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Thankfully It seems that weird stone tents laid out not to far from the Beacon air hanger wasn't something to worry about as I was able to sleep away the evening and wake up nice and refreshed super early in the morning.

Actually, I take that back... I was awoken by hushed yelling and as I pulled down my stone structure the voices yelped in surprise; I saw two familiar figures laying on the ground looking at me blankly.

"May I help you two..." I asked dryly as I stretched awakening my sore muscles that had locked up after sleeping on a bed of vines.

The two figures that were using my structures overhang to stay out of the elements were visibly armed with their weapons but seeing I wasn't a grim or being hostile, the male figure wearing a set of Chinese styled clothes slumped back to the ground putting down his dual pistols and his partner a woman with pink hair and a blanket covering her body put down a large hammer.

"I sincerely apologize as we thought this structure was uninhabited. My name is Lie Ren, and."

The woman beside the man threw off the blanket showing her blouse covered chest and a pink skirt as she announced herself. "My name is Nora, and Renny is my bestie!"

I just blinked at the duo matching the sheer apathy the male teenager had as we shared deadpan expressions. "Right... So Renny and Nora, was it? I am going to make some fruit for breakfast, you want some?"

The two shared a look and nodded with Ren finally sitting up as I sat down in the grass. I then took out a couple watermelon seeds and a few moments later a little green shoot of a vine system began growing out of the grass.

"Woah! You can grow fruits with your semblance!" Nora said ecstatically as she watched the vine growing out further and eventually begin flowering where the watermelons will grow. "Can you grow pancakes!"

I thought for a moment and shrugged speaking with a bit of uncertainly. "Well, my semblance allows me to control elements sort of but I can't create plant life out of nothing so I could totally grow the wheat and stuff that would make the flour and such to make the pancakes, but I can't make a pancake tree."

As I said that, I began watering the ground as the watermelons enhanced growth sucked the ground of its nutrients and its water content turning it into dry cracked ground and although I couldn't replace the nutrients in the ground, I could refill the water needed to make the flesh in the watermelon which was the most important part of what I was doing.

"So, where you from and what's your name anyway?" Nora questioned and after a moment of hesitation I used the story I concocted last night as well as the reason for the sparse details on the transcripts I had.

"My name is Jake Barris, and I am a recent survivor of a grim tide that broke though the town I lived in." Nothing else had to be said as the two of them were survivors of such a thing as well.

This world wasn't some teenager's tale of adventure and basically high school drama. This was a world where a city with a population of three hundred million was surrounded by two mountain ranges in a large Y formation and the ocean to their back. They had the nation's military guarding one mountain range, and the Hunter Academy Beacon was assigned the other mountain range where Huntsman and Huntsmen in training were sent to clear out the constantly approaching Grimm that was attracted to the city kingdom of Vale.

Out of the several thousand superhuman Huntsmen that patrolled the wilds of Vale clearing large sections of the surrounding lands of Grimm, hundreds died every year due to either excessively large numbers of Grimm coming out of nowhere and the weirder abilities of some Grimm such as the Apathy Grimm that can strip you of all feelings to the point that you won't even care that the zombie like Grimm are eating you.

So, Vale was always pushing for more huntsmen to be trained as each one was worth a hundred soldiers work in a week of aggressively clearing out Grimm in an area.

Which made the orphan street rats perfect material for becoming a huntsman as no one cared if they died realistically and the orphans knew it was the perfect chance at a new life as it was more lucrative than being a doctor so long as they survived through training.

"So can you make crystals or Dust with your semblance?" Nora asked me after we ate the watermelon.

I shook my head as even if I could, I would deny it for now as that would put an extremely large target on me from all sides of the world. Maybe when I am able to bring YoRHa here and literally have my own personal army I will say I can as how honestly how hard can it be to fill crystals with elemental energy.

"Well let's go ahead and go the shuttle ground so we can get some good seats on the Bullhead. Plus, so we don't have to sit in the dirt." I muttered pulling my backpack and after double checking to see if 2B's sword Virtuous Contract was attached to my magnetic belt I left the duo who wanted some time to relax as the first Bullhead wasn't slated to leave for a couple hours.

After reaching the landing site and looking around I wryly smiled realizing only Beacon workers and some other people clearly in a rush to get to Beacon as soon as possible to prepare the initiation for others as was evident with none of the people being armed were here, so I just went over an sat down on one of the seats to wait for my Bullhead.

Honestly maybe I should have realized that even if they were crazy teenagers willing to throw their lives away. They probably were going to be sleeping in, at the hotels they rented if they weren't directly from Vale.

Actually, funny thing if you think about it, all of the main cast from both teams weren't even from Vale despite coming to Beacon. "About time..." I groaned as I joined the workers in going to Beacon along with only a couple of people armed with weapons that were probably prospective students.

A few minutes of sitting in the Bullhead, a large VTOL style aircraft I heard an ear shaking roar and the scream of surface to air missiles taking off making me grab the sides of my seat as another student grabbed my arm in surprise.

"Haha! Chill out kids it's just the Anti Air Battery's taking out a flock of wandering Nevermore's to ready for our departure and clear the way." A man loudly explained seeing some of the people unsettled at the sounds, but the sounds continued unabetted for a few minutes making the man visibly frown before the man swore hopping to his feet running out of the Bullhead armed with a large axe that seemed to have a blunderbuss at the end.

"Well, I might as well go see what's the big deal with Grimm..." I chuckled unstrapping myself from my seat and with my sword pulling itself from my sheath and float beside me as I controlled it's magnetic field.


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