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Being the heir of the Raiden Shogun was both an easy and yet terribly difficult task at times, I noticed within the very first week of being under Ei's... Gaze would be the best way to put it. I am starting to think that Ei's sister may have been watching me obsessively over the centuries I sealed myself away and with the way she immediately shunted me off to her sister and said twin sister instantly latching onto me. I honestly felt like there was something screwy going on when Makoto did her time nonsense.

After the third day in which Ei returned from her little trip from God knows where to pick me up, some kind of mystery welcoming gift I already had a bit of a routine.

First, I would get cleaned up, by myself, thank the Archons, then I would meet up with Kujo Sara who had taken up the role of 'big sister' and would make sure I got a good breakfast and would teach me courtly etiquette for Inazuma's culture while still being helplessly deferent to me with the respect she had for me being Ei's heir apparent.

Then when Lunch came around, I would be hoisted up and dragged regardless of what I said by Ei who would take control of her puppet and bring me to her throne/meditation room so she could teach me how to use a spear and more importantly my Electro Vision which I think honestly sealed the deal in her mind seeing me get it literally moments after meeting her.

"Kurama, your thoughts are elsewhere. What is on your mind." Ei asked as she sat across from me while we were meditating.

"I... I was wondering what lied beyond the world's laws." I muttered with the gray smoke of pure entropy wafting off my hand as the worlds law of 'Erosion'. "I had a dream of sorts mother." I said frowning as I decided to be halfway honest. "Is it possible to actually break through the False Sky and reach a new world?"

Ei's face went from its indulgent soft smile to a hard solemn one and without warning I heard thunder crash from above our palace and a violent lightning storm be birthed out of Ei's power.

"Kurama... Do not speak of such things without warning me." She hissed looking honestly fearful before she took a deep breath that was completely unneeded with her puppet body. "Kurama, the secrets of the world are deep. And frankly until you are older, such things must not weigh upon your mind lest darkness be rooted within the thoughts of forbidden knowledge." With that warning to me said she sighed and reached over from our sitting across position.

"Hmph." I grunted/grumbled as Ei causally manhandled my much shorter form to pull me into her lap and bury my face into her chest so she could calm herself by playing with my fox ears.

"Jake, the world is a dangerous place and even gods can and have easily died due to getting overconfident and reaching where they should not have." Ei whispered into my white hair and the kitsune ears she was playing with twitched heavily at the feeling of Ei's voice so close and making the Electro Archon chuckle softly and the arm holding me against her tightened.

"I should have shown more skin ship with Miko... Maybe that's why she is always with her priestess's. Is it because I didn't show her enough affection?" Ei pondered aloud as she finally allowed me to escape her grasp.

"No, she is so weird probably because the of all the weird books she promotes." I said throwing Yae's publishing house under the metaphorical bus and at that, my 'mother's eyes snapped to my own amber slitted eyes and with one manicured fingernail she poked me in the chest.

"Kurama, I better not see you reading those depraved books she sells to adults." Ei said and then she went onto say that such things were best considered to be saved for marriage, thankfully before she could devolve into giving some ultra-weird version of the 'Talk' one of the guards outside hit the bell signifying someone important was seeking the Raiden Shogun's counsel and instantly Ei's easy-going demeanor left as she stood up and went to the elevated porch overlooking her court room.

As was mandated by my place as her heir, I took up a position to the left and in front of her on one of the steps leading to her position and then from one of the side rooms Kujou Sara imperiously stepped forward and took her position on the right in front of Ei.

"Introducing Fatui Harbinger, Arlecchino, The Knave of Sneznahya!" The guard yelled and my eyebrow twitched at the name.

Like literally who goes into a diplomatic meeting with the epitaph of Knave?

And then flanked by several Cicin mages of various elements, Arlecchino, the Fatui Harbinger most famous for running super-sized orphanages that would train its kidnapped occupants into Fatui soldiers stood opposite my adoptive mother with seemingly no fear despite La, Signora's death not even a couple weeks ago.

"I will be frank." Arlecchino spoke and I took in the stupidly confident woman and saw that despite her thick Russian style winter coat with probably a couple pounds worth of metal decorations on it, I could tell she was certainly as per usual with Genshin's beauty standards a rather busty and curvaceous woman, but her X shaped red pupils unnerved me as I could feel magic that wasn't from a Vision coming from her. "Sneznahya demands your Electro vision... If the Harbingers and the very Tsaritsa herself must bleed to take it from your corpse just as we took it from Morax, then so be it." She threatened.

Before my mother could remove the idiots head from her shoulders as I saw Electro energy fluctuating around her and even space itself buckling under the Electro Archons sheer fury at being ordered what to do, I barked out a foxlike laugh making all eyes in the court whirl to me, and I flashed out my nine tails as a sort of greeting as my eyes met Arlecchino's eyes.

"Hoho, let's not get ahead of ourselves... You fuck wits did no such thing as killing Morax. I saw it... I saw that little rat, La Signora sell out enough secrets and resources to Liyue that the country will indisputably reign as the most powerful in Teyvat for the next millennium if they weren't already the richest and most powerful anyway." I said making the Fatui Harbinger's X shaped eyes seemingly glow as I upturned her little story.

"Hmm and who is this... Child, Raiden Shogun? Do you need a baby kitsune to defend you in your royal court?" She prodded and as Kujo Sara's tengu wings flashed with lightning as even she was about to lose her shit to the insults, Raiden Shogun laughed.

It wasn't a little titter. It wasn't a chuckle. It was a full-bodied series of laughter that made her hold her stomach and the sight of the scary Archon bursting into such laughter seemingly unnerved Arlecchino even more than Ei pulling out her Musou, No Hitotachi.

"A bunch of fools running to their deaths at the behest of the most ambitious and arrogant fool... Do you think Celestia cannot see beyond your goddesses' icy storms? No, they see all, and are simply waiting for you to overstep and then once again just as during Khaenri'ah and so many other civilizations overreaching, they will be uprooted and destroyed." At that the Raiden Shogun clapped her hands creating a corona of dense Electro energies and from it came the somewhat larger chess piece flickering with Electro energy.

"As much as I would love to simply rip off your dead little land of its slave labor and take its resources, I do have some pride so I will be frank." Then Ei took a couple steps down from her landing overlooking us and walked over to me and I allowed her to array herself behind me with the electro Gnosis in front of my chest.

"I desire to make my heir a new Electro Archon with this Gnosis. Just as I had my sister to share my Archon Title with, so could my son share it with me... So, what can you offer that will match such a thing?" Ei said as my tails habitually wrapped around her stocking covered legs with how she was draped over me with the electro gnosis tapping against my chest sending jolts into my body as the comforting power of Electro wanted to merge with me.

At that Arlecchino frowned and gave me another look before brushing a hand through her short salt and pepper colored hair. "I do not know... I will need to converse with the Tsaritsa in order to authorize such resources being moved. But I can promise right now however that we can give him a personal retinue of cicin mages that will obey him to their deaths should they not be ordered to attack Fatui resources?" She offered and I firmly shook my head.

"I do not desire your mentally broken tools... I want a way out of this world. I want the secret on how to break through the false sky as that Adeptus in Liyue managed how to, if you're supposedly the greatest Archon cannot give me such a secret then I will have this Gnosis thrown in the depths of the ocean." I threatened with both Ei and Arlecchino looking at me as though I was out of my mind.



"Jake, the world is a dangerous place and even gods can and have easily died due to getting overconfident and reaching where they should not have." wrong name

Goddess of Victory

His arrogance is concerning and kind of off-putting