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Minneapolis Minnesota... Basically a too large of a city in the middle of fucking nowhere in the northern center of the United States. It was the city in which people who loved the cold went to when they weren't too stupid or criminal enough to go to Chicago basically.

And we didn't waste time and settling down roots, with Elsa and Annika doing their vampire mind tricks to smooth over any issues when it came to us getting a house and paying for it via a few cash payments to make it more reasonable and not a lump sum payment.

Elsa and Annika had... A lot of money saved up in bits of gold and silver they had hoarded over the millennia they had been alive and we only hit a single one of the hidden caches of the wealth they had squirreled away.

But I now literally had a house to my name! I didn't even have a house in my name in my old life even!

"Hmph, it's just a townhouse... You are acting like we just gave you the keys to a multi-million dollar house with a gold mine in the background." Annika teased me as she hovered over me with her glowing red eyes glinting as I was laid out on the living room couch with Hinata laying across my chest.

And to that, I just had to say honestly. "It's a man thing... To say, that this is my house. I will die on the hill that is someone touches the thermostat to my air conditioner."

I shook my head and continued. "It's just the assured privacy as well. As no maintenance or landlord is going to do any 'surprise' inspections in the hopes of giving me a fine or something."

The reality of renting all my life and suddenly having a home was certainly something... Especially when I planned to set down roots here on a more permanent basis. 

As Minneapolis was a chill-as-hell city. Sure there were some vampires and werewolves which was to be expected. But the Hulk wasn't going to be tearing through it.

Magneto wasn't going to be taking Mall of America and wadding it up into a huge ball to throw at Wolverine.

It was a background city that was firmly under the radar and I was happy with that now.

"So do you plan to get a mortal job that pays like shit with your weak identity? Or would you want to take on supernatural jobs that can give you a good payday. I don't particularly care but I am curious what you plan to do outside of your training and ourselves." Elsa asked from across the room.

I gave a grunt and looked at Elsa whose blood-red eyes blinked as they met mine and I asked curiously. "Are these jobs from those same contacts who got Hinata and me a new identity?" 

Then I added on more seriously. "And what jobs are they? I don't want to get on people's radar obviously."

Annika rolled her eyes and said. "Jake, you are some kind of wizard that can throw lightning from your hands, burp fireballs, and fight vampires easily in hand to hand... Who are you even so afraid of?" 

And without shame I retorted. "The IRS. I owe more than ten years of back taxes... That and technically despite Hinata and our magical energy, we are somehow mutants and are being sucked into mutant issues." 

At hearing we were mutants technically Elsa and Annika shared a look before shrugging and Elsa spoke more seriously. "Fine, that's fair enough. We have seen the witch hunts, mutants have been facing for the last few centuries. Anyway, the jobs are monster killing for entities that hunt humans and other sentient and are making too much noise."

Elsa took a breath and then continued. "The most common missions are killing the local tribes of Wendigo's and Big-Foot's that go after the humans in small towns and in the countryside. That and they breed so fast that they need to be regularly culled as they at their core are supposed to be hunting each other in reality."

Hearing that I nodded and said with a wry smile. "The wendigos were supposed to hunt the Big-Foot right? And now humanity is the far easier hunting target." To which Elsa nodded and so I got more information on the supernatural jobs in the area in dealing with ghosts, spirits, and the occasion monster that was getting messy with its human eating.

All the while Hinata was just resting on my chest sleeping comfortably as her ear pressed against my chest so she could listen to my heartbeat.

And after a bit Elsa and Annika were getting tired with how the sun was coming up as we had moved in super early in the morning. So they went to the basement where their coffins were being kept to sleep in perfect comfort and safety.

Leaving me and Hinata alone for the rest of the day.

After a bit with how Hinata was conked out sleeping I decided to make myself a simple lunch to fill up my gut while I went over whether I wanted to make a splash in taking jobs in the supernatural side of the world.

Though... Annika did mention there was a branch of the Kamar Taj here in Minneapolis. So getting jobs from possibly the Sorcerer Supreme could be useful to say the least. 

"You seem to have settled yourself in rather well." A familiar male voice spoke and my head snapped over to the alternate version of myself leaning against the wall as he gave me and then Hinata glance who was out like a light undoubtedly due to his own work.

My alternate had the same facial structure I did, but his much longer hair was instead of my shorter dirty blond, was a pitch black with glowing bloody red streaks running through it.

"Her mind and soul have healed a good bit... Most of the girls we pick up as we sort through particularly corrupted universes don't heal nearly as well. Even if we cart them off with another Jake when they reincarnate." He mused before turning back to me and giving me a nod that I could feel with his appreciation in my chest at the weight of the nod.

I took a breath and said. "It's been a bit of a trying time with how... Marvel is well Marvel, especially when Hinata is still incapable of fighting even in a sparring match." I admitted with my sponsor giving a short nod before looking away from me to Hinata before he spoke.

"I am one of the few Jake's who goes out of their way to truly help others... Most Jake's at the cosmic level protect their multiversal clusters and don't go beyond it besides fighting back the End with other forces at our level... Anyway during my own rise to power, I had several women... Bad end."

His eye's dulled before he shook his head and said. "Jake's don't get reincarnated on straight hentai and bad-end worlds like Kuroinu for a good reason. As giving people cosmic potential and then having them almost inevitably face having someone they loved raped and mentally broken is not good for the Omniverse at large." 

My sponsor took a breath and shook his head as I felt a tightness in my chest at the dull gaze that seemingly could spell the end of this world with a snap of his fingers.

But thankfully he chilled out as he looked back at me and spoke. "Anyway, you are doing well with Hinata, so well that I wanted to check in now that you have your own place and bring over your next partner and soul bond." 

I slowly nodded and spoke. "I see... Can you tell me who it is and what issues they will have?" 

He gave a grunt of agreement and with a snap of his fingers I blinked as right in front of me was four files with pictures of the ladies involved. 

"I threw Hinata at you first because she was the easiest honestly. These three options that aren't X'd out are something you can manage... Alexstrasa however is far outside your wheelhouse with how strong you are currently, she may actually kill you on accident easily should she has an episode."

And so I read the files of the three that were being offered to me with my eyes twitched at the stupid evil and just bad ends that had apparently happened in these girls' particular universes.

[Rias Gremory- In this universe, Sirzechs had the Devil Sleeping Sickness and during the Rating Game against Riser. Issei, Kiba, and Gaspar were brutally killed during the Rating game after Riser sabotaged the system to allow him to purge his fiancee's peerage of men. After the rating game Rias was wedded to Riser and she along with her surviving Peerage were raped by Riser until the world was engulfed in war as the Great War was restarted after Sona was killed by Kokabiel.
All the while Rias was stuck in the underworld after the Rating Game was forced to be Riser's sex toy due to magic that bound and forced her to his will.]

[Rias Gremory mostly hates herself and has suicidal tendencies as she blames herself for how Akeno, Koneko, and Asia were mentally shattered during their nonstop sexual assault by Riser Phenex who abused his seemingly infinite stamina from his bloodline and also using erotic magic to further enhance the girls pleasure.]

[Ahri- A Gumiho/Fox Vastaya that can absorb lifeforce typically in a measured manner. But in this universe she was abducted during the war of Ionia and taken to Noxus. Where she was tortured with mind-altering chemicals and magic to drive her into a feeding frenzy. Then before she could be used as a weapon of war by Noxus, Vladamir the vampire hemomancer mage used his blood magic to twist her life force absorption to a far higher state to make her mimic a vampire like himself.]

[Vladamir not only used Ahri to horrific effect to help Noxus conquer the world with her ability to drain all lifeforce within a five mile radius via her simple act of breathing. But he also used her as sexual relief for his army of Noxian warriors who forced themselves upon the mentally shattered and overly glutted Gumiho after she was forced to devour thousands of lives each time she was uncaged.]

[Ahri is broken mentally in the same way Hinata was. Show a hand of kindness and patience and she will latch onto you with an iron grip. You are also now perfectly suited to care for her needs as your lifeforce is strong enough to survive her draining without any bad effects that go beyond simple exhaustion.]

[Keynote- She isn't mentally broken due to the sexual assault, she was mostly unconscious during all such events or was so out of it that it was no different. It was the act of eating the lifeforce of thousands and her body acting on its own to literally devour man woman and children that she mentally broke.]


I had to take a second to mentally process all that before I took a breath and went to read the third option.

[Scathach- In this FGO universe timeline, one of the B-team random masters that didn't survive did... And he didn't want to play second fiddle to some no name master who just showed up. So he had his own servant in Jack the Ripper carve out Ritsuka's womb in front of Mash while they were in the America Singularity, all but dooming humanity while he stole her Command Seals to take control all the Servants that Ritsuka had contracted.] 

[The mind break comes from Scathach not being interested in said Master who met her during the singularity and said master used all three Command Spells with the command. 'Become my bitch onahole slave.' 
And due to the universal degradation, and Alaya and Gaea already giving up on that timeline after Ritsuka died, Scathach's magical resistance and willpower faltered and snapped under the reality-altering command seals.]

[In amount of time that followed leading up to the master being killed off by Goetia who a wave of his hand due to the master having zero allies at that point. The master used his regenerating command seals to keep layering mental tribulations and alterations that conflicted and enhanced aspects of Scathach's mind which ended up utterly scrambling Scathach's soul and ego.]

[Scathach is broken... That's it, utterly broken, I have reformatted her memory to wipe away the happenings but her soul is still scrambled instant eggs without cohesion, she is going to need to rebuild and reaffirm her primary ego which could collapse should you or anyone else order her to be their slave bitch for example.]

I didn't dare to look at the last file if I had no chance at dealing with Alexstrasa... But I looked over the files and wondered who I could best help as I was now. And who would fit in the best in my current situation.


Jeff Roy

Pretty sure the Vegan Vamps literally said they were born 200 years ago. So how have they collected stuff for Millennia?

Goddess of Victory

It makes no sense to me how Jake is most wary of the weakest one of them. Scáthach is so utterly brokenly powerful (lore wise) she can kill Alexstrasza literally without lifting a finger, Rias with her power of Destruction can annihilate Alexstrasza in a heartbeat, and while I don't know anything about Ahri, nine tailed fox beats dragon any day of the week.

Goddess of Victory

lol, I forgot about that so I went back and checked. Seems you're right, from chapter 10: "We were born in the northern reaches of Sweden two hundred years ago..."