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Not even three minutes later after Batman hung up on me, I got another call just as I was getting bored of staring off into the softly flowing ocean waves in the distance of Happy Harbor.

"Jake! Your back!" I heard Galatea's unmistakable voice speak out and I smiled as I imagined with me being gone for a whole week apparently. That my Galatea was missing me quite a bit.

"Sorry I didn't call yet Tea, I was charging my phone as there is no phone chargers when you are traveling in space in time... So where are you guys?" I asked after making up a quick joking excuse as to why I didn't call my gf first thing I did when got home and instead focused on talking to the League.

"Hmph, first you take my virginity and then you just disappear for a damned week? Do I need to knock your head on straight... Haha I am just kidding." She joked giggling at the end obviously imaging my troubled expression and then she continued after she got her snickering out of the way. "So, we are on our way back from India so it's fine as we wouldn't have been able to talk anyway."

"Well, that's a relief, I was worried you would be pissed. But I was literally only gone for a few hours from my point of view, and I even had to reset my phone's clock when I got back." I griped earning a snort from Galatea.

"Anyway, I will see you guys when you guys get back from India. Like I said I need to charge my phone and we shouldn't make those single dogs suffer with our flirting as I can tell I am on speaker phone." I said as I had clearly heard Robin and Kid Flash making fake barfing noises as how giddy Galatea seemed to be hearing my voice.

"Nah Jake don't leave we are so bored!" Artemis yelled out making Galatea fumble the phone as she stopped from hanging up and making me stop as well.

"Artemis my job is to support my girlfriend and you don't have such free entertainment and snuggle privileges you single dog." I said hurriedly and then hung up my phone and began giggling as I imagined Artemis's face scrunching up at being reminded, she was the only single female member on the team.

Now with no one hanging over my head I wondered what I should do for the next couple hours at most that it will take the team to fly from India.

"Meh, let's just relax and play some video games." I muttered as I began flying into Mount Justice to go play some DC rip off Call of Duty but not even halfway into my game of SND I heard the PA system of the mountain announce Superman's arrival.

"Well, this should be interesting..." I muttered and abandoned the game as it wasn't as fun camping with a shotgun when you had super senses and a heightened reaction time that could make pilots and formula one racers jealous.

"Supes you there?" I called and with a whooshing noise I saw the man quickly fly over from his position from coming out of the Zeta tube

"Lorde you found Kara in the Phantom Zone?" Superman asked excitedly and I nodded honestly a bit surprised but then he continued, and I understood while he actually was a bit more accepting of this situation in comparison to when he had all those clones smacked into his face. "In my Fortress of Solitude, I have an Ai of my father with much of his knowledge and memories downloaded within, he used to show me pictures of our family and had some videos of Kara, so I do know a bit about her." He explained with a smile before it turned wry.

"It's going to be weird to explain the baby she once held is now older than her Haha." Superman laughed kind of awkwardly making me chuckle at the thought as well.

"Well, it's better than being lost in the Phantom Zone for god knows how long." I said holding my hands up in a what can you do manner.

Superman could only nod as even he didn't like the thought of using the Phantom Zone despite how convenient it was to get rid of certain super villains for a couple years at a time.

Once we got to the pod containing Kara Zor-El I coughed to get Superman's attention as he stared into the pod containing his only non-cloned family. "Superman keep in mind she has been in stasis for a while so in her mind, the last memories she has will have been of Krypton's implosion... So, she is going to freak out." I explained and seeing Superman nod in understanding as he began tapping on whatever computer system he had come out of the smooth shell of the pod.

Then with a hiss the pod unsealed itself with some thin fog coming out of the unsealed window and then like in a movie Kara's eye's fluttered before opening to see me and Superman looking down on her from outside her pod's opened window.

"Where am I?" She muttered holding her head and groaning a bit from the rather abrupt awakening from stasis.

"Kara... It's me Kal-El." Superman said softly as he took his cousins hand and the words spoken made Kara blink in surprise with her eyes locking onto Superman.

"But Kal. You weren't even two years old when yesterday... You look so much like Jor-El so I can't discount your words but." Kara then wrenched her hands away from Superman and brough up the pods system and ignored Superman as she kept muttering how things were wrong and the systems must be malfunction and how this was all just a dream or something.

"Kara. This isn't a dream; I went back in time to get you just after you got sent into the Phantom Zone and moved you to this point in time. Thats why the system registers the appropriate time in which the Sol solar system has moved for its projected timeline. But the pods systems haven't recorded the time past." I explained and I saw both Superman and Kara's eyes tighten at my whole-time travel bit.

"Then why did you save Krypton itself if you can so easily travel through time!" Kara demanded of me and even Superman looked not exactly pissed or angry but as though disappointed in why I hadn't done so.

For a moment I was silent as I took a deep breath to be calm as Kara literally just lost her world and me snapping at her for asking a fairly obviously wanted question was out of the question.

"An infinite number of reasons... Why didn't the Kyrptonian government listen to Jor-El's warning about the planets core instability. Why didn't the Green Lantern assigned to the Sector save the planet. Why didn't your very real gods like Rao save the planet... Because your people were too strong and like the Martians they were suppressed and purged. I didn't save you Kara, I merely moved you to earth much sooner in the timeline then you should have. If I were to go out and save hundreds of Kyrptonian's I would be erased by the many cosmic forces that watched your planet implode and there wouldn't have been a damn thing I could do." I growled honestly pissed at being unable to do such a thing even if I wanted to.

"Lorde, can you please give excuse me and my cousin I am going to take her to see proof." Superman softly asked and I nodded.

Rather than stick around awkwardly I just went to my room and relaxed and clear my head as I ran my little previous monologue through my head and even, I couldn't find a fault in my why I didn't 'save' kyrpton as the world was doomed. The DC universe couldn't or wouldn't allow the Kryptonian people to all but take over the universe once they learned how truly powerful, they could be after spending a few years under a yellow star like our own.

A half an hour later my thoughts were interrupted by my door getting all but kicked in and then closed with a boom as Galatea strode into the room and towards me.

"Hey Tea, I mis!" I went to say how I missed her, but I was oh so rudely interrupted by Galatea basically just hopping onto me and wrapping her limbs around me and did her best to suck the air out of my lungs through a series of rough lip locking.

"Who the fuck is that..." I heard another voice whisper making me and Galatea woodenly look to my door that was cracked open because Galatea didn't actually close the damned thing.

Low and behold Kara was standing in front of my door staring at me and Galatea making out and five minutes out from pulling each other's clothes off.

"Uh your cousin? Say can you like close the door please?" I said as I saw Kid Flash, flash past the room and felt Galatea's clench around my back as she was still intertwined with me.

"Oh, she another clone? Nice to meet you, now get out so I can scratch an itch." Galatea said and when Kara just stood their gob smacked, Galatea just huffed and then she shot the metal door closed with a low powered blast of heat vision.

It was funny as the door was slammed shut in Kara's face as she didn't have Superman's super strength yet so Kara could do nothing to stop said door from closing and then Galatea leaned over and grabbed the room's remote and locked the door without even dismounting from me.

"Alright, now that the nuisances are out of the way. Now let me show you how much I missed you, Jake." Galatea whispered seductively as she kissed down my neck and I threw my head back as her downward exploration didn't end until she found what she wanted.


After my fun time with Galatea and basically put her to sleep I decided to check in with Robin as he may be completely clueless as to him having yet another family member being added to his household.

Coming out into the Mountain's recreational area I saw Robin and Artemis were playing some air hockey with Kid Flash standing off to the side and making it more interesting by flicking paper footballs at the air hockey puck to throw off the heroes with inhuman reaction times.

"Hey Robin, I got something important I need to talk to you about privately." I said making Kid Flash dash forwards to take Robin's place.

"Go ahead Rob, I got this in the bag haha." Kid Flash joked as Robin made his way over to me.

"What's up Jake?"

"Just... Follow me for a second." I said frowning as I thought about how I wanted to put this.

Once we got into the kitchen and seeing how I was still clearly in though Robin threw out there. "So, what's with this team and hot blondes? I mean technically Megan isn't blond, but she can be whenever she wants?" He joked making me chuckle and brush a hand through my hair.

"Wow alright." I groaned as I decided to just throw it all out there. "So, for one Batman introduced himself and talked to me in his civilian identity and while I went to rescue Superman's cousin from a bad place well while I was traveling through space and time. I found out BW has a son. And is being raised by the League of Shadows." I said making Robin go still and I saw his gloved hands crease into a fist.

Talia..." He hissed and I nodded to his guess. "Why did you tell me this? This could break some trust Batman has in you?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Batman is going to be in a bad place with an infant being dropped into his lap. Its best if you go talk to anyone else who takes care of Batmans, day to day life, help them get cribs and other such things ready for a baby to be able to live within your guy's home... That and make sure Batman doesn't kill the Demon Head for attempting to raise his own blood child as an assassin." I half joked at the end and Robin's face twitched.

"Yeah... I think Batman may need a voice of reason right now. Thank you for the heads up, I am going to go tell Wally that I am going to be busy for a couple days." Robin said as he obviously was imagining how Batman may very well kill the demon head in his rage.

Which was understandable as the man was the villain who probably died the most in the DC universe with how he had those Lazarus Pits and what not.

After Robin left and I went back to playing air hockey with Kid Flash after Artemis rage quit due to Kid Flash's cheats due to being a speedster eventually, we all heard some screaming and thudding noises.

Obviously, we ran to see what the hell was going on and then we saw Galatea trying to teach Kara how to fly but even as she threw the younger teenager into the air, she only ended up just flopping onto the mat.

"I can't just fly by clenching my damned butt cheeks, you big titty bimbo!" Kara yelled pointing at Galatea who was flying above her.

But in response to Kara's so-called insult Galatea only cocked her head to the side. "Does that make you a mini bimbo or bimbo to be? I mean I was literally made from your cousins DNA so it's likely you will eventually grow in having this very bust size?" Galatea asked guilelessly making Kara blanch at Galatea hefting up her super boobs before dropping them out of her hands making them bounce in place and I heard Kid Flash beside me swallow before he whirled on me and kicked me in the shin.

"I hate you Lorde, I am so jealous!" He yelled before using his super speed to run away still screaming in envy at me landing and smashing such a woman.

For a moment the three girls in Artemis, Kara, and Galatea just looked at me as I shook the leg Kid Flash kicked. "Tea, Kara cannot fly or do anything that you can do, she needs to absorb sunlight for a while to energize her Kyrptonian bullshit." I explained making the girls relax from the previously awkward situation.

"Huh so I should just bury her up to her head into the ground and let her soak up the sun like a plant? Haha I was just kidding down throw the mats at me!?" Galatea joked and flew around in the air to avoid the mats that Kara and Artemis joined together in throwing at her for the terrible jokes.



Honestly Kara is probably one of the few people that would have no problem with the exo-Womb thing that Conor and Gala where born through. Since it's been fairly common for Krypton for more then a few Ages, as long as the whole new 52 Clone thing never happened. Alfred might actually just get the various Baby items from the Wayne Attic that they have had for probably a few generations.


In the series Kara names Conor Con EL meaning monster in her language because she hates the idea of fake Kryptonians . She slowly warms up to the situation though.


Thanks for the chapter