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I went above and beyond in going far out of the Erdtree Knight's range of patrol so as to avoid it seeing me as I had no illusions of being able to deal with it via some kind of cheese strategy like with how I dealt with the grafted scion.

So, it took me a whole like twenty minutes for me to all but crawl across the field separating the tower that I came from and where the Maidenless dude Varre was, to safely get to the church and activate its Site of Grace.

"A new Tarnished I, see?" From the back of the decrepit church, I saw the thin and weathered merchant huddled next to his fire with his equally rail thin horse like creature lying beside him.

"Hello. So, you a merchant?" I asked straightforwardly.

"Yes I am... And I can sense the extra runes on you. Would you care to look upon my wares?" He questioned lightly and I nodded.

The merchant named Kale then showed me what he had for sale, and I quickly bought up the arrows he had for sale but skipped the whole crafting recipes and crafting kit. Because in the end this wasn't a game and I had zero idea how to craft anything and looking at a weathered piece of parchment with nonsensical unreadable writing upon it did absolutely nothing for me.

"Hmm without a Maiden you cannot even feel and control the transfer of your runes without allowing the other person to take what they will from your willing form." The merchant spoke and my face cooled as I got the hint that he could have ripped me off of the runes he took.

"I did not cheat you Tarnished. But you need to find a way to account for your Rune's that way at least my more desperate brethren will not be able take advantage of you." The merchant warned me, and I nodded.

"Very well... Thank you for the warning, I will be going now then." I said as I looked to the North East towards Storm veil castle.

"Beware the rouge knights that patrol the forests beyond the church they will attack you on sight." The merchant warned me, and I waved in response as I walked out of the church's broken exterior and headed towards where I knew I would meet Melina again.


The merchants warning was both rather useful and rather not. Sure, all these long dead and decrepit knights were hostile to me but their drive and willingness to go above and beyond in combat had long diminished. And not only that but their senses had also long diminished so I was easily able to sneak up on them and when I was like five feet behind them, I would just put an arrow through their heads.

By keeping a slow even pace through the forest I was able to kill several solitary knights without issue and with the space ring or whatever Melina gave me when she chucked me into that graveyard place, I always had the perfect weapon on had to deal with even two or three of the slow-moving knights that patrolled together.

"Do I want that Great sword in that carriage chest... Or do I be smart and avoid it like the plague with all the soldier's running around." I pondered as I came out of the forest and while hugging the mountain wall that the first storm veil wall was built upon and took in the small town that was literally overran by rouge knights.

After taking in the couple hundred knights and other humanoid foes with the larger patrols around the town having these feral dogs that barked at anything that came within their senses and would be chased down by the patrol, I realized that I was most certainly not ready for this.

Wordlessly I just followed the wall and eventually I came to the Stormgate with a Site of Grace laying innocently beside it, which I approached and with a sigh I sat down beside it and felt the bit of soreness for my march through the forest be healed away as though it never existed.

But out of the corner of my eye I saw a hooded figure form within some fog that had rolled in while I relaxed in the heal light of the Site of Grace.

"Greetings, Traveller. I am Melina..." The introduced Melina then smoothly kneeled down and with a shift of her robe I saw her pull down her hood and I wanted to snatch her up in a hug after seeing an uncorrupted or mummy like person. She had soft brown hair and her open eye was a dark green if not almost brown with her other eye being closed with a sort of tattoo over it. "I offer you an accord."

I turned towards her with the site of grace to my side so I could give her my full attention while she continued to speak. "Have you heard of the Finger Maiden's? The serve the Two Fingers, offering guidance, and aid, to the Tarnished they are contracted to."

Then came the heart pinching quote that made my face twitch. "But you, I am afraid... Are Maidenless." Wordlessly I threw a small pebble and hit Melina in the stomach making her grunt in surprise but not really pain as I didn't throw it with any real force.

"You are the third person to call me Maidenless today and its starting to get annoying." I said pouting and Melina actually giggled at my painful expression.

"Thats fair Tarnished, I apologize. But however, I can play the role of maiden for you." She spoke and I felt the weight of destiny hang over me as she continued. "Turning your runes into strength. To aid you in your quest for the Elden Ring. You need only take me to the foot of the Erdtree as the price of our pact."

Her deal was obviously slanted in my favor, so I nodded before speaking. "Very well I accept your accord."

"Then it is settled. Summon me by any Site of Grace and I shall turn your runes into strength." She explained before she paused. "Ahh, another matter. I bequeath to you this ring as well." She said as she carefully handed me Torrent's ring.

Wordlessly I put the ring on my ring finger, and I saw Melina gap at me for a moment before she blushed slightly as I gave her a knowing look. "The ring will summon a spectral steed named Torrent and he has chosen you. Treat him with respect and he will carry you across Lands Between without fail." She spoke finally as she took a deep breath and obviously prepared to leave.

"Wait!" I called out to stop her and she did. "I would like to turn my Rune's into strength, and I would like to ask a couple of questions." I continued and Melina nodded reaching over to me.

"Then lend me your hands. Let my hands rest upon you for but a moment." As our hands made contact, I could feel a warmth similar to the Sites of Grace coming from her. "Tell me how you wish the Runes to strengthen you my Tarnished." She spoke and I could feel the small pool of my runes drain as I subconsciously reinforced my body for the most part with a small bit of mana going seemingly into my mind.

"Hmm most interesting choice, you fueled your mind and bodily strength with your channeled runes. Now what questions did you have for me?" Melina asked as our hands split apart.

"Can you teach me magic." I asked bluntly as I honestly didn't see myself running down these demigod monsters I would need to slay and slay them via death by a thousand cuts with a melee weapon.

Melina frowned before she shook her head. "I am sorry, I can tell you have no Faith, so I am afraid all Miracle based spells will be out of your reach. But I could feel your Intelligence and Mind was above average so when you find someone capable of using Sorcery, they could perhaps teach you." Melina explained and I nodded in understanding.

Thankfully the Sorceress Sellen wasn't all that far here in Limgrave.

"Ok Melina I have an idea of where to get some magical knowledge. Thank you for entrusting Torrent to me and I shall see you at another Site of Grace I suppose." I said standing up and I could feel my newly improved bodies change.

Then following Melina's directions, I whistled with my fingers in my mouth, and I felt Torrent's ring shudder on my finger and Torrent the spectral steed formed into existence beside me and stared me in the eyes with one of his much larger eyes.

"Hello buddy... I am going to be relying on you." I said petting Torrent on his head and brushing over his large horns before the steed snorted and threw his head to the side as he obviously told me to just get on so we could get moving.

"Alright alright. Let's get going Torrent." I chuckled as I threw my leg over Torrent's side and using my newly boosted body I fully hopped onto Torrent, and I saw Melina fade into smoke as we set off into a trot to the East of Limgrave as I followed the main path towards where I knew the Sorceress Sellen was.



https://www.patreon.com/posts/lords-tutorial-1-65446989 https://www.patreon.com/posts/lords-tutorial-2-65447118 https://www.patreon.com/posts/eldin-ring-3-67487864 There is the other three chapters or you can use the Eldin ring tag


Wow I didn’t even know you wrote an elden ring one


Yeah, I wrote the first three chapters not long after the game came out like forever ago but got little to no interest, so I let it die and now that dude brought it back lol