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I could only blink as night fell upon Gensokyo and the reason I was surprised was the almost painful feeling coming from the western part of my barrier as some dark energy listlessly brushed against it.

I quickly abandoned central control of my body to take up my full faculties as a mountain god as not even Yukari doing all kinds of crazy nonsense in opening gap portals to the sun or hell dimensions were able to faze my barrier.

"Oh... It's her." I thought helplessly as I could feel the overwhelming power of Yuyuko Saigyouji thrumming through Gensokyo causing the conceptual essence of death to be forced upon all live beings in the distance.

Well, I think it was her as it would be a major problem if there was more than one unhinged woman able to force the concept of death upon anything she desired.

'I wonder If I could or even should resurrect her previous body, she has under that massive dead Sakura tree.' I mused absently as I considered who could have pissed her off to this extent.

But my thoughts were for naught as said woman was flying at a high speed seemingly towards the human village. Even if it was great distance there isn't too many people that can fly in Gensokyo and none that live in the almost entirely ghost inhabited lands past the western river separating Gensokyo from the haunted lands Yuyuko basically was the queen of.

For a moment I considered interfering and trying to stop her from going to the human village in case she had bad intentions but then a thought struck me...

"I bet that damn glutton ran out of food and Youmu Konpaku wasn't able to get more food with the village being attacked." I deadpanned remembering on Yuyuko's defining traits as a character what her literally being the exact definition of a hungry ghost.

Meh in that case I can at least make a good impression in that case.

With a loud pop I teleported to the edge of my mountains awareness after securing my consciousness back into my human body.

I then threw a large green flame into the sky to get her attention and the flying pink blur stopped obviously noticing the weird green flame in the distance.

"That should get her attention." I muttered and I was proven correct as the Ghost Princess herself flew over to see what happened.

The pink haired beauty looked around and although she threw a curious look at the clearly inhuman handsome male before, she probably mentally dismissed me for some Tengu or something.

"I was the one who threw up the flames to get your attention..." I deadpanned.

"Teehee oops. You don't really see men running around with magic even if they are Yokai?' She said with her tone obviously indicating she was demanding who or what I was despite how jovial and carefree it came off as.

For a moment I feared her death powers before I mentally shrugged and decided to be just as flippant as she wouldn't be able to 'kill' my whole mountain no matter how hard she tried and worse came to worse I could summon divine lightning and smite her ghostly essence to nothing.

"Oh, I am just the new God who took over Yokai Mountain and I felt your outburst past my borders while eating my supper." I said making up the whole supper bit as I didnt need or even desire food though I could enjoy the taste, I suppose.

I was right on the money as even with Yuyuko being more than five meters away I could clearly hear the tigers roar of her stomach voicing its displeasure of someone else supposedly eating. "Ughhh." Yuyuko groaned pressing her hands to her stomach at the sensation and her eyes watered as she glared at me.

I was so close to bursting into laughter as Yuyuko's pride warred against obviously wanting to beg some food off me or just excusing herself to trying to steal or connive food out of the humans in the human village.

Even as my thoughts raced at the thought of the Ghost Princess stealing from the Human Village, I had a couple large and fat ducks killed by painlessly by flash boiling there brains and then soaked them inside some honey I teleported from a large beehive in the forest at the feet of my mountain and then I threw in a few more herbs I recognized after Hiro told me about them when I cooked for the kids earlier.

While the ducks were being magically cooked at a much faster pace, I also boiled some vegetables and hard boiled some eggs and cheated by soaking the hard-boiled eggs in a tea with the time in the space surrounding it being highly accelerated.

"Can I get some food please..." Yuyuko pouted as she attempted to play at being pitiful but it kinda fell flat as she was never one to have to appeal as a lesser especially to a god as all the rest were sealed away or faded over the years.

I thought for a couple moments before shrugging making a visible arc of golden light form a ring in front of her making her blink in surprise and I could feel her death coated mana stirring in case this was an attack.

"Please step through the arch as there is wards surrounding my mountain and I don't want Yukari trying to throw a bus at me again..." I deadpanned making Yuyuko giggle and look me up and down again hearing how I had survived the Yokai Sages anger.

But even as I said that I felt Ran back at my mountain opening a small Gap Portal and passing a letter to a small brown-haired cat girl who climbed out of the portal and was in turn given what looked to be a high-quality camera by Chen, the catgirl in question.

'Eh one portal in the course of several hours isn't bad at all and the letter is probably just telling Yukari to get off her ass for a while and don't unload all the chores onto Chen,' I thought as Yuyuko gracefully stepped through the ring of light I made.

"Will you please escort this lady for sustenance." She said gently and then as was common here in Gensokyo with how there were no men of note she took a bit of control as she took my arm between hers and I could feel her large breast pushing against my arm as we softly flew off the ground in the direction of my cathedral where the food was.

"Very well and I am glad that you have come, as I made too much food honestly." With the way her eyes lit up I honestly think she took that as more of a challenge and could only bemoan Youmu's life having to take care of and feed this hungry Ghost Princess.


Nile Oplas

Isn't this the same chapter from one of the Ch 12 Touhou? There were 2 ch 12 posted, and I'm pretty sure this was one of them.