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I got my comeuppance for Gazel's people's actions in fucking up my first lab by... Gouging the fuck out of him for my skill-granting elixirs in terms of prices and trading resources. 

But beyond that, I otherwise was a good host for King Gazel and his people. His soldiers, and mounts were all well fed and they were put up in a couple of houses we were in the process of putting furniture in so they could rest through the night rather than camping outside.

And as night fell, King Gazel and the leader members of his advisors and my own people met again for tea after Gazel had his soldiers settle down for the night as peace between our groups was all but assured.

"So Jake... I have a question for you. Have you considered having a treaty between my nation and yours?" King Gazel asked formally.

I stopped as I went to bite a cookie and raised an eyebrow as I looked at Gazel more seriously as he continued. "At this rate, you will be taking over and consolidating your nation within the Jura Forrest which isn't claimed by any of the established forces. The maijin forces you are accumulating aren't anything to look aside at after all."

In the corner of my eye, I saw Shion and Shuna all but preening alongside several of the goblin leaders who I had named in particular. 

And after a moment I swirled my tea as I ordered my thoughts 'Why did he want such a treaty to bind our nations? What did he gain from such a deal?' Thoughts of that like.

So I decided to be blunt as I could tell the oversized dwarf 'demi-god' was as blunt as they come. "What do you want out of such a treaty?" 

Gazel folded his arms over his regal suit and while making eye contact with me he said bluntly. "Mutual defense pact... The world is filled with Demon Lords who are highly ambitious and humans and their saints and hero's bound to their nations are weapons that I struggle with to keep contained."

There was a pause as he chewed on his thoughts and said. "Jake, despite you being human. The world is going to see the Jura Alliance as a nation of monsters, and even if your nation remains within the Jura Forrest, the factions of the world will want to suppress you for you being a human, and a new nation of monsters."

"You will want a friendly nation when you come out onto the wider stage of this world," Gazel spoke bluntly.

All his words were very much correct so I slowly nodded before I said. "I agree. A treaty would be in the Jura Republic's best interest." 

And so we began to work on the terms of such an agreement. Gazel for his part would send a number of his dwarves over to our town to increase our building speed of houses and roadwork through the forrest to the surrounding villages and towns of Orcs, Goblins, and the Lizardmen that made up our nation.

And he swore that should a demon lord or human army move through the northern portion of the Jura Republic's territory along his own territory. He would move with his own army to question their doings and even directly fight them while I swore to do the same.

Lastly, we promised that any information on important events leading to harm for either nation would be shared between the two of us with all due haste.

 With that all said, and carved out between us the meeting was concluded. As we had already set up a sizable trade deal to come later at another date earlier in the day.

I walked home that night with Rimuru hanging onto my shoulder in her true slime form as she made little humming noises as we walked through the quiet town towards my home.

"So you aren't as angry at Gazel anymore," Rimuru noted fairly as she broke her soft humming while I stepped into my house.

A plopping noise rang out as Rimuru hopped off my shoulder and landed on the well-padded arm of my sitting chair with her taking on her human form as she looked down at me as I brushed a hand across my face.

And after a moment I responded with some exasperation. "It's too soon... Getting the world's attention, let alone the likes of saints and demon lords. We aren't ready to face such entities yet." 

My actions in enhancing the native population with my elixirs and helping smelt massive amounts of metals had seemingly kicked the progression of events with Gazel coming far sooner then he should have.

That left a very important question... Would Millim Nava the Dragonoid and Walking Disaster appear within the town in less than a week?

Could I 'beat' her the same way as Rimuru did in canon by shoving a bunch of monster honey into her mouth and have her 'eating out of the palm of my hand'.

I wasn't sure. 

That feeling of uncertainty wasn't anything pleasant to say the least.

"We will manage, just as we have before Jake." Rimuru spoke softly as her yellow eyes gazed down at me with confidence.

And I gave a soft chuckle before I exhaled and spoke. "Alright. One step at a time is the right move. So Rimuru, I have some tea in-"

We both stilled and my eyes snapped to the side as a soft knocking rang out at the front door. 

"Huh. It's Treyni." Rimuru spoke innocently not noticing my lips twitching at the reminder of the fucking dryad accidentally giving me a magical aphrodisiac. 



Time for the druid to get some wood for her sins lol