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After my... Confusing as hell shower in which Katherine and Adelieth squeezed me dry like an overly used soap dispenser. I was back at work turning the collected information into actionable information I could take my troops towards to take.

'Deamon infested forges... No, that's not all that useful to my goals.' I mused as I looked at the information the sabotage unit and our soldiers had collected as I had hacked into all the local Vox networks to allow our soldiers to collect the heretics' comms.

'A major hab-block though... One that has significant signs of being a site of a demonic summoning to summon Plaguebearers.' I locked onto that information and my lips curled in disgust at the thought.

As Plaguebearer's were the most common of true demons of Nurgles ilk. They were brought into the material world via mortals dying to Nurgle's Rot and their bodies left to fester in the filth allowing the daemonic entity to enter the body and reshape it to fit its form.

What was worse, was how the Plaguebearer's would be a constant weight on the Hive City due to their nature as walking staples of Nurgle's filth. Flies and insects carrying the worst diseases would crawl from its open wounds and rotting flesh.

The air it breathed would be a miasma that could melt the flesh of mortals and they were all armed with a Plaguesword that corrupts and rots the flesh of whatever it cuts into.

'I need to focus on this more than anything... I refuse to let the Plaguebearers form into Tallybands that will sally out to infect more of the Hive City to fill their numbers even more.' I thought before I frowned slightly at the realization that the troops should be just fine with their armaments.

They had their Colt's from Supernatural that could kill damn near anything once it slammed home into the enemy's flesh for more elite enemies. And the heavy Fallout Plasma Caster's several Gunner's were using should be powerful enough to burn through the demonic bullshit.

But on the other hand... 

I took out a knife along with several strips of bandages that I cut into stripes that had several runes cut into the bandages via my Glimmer printers.

Then I cut my hand open over the rune-filled bandages while I prayed to the Emperor with my spiritual energy calling out to his divine essence and in turn I felt the Emperor's Anathema nature fill bandage strips.

"Why did you need to cut yourself to make the Emperor bless the bandage thingies?" Barghest asked with confusion as she hovered over me with concern as I delved into my inner light to heal my hand.

I took a breath to clear away any exhaustion from blessing a stack of like... A hundred strips of runic bands I had made from some bandages. 

"Tie these bands around your guns and handles of your gravity hammer Barghest. The Emperor will protect you and allow your blows to land true upon the heretic." I spoke with Barghest blinking her big blue eyes at me.

And then she nodded and without a word did as I told her. While I put in some orders to the data slate for Ecesh to come here and begin delivering these bands to the squad I was taking with me to go clear that hab block.

"Boss, the other enhanced Ogryns had a favor to ask?" I blinked hearing Barghest and I looked over at her from my data slate. "A couple of them had seen Space Marine Dreadnoughts in pictures before as this planet used to make some of the cannons used on them. They wanted to know if you could make big mechs for Ogryn's too?"

The way she asked me so earnestly... I brushed a hand across my face and I smiled before saying honestly. "Yeah Barghest. Yes, I can and once I am back I will make you and a couple smaller mechs for you Ogryns to operate in. But remember, we are in a Hive City, the places we can operate a Knight-sized mech isn't a good place to be with how the heretics can and will fortify with so much open space." 

Barghest pouted making me chuckle as I got up and walked over to give her a quick side hug... Which turned into me groaning as Barghest turned it into an overly enthusiastic full hug with my superhuman spine popping as she in her power armor gave me a big 'loving' hug.

"Okay then! When we leave this smell planet then you have to make us all big mechs you understand!" Barghest demanded making me snort as she looked so damned excited.

After a moment where Barghest put me down so she could properly look me in the eye so she could give her patented golden retriever-like pout. I patted her stomach which was at my face height as I said. "Sure Barghest... But at least on this coming mission, you will be with me. I just need the rest of the day to give everyone time to relax and tomorrow we will sally out towards the next mission."

Barghest gave a firm nod of understanding though there was no hiding how happy she was that I was going to be going on this mission with her.

Or more like she would be able to defend me on the mission itself.

So with all that said and a number of my troops readied themselves for deployment tomorrow. I began wondering the crucial details of what came in my life.

'How would I leave this desolate Hive world? If I could make a ship to leave it safely, where would I go? And even if I could leave... What would I do?'

But in reality, I had one good idea of what I needed to do.

I was going to become a Rouge Trader. What with all the technological knowledge I held along with my production abilities. It was just a matter of myself strip-mining several meteor fields to get enough materials to create a literal space station.

'Hmm, I wonder if I could make enough drones to make my own Starkiller Base. Just have a metric fuck load of drones eat out the core of a very small dwarf planet and have exotic demensional energy generators fuel the structure and just cover the entire fucking thing in weapons to make my own Warworld.'



Can use no man's sky tech for space travel, mining, drones etc, nms and sub nautica tech should be mighty usefull here specially nms spaceships

Rauko the varment

I'm liking that goal~, looking forward to the changes he'll bring to the planet first because while it is dangerous it's a resource Jake needs to collect from before leaving. with how unpredictable space will be, a lot of preparation will be needed.