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After the long day of mental concentration, all but the moment I landed on my cot I was out like a light.

Though... Even asleep, I could somehow feel my connection with the half-manifested battleship that had taken over the platform we were on. And thus even as I dreamt of a simpler life, my previous life.

This meant even as I was talking to people I knew in my previous life... I could see out of the corner of my eye the cannon's and machine guns of the ship deck roaring as they carved through Grimm's unceasing hordes.

But then my light sleep went fuzzy as a soft form climbed into my bed and my body instinctively wrapped my arms around the target as I was still used in my previous life, my dog always climbing into my bed when I slept.

I opened my eyes with a groan escaping me. "Prinz what... Nora, what are you doing?" I grumbled as I saw the head of orange hair lying next to my body.

There was a moment of silence before Nora spoke with her upper face buried into my body so I couldn't see her expression. "I... If I take care of you... In all things, will you make sure Renny gets a powerful body?"

I gave Nora's head a bland look before my head hit the rather hard cot pillow with a thump as I let out a groan of exasperation. "Don't get me into this drama... You agreed to be my retainer, I agreed to take care of Ren's needs which includes giving him a body so he can feel things below his neck stump."

Once again Nora hesitated before I felt a smaller hand slowly drift to my groin with Nora speaking thickly. "I want Ren to be strong though... I know it will be costly to you, and I don't have nearly enough money and I am no good besides swinging my hammer hard at things so... This is the only way to make sure Renny gets a strong body where he can't get hurt anymore!"

I was silent for a moment as Nora's hand stroked my manhood before I exhaled and took a deep breath and spoke. "No." I spoke as I first put a hand to Nora's shoulder to push her back slightly.

"I am not blind, I know you have strong feelings for Ren, so I won't take advantage of you. Just... Wait for us to get into Beacon and I will make Ren a couple of bodies his head can be slotted into. One for human interaction, and one for fighting."

Finally, Nora looked up to me and I held in a shudder at how... Dead her blue eyes were. "I killed him you know." She muttered, and then she spoke on how she stupidly rode a Ursa Grimm with Ren into a Razor Arachne nest.

With Ren's neck being right in the line of one line that took off his head so cleanly that his head stuck to his neck for a couple of minutes even after doing a front flip.

"It should have been me that died there for my stupidity... The only reason I am alive is because I was too short for any of the lines to catch me. And Renny died there." Nora spoke hauntedly before her eyes refocused on me as she mounted my hips.

"Jake, I may be stupid... But I get people, and I know after being an orphan on the road for the last few years that nothing... Absolutely nothing is free. So what will it cost me for your support of Renny?" She asked bluntly.

I was this close to giving Nora a titty twister and telling her a good night's sleep but looking into her eyes I realized Nora needed something to keep herself stable as she utterly blamed herself for Ren's 'death'

So I had two options here. I sent her off for her to stew and hate herself as she looked at her best friend/maybe crush. As it was definitely one-sided with how Ren all but chemically castrated himself by overusing his semblance. 

Or I let Nora pay me in advance for making Ren's bodies for the future?

"Alright, Nora. What do you have in mind?" I said as I decided to say fuck it and leave it up to her.

She was an adult, she came here to the Beacon trials knowing full well she could die here.

Nora seemingly already had an idea of what she was willing to do as of right now. As she silently scooted down and within a couple of moments my pants were unbuckled with her pulling them down to my knees.

And then without hesitation, I saw her lean down and my length was taken into her wet hot mouth with her nice ass going up into the air as she leaned down to aggressively suck my dick.

'This is less of a blowjob... And more of her trying to punish herself, jeez this is almost depressing.' I thought with a wry smile as I felt and heard Nora gagging as my dick hit the back of her throat.

And she was 'punishing' herself by shifting and pushing against her gag reflex as she tried to force my dick down her throat even if I couldn't really see what she was doing with how my head was just on a thin hard pillow.

There was a lewd glucking noise as she finally found the angle and I felt her nose actually hit my waist with some force as she crammed my dick down her throat with her throat revolting against my intrusion.

My hand instinctively snapped to her head at feeling her chin brushing against the root of my length just above my balls and I was honestly scared she was going to hurt me with how she rough she was being with herself.

But she just kept herself low and choked herself out in giving me a harsh rough deepthroat and I didn't fight the sensation and embraced it as much as possible so a couple of minutes later I was shooting my climax directly into her throat.

Nora then took a washcloth she had hidden in the folds of her clothing and wiped me up silently and then I spoke up softly as Nora's face was a mask as she hid her emotions. "Come here Nora." 

She blinked as I gave her a slight pull and she stiffened as I made her the little spoon her my nose burying into the back of her neck as my hands wrapped around her waist. "Take a nap with me, have an ugly cry, or just stare at the wall knowing I can't see your face... Just let it out while I go back to sleep." I ordered her.

She sniffled and spat out with a thick voice. "You are terrible at making people feel better." 

And I calmly stated. "And you are a mess. Calm the hell down and rest. You can regret this later if we live past initiation."

With that I gave Nora a squeeze and then shut my eyes and I exhaled against the girl that smelled... Like Maple Syrup somehow? 

After a few minutes and realizing I wasn't groping her or anything. I felt Nora relax slightly against me and with her taking one of my hands that had wrapped around her stomach and move them up to her chest allowing me to feel her breast and her heartbeat as she held my arm as though to steady herself.

And then my post-nut relaxation kicked in and I went back to sleep.


A few hours later I was awoken by a particularly loud explosion that made me blink awake with Nora shuddering in my arms and instantly I pushed my consciousness into the camera's of the guns to find out what the hell was going on.

A massive Grimm that had three legs that ended in large bone spikes, with an almost spider-like body as the body was in the middle of the triangle-shaped leg formation. It had an almost humanoid chest that was fifteen meters tall with a massive glowing eye in the center of its chest that was staring in all directions.

My door was slammed open and I saw it was Velvet who hissed. "We have a Moonraider! It's going to invade people's dreams and lead the Grimm to anyone who is asleep by magnifying their negative emotions in their dreams!"

I looked back through the camera's and I saw as Prinz Eugen's battle cannons tore large holes through the monster's flesh.

But the wounds were visibly healing, at high speed. Worse was how the large oily splotches of blood hit the ground and I could see minor Grimm forming from the splots of oily blood.

I snapped up with all the gun stations not controlled by the girls using their tablets roaring to life as I aimed them at the fucking abomination and then I even summoned some flak cannons onto the ship, hooking them up into my systems and then loading them up with incendiary Dust rounds.

The sounds of a dozen powered cannons even inside the control tower dampening metal form became a drone that vibrated the air visibly as all the cannons vented my disgust and... Fear as I saw dozens of Grimm forming from the blood pools.

Thankfully though, the dozens of cannons and Prinz's own high-end battleship cannons turned the fucking monster into a paste with the incendiary Flak Rounds turning the surrounding area into a burnt wasteland as well to make sure the blood pools were destroyed.

"Alright... It's dead." I whispered as I felt something inside me retreating and I shivered as I realized even I was subject to that thing's dream manipulation.

Velvet likewise shuddered with her giving Nora who sat up silently a look but didn't say anything about Nora seeing as we were both fully dressed. "They have one of the higher kill counts for Grimm due to their ability to direct tunneling Grimm under towns and into the homes of people who are sleeping."

I gave a groan as I stood up from my bed with my back cracking as I stretched. "What time is it?" I asked as I tried to push down the thought of Grimm burrowing underneath my bed to eat me as I slept.

Refocused after stretching I looked at Velvet who gave a wry smile and said. "Prinz and New Jersey let you sleep mostly through the night. It's about an hour before dawn at this point."

I blinked before rolling my eyes and muttering. "Worrywarts... Alright Velvet, you and Alice get some sleep. Wait, here is some food as well." I spoke as I manifested a tankard filled with water along with a couple of MRE's for the two rabbit girls to eat.

I gave Velvet a pat on the shoulder as I passed by her and as I left the room I saw Alice was standing behind her sister with exhaustion clear in her eyes so I gave her a small smile which she matched as I let her into the room I used for the two of them to get some sleep.

With Nora following behind me silently we walked back onto the bridge and my eyes snapped to Ren's head that was in its jar and it seemed that he was still in his semblance-induced coma as he was trying to make time pass by faster.

As I came in, I saw Yang look at me with blurry eyes that reflected as she looked away from her tablet and she coughed before saying with forced cheer. "Woohoo, does this mean its time to rotate?" 

I gave a wry smile and manifested a couple of cosmic brownies to hand over to Yang making her blink as I said. "Yeah, go ahead and relax Yang. Take one of the smaller rooms and get some sleep. I got this for the rest of the day at least."

Yang gave me a look before she looked between me and Nora before shrugging with her taking her oversized Falchion/Odachi blade and saying with some gallow humor. "Alright, I am going to get some sleep... We still got two more days of this insanity to go haha." 

Leaving just me, New Jersey and Nora in the room with me exhaling and saying. "So how are you doing New Jersey?" 

The Battleship however just grinned and said. "Ha! I am the strongest of the Eagle Union, the Black Dragon! Pulling one all-nighter and playing around with a tablet is nothing haha."

She sounded like she was in a good state, and through my senses I could feel Prinz coming back into the control tower so I gave New Jersey a large metal cup filled with the oil, ship girls needed to fuel themselves.

"Alright, drink up some oil and I want you to get a quick nap in at least while I am fully awake," I ordered with New Jersey giving a snappy salute as she happily sucked the oil through a metal straw with a loud noise.

Then Prinz came up to the top of the tower and after checking in with her I likewise gave her some extra oil as she had gone outside and used a good bit of her ammo. In order to get rid of several larger Grimm that came to the edges of the gorge we were in the middle of.

So while Nora went over to hold Ren's head to her chest, I was speaking with New Jersey and Prinz. "So how was it last night when I was sleeping?" 

Prinz shrugged and said honestly. "It was certainly something... Alot of lesser Grimm, but the weapon emplacements worked just fine to deal with them."

New Jersey made a humming noise and spoke with some curiosity. "Jake can you manifest some more passive defenses like barbed wire or something over the bridges? The gorge is big enough none of the other Grimm can make it over to the platform and the fall is deep enough all the Grimm die who fall into the gorge." 

I raised an eyebrow at the question before thinking and nodding as I had such options. "One second ladies." I spoke and then I closed my eyes and with my mind, I connected to the manifested ship hull we were on and the platform bridges leading to the other side of the gorges.

From there I delved into my knowledge as I didn't want to spend a bunch of aura making ranged defense options I opted for the more passive defenses.

I manifested the laser/plasma barriers that were used to hold lines and fortifications in Gears of War and they had the sensors to pick out humans to let them through the laser field.

"Alright, I got some passive protection on the bridges. Anyway, I am surprised no one else came through the night." 

Prinz and New Jersey shared a look before Prinz said bluntly. "A few people reached the gorge, but not where the bridges where. And then they got overwhelmed after being caught in such an open area. To say nothing of the people who got hunted down by that Moonraider last night before it came to the gorge."

'I need to start putting up some Hammer of Dawn satellites into space when I get into Beacon... But I can already tell such a futuristic weapon is going to drain the shit out of my aura to say nothing of how much of a bitch it will be to put it into orbit.' I thought with a sigh escaping me.

"Alright... Well, we should have cleared out a good bit of the surrounding Grimm at this point. So I am going to take over watching through the camera systems, you two get some rest." 

I had a feeling today was going to be easier. But on the other hand... I had a feeling tomorrow and the rush to get to the exfiltration was going to be a mad dash.



Just turn what he has into a flying battleship. Few of those in fiction.

James Fuqua

I wonder what the Vale Royal Family and all the other kingdoms will do if (when) Jake puts up a constellation of Hammer of Dawn sats. It will glorious!!