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After escorting Ran into my Cathedral as frankly I wanted to keep her closer to my human form as she would be more likely to attack this facade of a body rather than trying to do something like cursing my whole mountainous body or something.

"Anyway, you are welcome to any of the rooms on the left wing as the right wing of my cathedral is to house my champions." I said pointing to the identical hallway leading off to the left as we entered whereas Hiro's room was the first room on the right hallway.

Seeing as each hallway had twenty rooms with their own bathrooms and showers along with a mini kitchen and well stocked bar, I thought that was more than enough seeing as the rooms were mainly for my champions to rest before and after any reports, they needed to make to me then they could go to whatever house they had on my mountain.

Well this was all plans for the future as with me just saying how the left side was now for important or otherwise guest's that needed a close eye upon.

"Running water and power huh... So were you a human who got taken to Gensokyo or something?" Ran asked conversationally as it was obvious that my aesthetics didnt fit with the literal unwashed peasants living in the Human Village which had the tech level of mid 1500's.

I paused for a moment and didnt really see any harm in telling her truth as it wouldn't give her anything to hold over likewise hurt me with, but I also felt like getting my circumstances off my chest.

"Yes, of sorts... I was taken against my will and teleported onto Yokai mountain, and I froze to death upon it." I said shuddering at the memory of the icy wind ripping the warmth from my flesh as well as the tiny tinges of warmth as the last pieces of warmth within my body dissolved and replaced with frost bite.

"Hmm well that doesn't really explain how you became a mountain god as that's a far leap from turning from a casual ghost to an actual god and not even the princess of ghosts could do such a thing." Ran muttered and it took my a moment to connect the dots to Yuyuko, the lady with the power to apply the concept of death to things.

"Ghost's gather strength from emotions, right?" I asked thinking back to how those events unfolded and what happened.

Ran hummed in thought as she sat down demurely on one of the two seats in the room she chooses to reside in and waved to the other one for me to sit in and for us to continue our conversation comfortably.

"Sort of... But the by far the efficient method for a ghost to gather strength and to make themselves more real is to create Karma between themselves and other people whose subconscious thoughts will elevate their existence." Ran explained but I could tell this was obviously not her area of expertise despite it giving many thoughts to consider.

Like whether I am cross between a god or a ghost and honestly maybe the entity who sent me to Gensokyo fucked up the location and my so-called golden finger burnt itself out binding my soul to the mountain or whatever.

These are just thoughts and could very well be completely wrong but who knows and the people who could possibly help me find out could literally seal me away eternally to be some super battery like Ran alluded too earlier.

"Either way.., I am here now and just trying to establish my feet underneath myself." I said shrugging.

Ran folded her hands across her stomach as she leaned back to enjoy the plush comforts of the chair I made with a soft sigh. "Either way if the whole mountain god thing doesn't work out I will put in a word to Lady Yukari to commission some furniture from you."

'I have made Noble Phantasm's with little effort, and she wants me to just be a casual carpenter...' I thought incredulously with an eyebrow twitching.

"I will consider it." I said dryly making her giggle as she knew no person who had achieved godlike power would just up and give it up to go make furniture for others.

We talked about a couple more lighter topics like what she enjoyed eating and how she regularly snuck into the Human Village to buy dango and these sweets buns from a certain vendor that rarely opened and promised that when she had a chance and he re-opened that she would pick me up some to try.

But inevitably our conversation was tilted back to me being an isolationist with an overpowered wall blocking the people I considered undesirable.

"Ok so I understand you don't want the more feral and rabid Yokai back on your mountain, but would you consider allowing the Tengu clan to move back as the Moriya shrine is bursting at the seams and is the goddesses within aren't dealing all to well with the Tengu who are squatting there.

The thing is and I did think about it heavily honestly was the fact that the Tengu Clan that held onto Yokai Mountain with an iron fist was just that... Extremely Territorial to say the least, and I didnt want some literal bird brains thinking they could claim my body as there territory.

"Considering even now they are attacking my barrier even days after I had set it up." I paused to consider the words to say before continuing. "Would it be worth it for me? I mean I can just wait till my zone of influence grows until even the Moriya Shrine is under my aegis and then if needed I can just raise them a new mountain." I said obviously unenthused at the thought of a bunch of arrogant tengu residing upon me and attempting to force some traditions on me.

I could totally be wrong though as only Reimu was afforded any respect after she repeatedly pounded them into the dirt to get to, around, and, from Yokai Mountain.

Honestly the whole Tengu's attacking my barrier thing even now wasn't even annoying with how halfhearted the soldier's doing it were as it was obviously a symbolic act or something though I had noticed that the Moriya goddess's familiar's had stopped poking around.

Ran could only nod knowing how inflexible the Tengu were with only Aya really being a exception but she was annoying in her own way with how she was digging into everyone's dirty laundry to spread it all over Gensokyo in her newspaper.

"Very well in any case I request to retire for the night as I am rather tired." Ran said humbly asking me to leave her to rest and I graciously nodded and excused my self to go sit back upon my throne and just watch the Oni's settle down with there source of basically unlimited Sake and how they found the parts where the Sake turned to and from normal water closer to the surface so they still had water.


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