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Taking in Sarah's fairly decent-sized apartment I didn't have to wonder about the older daughter and her triplet toddlers for long as she obviously went straight to the young children who would need their breathing treatments.

But I didn't enter the side rooms or anything as I just respectfully collapsed into a nice love seat so could finally unwind and relax for a good minute. But I could hear Sarah ever so quietly talking with her daughters while I just relaxed in the somewhat oppressive silence of the apartment.

'I hope the fairy or whatever that's bound to my bunker isn't causing trouble.' I mused with a mental grunt before I shook my head as I reminded myself that I couldn't stay here to long. I needed to take the treasures and the SCP mask I had somehow collected and put in my treasury to unlock some magical power.

And then with whatever amount of magical power I had collected, I would be able to enchant some weapons and gear to make my life far more stable.

After a couple of minutes as I heard the loud droning of the breathing machines start-up, I saw Sarah come out of the triplet's bedroom with the older daughter.

The as of yet un-named daughter shared in Sarah's brown hair and darker hazel brown eyes but she was... Not the finely aged wine that Sarah was in being a milf, her form was thinner and more compact like she was a swimmer or track runner.

"Hello. My name is Jake Bariss." I spoke softly as I stood up and offered my hand to the younger woman who looked to be heading out of her teen years and properly entering adulthood.

The young woman gave a small smile and said. "Amelia Vados... Thanks for helping my mom." 

I nodded with a wry smile crossing my face as I said. "It was certainly trouble... But we got through it. So how are your siblings?" I asked as I saw past Amelia, Sarah was in the kitchen as quietly as she could was moving pots and pans around to seemingly begin cooking up some pasta or something."

Amelia gave a small frown before she said flatly. "Hopefully better with them getting their breathing treatments. But they have other issues besides just their breathing we are worried about."

I exhaled hearing that and as silence took over I couldn't help but ask. "What else is... Ailing them?" I was going to say what was wrong with them. But that seemed like the wrong thing to say.

But Amelia just shrugged and said bluntly. "Mom has diabetes, and combined with the stress of dad dying in a construction accident they were born premature from all the stress giving the three of them breathing issues along with having deficient red blood cells." 

I was silent for a long moment as I considered that. And then I remembered that my alchemy could help with that... If I wanted to get involved anyway. But god knows if I even see Sarah ever again.

'Should I just out of nowhere offer her a place within my bunker?' I thought with amusement at how stupid that sounded.

But in reality, I knew humanity wasn't supposed to be alone. And more importantly, I needed and wanted people within my bunker as I obviously had plenty of rooms, renewable food, and most importantly safety.

Then Amelia coughed and asked. "So Jake, you go to UNLV?" 

I shook my head as I said honestly. "Nah, I am an engineer who got my certifications and degree elsewhere. So you go there I assume?"

She smiled and said proudly. "Yup! I am going there for pediatrics and their swim team... Seeing my sisters being so sick made me want to be able to help other kids later on in life suffering from the same issues." 

"Well. It was either that or I went for my other dream and got into veterinarian tech so I could have an excuse to be around horses all the time hehe." She giggled at the end making my lips twitch.

'Oh, dear god... She is a horse girl, I need to run.' I thought with some amusement before Sarah came out of the kitchen and took a seat across from me and Amelia with her brushing a hand through her long hair as she exhaled at being able to sit down.

"I hope you don't mind if I make spaghetti Jake... I have no idea how long we will have power with the aliens, and demons... And whatever the hell is out there, but I don't want my food to go bad before we can eat it." 

I nodded in understanding and then said. "If you have the space in your freezer, put a bunch of sandwich plastic bags filled with water in there. And should you run out of power those ice bags will help keep the freezer and fridge cool." 

Sarah blinked and smiled as she said. "Do you have any other survival knowledge you would share as well Jake?" 

I nodded and said bluntly. "Empty all containers you have regardless of size and fill them up with clean water. Water from a filtered tap would be best if not then just work to fill as much as you can."

I took a breath and continued. "Humans are recommended to be drinking at least three liters of water a day, but for us living in Las Vegas? Where the power and air conditioning may be going out? You are going to want to have at least four liters of water."

Shrugging I added on darkly. "Not to mention any water you will need to wash yourself, clothes, and to be flushed away." 

Sarah kinda shrunk in on herself and asked weakly. "How much water does two, one-gallon milk jugs hold?" 

My face twitched as I did some quick freedom measurement translation before I said dryly. "Each gallon jug holds three point seven liters of liquid." 

So basically one day's worth of recommended water though in reality it could probably be rationed in half if they were being sedentary and not running outside in the desert heat.

I gave Sarah and Amelia looks and said. "You can go to any store and get the big five-gallon jugs that can be filled here you know. It's not like you ladies need to drag or carry a dozen gallons of water across the city. For now at least." 

I shrugged and said with a wry smile. "Anyway, thank you for the food, Sarah. I appreciate it." 

She nodded with an emotion crossing across her face before she looked at Amelia and then back to me before speaking. "So Jake, how is your bunker getting water?" 

Amelia raised an eyebrow and cut in. "Wait he has a bunker?" 

To which Sarah said dryly. "Yes, Amelia... He is one of those preppers you always made fun of for having those 'Don't tread on me.' flags on the back of their trucks."

And I looked back at Amelia, and with no shame, I leaned in slightly and with an evil smile I said. "I told you so." 

Her face twitched as she knew all too well what I meant. All the government conspiracies, all the talks about aliens, about demons in the government... We were all right muahaha!

But I leaned back with an expression of utter satisfaction before I cleaned up my expression and spoke. "My bunker has a tributary running from the Colorado River running around it. And after it seeps through the ground, it fills up the natural aquifers down below so I have basically unlimited water."

Though... Speaking of water, I couldn't help but wonder how the Dam was doing, and whether or not if it was the reason Vegas still had power of any kind. As for some reason... More than half of the power from the Hoover Dam got sent to California normally.

But either way, I refocused as Sarah spoke again. "I imagine you already got food set up, but how are you getting power? Do you have solar panels and such?" 

I nodded as I replied easily. "Yup, got some good solar powers hooked up into the bunker. Just gotta dust them off once every couple of weeks and they are fine." 

I gave Sarah a knowing look and I then looked around the apartment before I spoke. "How did you get the beds and such to pad over the windows and such so quickly?" 

Sarah grimaced and after looking at the beds and such she took a breath and said frankly. "Thankfully the triplets were asleep when the monsters first touched down... And I was able to add some children's night quill to their breathing treatments to keep them asleep and also help with their immune system so its not unusual."

She took a deep breath and then she looked between me and Sarah before saying. "We went to the apartments that had gotten... Attacked by those monsters, the aliens that came down on the meteors and we grabbed the pillows and beds after checking they didn't have any bed bugs or anything." 

I nodded in understanding with the room going quiet beside the soft sound of the self-stirring boiling pot keeping the noodles spinning around to cook.

After a few minutes of silence as we digested our thoughts of currently being very firmly the bottom bitch of the food chain currently in the world. I exhaled and spoke. "So, after dinner, I will make my way back home. I rather not see what the so-called demon lord is going to do with Las Vegas." 

Sarah's face darkened with fear before nodding shortly as she spoke quietly. "I... I agree, it would be smart to leave Vegas as soon as possible." 

The question was where should she and her kids go? The Nevada desert wasn't kind... It's not like she was going to go trekking through the North East of the US that was filled with forests and such.

Because when the power goes out inevitably for any apocalyptic setting, that meant people here in the desert were going to fight over what few sources of water there were.

"Jake can you come into the kitchen. I need your help opening a bottle of stubborn tomato sauce please." Sarah spoke as she stood up and I raised an eyebrow but nodded and followed the milf behind her into the kitchen taking in said small kitchen with only a small pantry... That didn't have more then like a week's worth of food if they literally ate everything in it.

"Yeah... With my work, we typically order in. Or Sarah brings home whatever we want to cook for the next couple of days. We never really thought to stock up on dried, or boxed food." Sarah said weakly as she opened up a cabinet and took down a can of generic pasta sauce she handed me.

I gave Sarah a look before noting calmly. "You just pulled the bottle of sauce from the cabinet... I didn't hear you opening any cabinets previously when you started cooking, so what did you want to talk to me about away from Amelia?" 

Sarah's face twitched before she leaned against the counter and looked past me through the small overlook past the sink and bar towards Amelia who had taken out her cell phone and was seemingly texting someone.

Then she looked back to me and spoke as I looked away from Amelia. "You are rather observant... But yes I did want to speak to you privately." 

She stepped towards me with one of her right hands landing on my shoulder, before she spoke bluntly. "Jake... Your bunker, do you have any pictures of proof of it?" I nodded, pulling out my own cell phone and within moments went to the section where I had taken pictures for proof of my bunker in case I did decide to pick some people up.

And Sarah was quickly scrolling through the pictures of the bunker before she focused more particularly on the fruit trees and asked curiously. "How do you have the fruit trees so healthy underground?" 

"Medical grade marijuana, grow lights, high-grade dirt, fertilizer, and other things." I listed off... Which I had no part in but I knew such things were possible. The reality though was the bunker had a good deal of magical fuckery going on in it and I certainly wasn't going to say magic is in the bunker just yet.

She was quiet for a moment before she took a deep breath and she looked to me and I shook as her other hand that wasn't on my shoulder went to my waist to push my phone back into my pocket as she leaned in with her large breasts pushing into my chest.

Her lips came to my ear and although she choked on the words at first, she was obviously trying to seduce me... To good effect I admit. "The bunker is rather big... I imagine its rather lonely in there. I... I can keep you company in there. Just, I need somewhere safer for Amelia and the triplets."

Even as she spoke, she was massaging my side and back with that other hand while her other hand was firm on my shoulder as she whispered into my ear.

Leaving me to think... As she didn't immediately press me for an instant answer despite how nervous and anxious she clearly was.

'Demons, aliens, and zombie monsters are running around freely... No shit she want's out of the hot zone of a major city. The question is how trustworthy she is?' I thought before I mentally snorted as I realized something.

This wasn't just a resource shortage apocalypse. This was an active hostile invasion apocalypse, she wasn't a fighter as was shown with the zombies previously and wanted herself and her children to be protected and most importantly provided for.

I gave Sarah a squeeze around her waist that made her shake before I pulled back and spoke with a wry smile. "Sarah... I am willing to take you to the bunker even if it will have some issues with moving the triplets but, I won't ask you to whore yourself out to me for safety. You can just do some chores around the bunker or something." 

And I saw Sarah visibly deflate in relief before she nodded with her voice coming out a bit thick as she said. "Al- Alright Jake, thank you." 


Hmm is it time

Thanks for the chapter looking forward to more l.

Dat Man

Good job Jake :D forced intercourse is never an option must take it slow and steady and the finale is a loving happy family~