, I threw his bleeding out form onto the ground and then stomped on his throat with all my might as the demon went to cover his blood gushing throat with his hands and then a loud cracking sound rang out as I finally managed to snap his neck with the stomp making the demon stiffen as his arms fell to the ground.

A loud Sonido rang out as I appeared behind Klarion when he was flying at Galatea with a solid massive mace made out of Chaos Magic that he was obviously trying to smash her with but as I appeared behind him, I instantly wrapped my arms under his and locking them behind his neck.

"This is for being an annoyance and shielding those fucks." I hissed as I blasted a cero beneath my feet as I pivoted in the air and the explosion sent us both at insane speed straight at the ground, but I had locked myself like half a foot behind Klarion so when we collided into the ground, I did a poor man's lotus and used Klarion's head to drill into the hard stone of hell sending stone chips flying everywhere before the momentum was lost and I moved away from Klarion's form.

"I was going to kill your damned girlfriend before getting to you, but I can take both of you! I am Klarion the Witch boy, and this isn't Earth you little pissant!" Klarion roared as his head easily snapped into place when he rolled to the side.

"I smacked you around like the unwanted stepchild you are last time. What will be different this time? The weakest of the Choas Lords and is the crony of a pathetic immortal who hides in the shadows and hasn't managed to actually rule Earth in forty fucking thousand years..." I said tauntingly before I continued.

"If the master is such an incompetent coward what does that make you for serving him?" I finished and Klarion's dark eyes snapped blood red with glowing lava like slits as he teleported or seemingly phased through reality next to me and a car sized mallet made out of Chaos Magic slammed down upon me.

But this time was different.

A shield of conceptual green wind appeared around me like a shell, and I wordlessly met Klarion's eyes before I smiled and spoke softly like the spring winds that followed me. "I am not the same man you fought last time." Before Klarion could react I sent a wind covered knife hand into his chest and ripped out his corrupted black heart that bled black with glowing red streaks blood as I squished it in my hand.

"I don't even care about your familiar Klarion. I am going to take my time breaking you. I am going to make you refuse to reform and stay dead for millennium out of shear fear of me hunting you down again." I said blocking a chaos coated magic fist with my arms before stepping back to kick a blade of wind at Klarion that bisected him before he could react.

"So, show me all your tricks Klarion. I am going to shatter each and every one of them. Then after a couple of weeks after I get bored of killing you nonstop just like you killed Vandal Savage until you got bored. I am going to seal your essence inside my realm and devour your soul." I boasted as I repeatedly killed Klarion in various ways.

Because with my Inner World that I could partially project even here in this Hell, Klarion couldn't open a portal from the realm. He had no way of fleeing me. And I was getting my pound of flesh for the wounds I got in our fight over Salem those months ago.

"Jake you, ok?!" Galatea yelled asking as she saw me take a good gouging from one of Klarion's chaos magic swords but my only response grabbing Klarion by the leg and smashing him into the ground hard enough to audibly shatter all his bones as his oddly non-durable body for a cosmic entity broke easily under my Hollow strength.

"I am fine." I responded almost cheerily as the gouging cut the Choas Lord left on my chest burst into steam as my high-speed regeneration all but turned back time as when the flash of steam disappeared there wasn't even a scar to prove I got cut other than the opening in my costume.

"Just die you monster! Why do you even hate me so much!?" Klarion screamed at me as he hurled balls of exploding chaos magic at me, but I broke through the magic with pure strength and will and resumed clinically beating Klarion to death with my bare hands.

I shook my head at Klarion's ridiculous question. I was the destroyer of monsters. That was what I was at my core. Ever since I came to this DC universe, I wasn't a hero. I just slain the monsters that got in my way while protecting my former race of humanity and that's it.

"Klarion..." I started with my voice almost sounding pitying. "I find no greater joy in this world then killing monsters... And what greater hunt is there then a chaos lord that's life goal is to fuck over the humanity under my protection?" I spoke introspectively and Klarion literally paled as he realized I wasn't going to get 'bored' like he got bored of killing Vandal Savage in countless ways.

Thus, as he screamed, I tore him apart and blasted his parts into even smaller pieces before I gathered all the pieces and made a high intensity Cero ball with to encase and constantly break him down.

"Galatea, Astrid, did you find his Familiar?" I asked as Galatea flew over to me and she shook her head looking contritely at failing her main job in dealing with Klarion's Familiar.

"It's fine... The pulverized remains of a Choas Lord being eternally sealed under the weight of a world and being forced to fuel its growth is a fine fate for Klarion the Witchboy." I said as I carefully kept breaking down Klarion's form, so he couldn't regenerate or even allow his mind to acclimate to the feeling of being atomized on both the physical plane but the magical and soul level as well.

"Now help me carry that girl I knock out... She is important and I need to think about what to do with her." I said frowning as I considered just dumping her on the League and calling it a day. But either way I needed to seal away Klarion under Hueco Mundo.

Because in the end. Chaos was life and what amounted to being a chaos god was the perfect thing to breed life from nothingness into my almost endless desert world of Hueco Mundo.



Will he be injecting his hollow essence into anyone? Raven having an inner hollow fighting/balancing her inner demon would be cool.


Just checking, you're aware I paid another 30$ yesterday for another chapter right? Or did you forget, or do you not write on weekends? I'm not sure of your schedule tbh


Yes I am currently working on at this very moment. And it will be done within the next couple hours. Sorry for the delay I had family things yesterday