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"This is humiliating..." I muttered deadpanning as Batman loaded me up into a prisoner van while I was wearing an absolutely ridiculous getup.

"According to an Ai Art Generator that many teenagers use, this is what you would look like in your villain phase, deal with it." Batman grunted as Black Canary held in giggles at my stupid ass outfit.

"Yeah, well whatever computer you ran the damned art generator on, needs an upgrade as I look fucking stupid like this." I griped as I pointed to my blond hair that now had weird as hell green streaks in it from hair extensions and not only that but my so-called villainous costume was something I could see some hobo wearing with how ragged the clothes were.

"You are being put into Belle Reve as a new offender in the max security section after attempting to rob Fort Knox by digging a hole underneath it with your super strength. Your whole persona isn't to be some kind of mastermind, you just listen and attempt to join in with the inmates that attempt to riot or escape and stop such actions." Batman explained as before he slammed shut the door to the prison transport truck that Martian Manhunter was going to drive to Belle Reve disguised as one of the guards so I would have good 'Paperwork' in the prison.

"Ma... You were right. I shouldn't have hung out with those weird people wearing animal themed costumes, they really got me sent to prison." I muttered as I bonked the back of my head against the prison van wall.

But soon enough I was transferred over to another prison van this one actually filled with two more villains. Mr. Freeze, and Icicle Jr after getting stuffed into a prison uniform.

Mr. Freeze well he looked old to be honest, he looked to be a man in his late fifty's, bald and the dark blue light that filled his cryo suit and kept his body alive didn't help make him look anymore 'normal' not to mention how he was a tall and imposing man.

"So, what you in for?" Icicle Junior asked me as he leaned over from his side of the van, and I saw the guard armed with a large shotgun tense seeing the super villain so much as twitch, but his eyes then locked back onto the old timer Mr. Freeze as the man seemed to more than anything fears him more then us.

"Robbed Fort Knox... Apparently, Fort Knox doesn't even have gold anymore." I said coolly.

"Oh yeah Knox, that's just a villain trap nowadays, they only keep documents and other crap there, but the man loves to hit us curious little guys with the big crimes so they can keep sending us to these super max prisons." Icicle Jr. complained and I nodded with his explanation as I played up being the dumb dude who wanted to rob a bunch of gold for an easy payday.

"Anyway, you got a sister or something. If you want, I can introduce you to mine because she can't find a villain dude around our age that doesn't want to have her be some kind of sidekick?" He offered and before I could even deadpan that I was an only child, and I didn't want a couchie that would give me frostbite. Icicle Junior was clubbed over the head with the butt of the guard's shotgun making the young man's head smash into the prison van wall.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled at the sight as the guard had completely blindsided the teenage villain without a single warning to shut up or anything.

Wordlessly the guard turned to me and then with a smile he brought his shotgun's butt down on my knee making me 'scream in pain' as I realized I had to play up the fact that the metahuman collar had suppressed my powers.

'But oh, I am fucking making a mental list... First, I am going to get this dude reported by the League so he loses his job, and then I am going to learn where he lives so I can sneak into his home and have a fucking hell gate drag him into said dimension in front of his whole fucking family on Thanksgiving!' I mentally roared as the guard causally leaned back while staring at Mr. Freeze with his shotgun aimed in the man's direction but towards the floor as though asking if the older villain was going to need a clubbing as well.

Seeing all his prisoners either in 'pain' or being silently compliant the guard took a step back away from us and then spoke out with a voice that was clogged from years of yelling and smoking probably. "We are here. You will all walk in a single file line. Should you attempt to run, attack a guard, or one another you will be shot by the automated sniper turrets." The guard spoke before the bus ground to a half and then as the door's locks unsealed the man hurried off the prison transport literally running across the open tarmac.

Then from a loud P.A. system we heard a woman's voice order us out of the transport bus. "Prisoners step out of the bus and follow the designated line."

As we got out of the prison van, and I played up at having a bad knee for a bit, I saw how the prison van we were riding in had a large almost Pruis car sized drone helicopter silently flying over the bus armed with missiles and a gatling gun and I realized why most villains escaped through esoteric means and not just during transport if missiles and miniguns are going to be pointed at us the whole time.

Following the designated line, we were supposed to, I saw on a weird spiral design little tower in the induction tank, was Amanda Waller, the prisons warden and with us all lined up in front of her, she began to speak down towards us.

Even as I listened to the warden's speech I took in the guards and more importantly Waller herself, Amanda Waller was a heavyset African woman with her dreads held in a tight ponytail that fell down her back

"I am the law of last resort. My name is Amanda Waller and I am not your maid, your mother, or your friend. I am your warden." She said looking down at us with a concrete expression of coldness.

"Each of your metahuman collars are built and coded to restrict your superpowers. So, no strength, nor ice will be used within my prison. In addition, these collars can and will be used... To discipline inmates." She said and then I saw her hold up the remote that was obscured in her hands and once again I had to enjoy the same feeling of electricity meant to topple damned elephants coursing through my body and even with super strength/durability it fucking hurt to say the least.

"That was merely the warning shock." She warned all the inmates below her that bent over and almost crumbled due to the pain as she showed the large blue button she pushed on the remote while she thumbed the smaller red button above it. "Should an inmate resist or otherwise refuse to cooperate, the guard will use the more extreme setting and the collars will shock you into unconsciousness and even possibly death."

"No one has ever escaped Belle Reve... Sure they may escape during transport to and from trial hearings and such. But no prisoner has physically managed to escape Belle Reve before and not even Superman could break his way out of the super alloys and energy shielding that reinforces this very prison before a whole ten minutes passed by." Waller bragged and at this point I noticed the villains were just tuning out Waller.

"Now this man here." Waller said getting our attention back to her as she pointed at a man wearing a suit and as he stood beside her. "This man is actually your maid, and aunt." She said jest fully as she turned around and left the man as she went back into the tower.

"Actually, I am the prisons psychiatrist and I promise you all I will do my best to help you all See the Light, in society and be rehabilitated." The man spoke and my face twitched at hearing the damned catch phrase the man spoke seemingly to Mr. Freeze as we were then all escorted by more guards into the prison's general population.



Thanks for the chapter


Clearly Amanda has never heard of murphy or what happened to the "unsinkable ship"