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'Well, this is honestly the worst first impression I have ever seen.' I thought as I as I watched Syndra's unconscious form after I poured some healing potion down her throat to make sure her skull wasn't cracked or otherwise bruised.

Maybe I should have just teleported after giving Syndra the message... Nah, beating Syndra was the right move.

I came here to this world to gather high-end materials and beat the shit out of champions to inspire my growth afterall.

In this world, my hands were going to be rated E for everyone.

But I do wish the two people hanging on the edges of my senses would either leave or come forward... 

"Are you two going to come out? Or are you just going to hide within the tree's and watch for the rest of the day?" I asked casually as I took out pot and a cup to make myself some tea while I waited for Syndra to wake up from her assisted sleep.

The sounds of the forest abruptly died but I was undaunted and I just continued to make my tea.

"Ah hell, hey man you got an extra cup so we can have some tea as well?" A male voice called out and I only raised an eyebrow as I took out a larger table from my inventory to place it in front of me with a couple of chairs falling out of my inventory along with a couple of cups sliding across the table.

The sounds of crushed leaves and twigs rang out and I genially looked over at the source and nodded as I saw two people walking up to the table.

"Yo! You new to Ionia? I haven't seen you before and I am pretty sure I know all the champions of Ionia haha?" Rakan spoke and I nodded as I took in his form along with his girlfriend Xayah.

Rakan and Xayah were both bird-based Vastaya so they had bird features like actual wings attached to their arms or backs and Rakan was walking around with kilt-like pants and a cape that covered his back and shoulder with several bird-like skulls tied to his outfit.

I then gave Xayah a cursory look... And yeah she was certainly hot, but she was also very taken by Rakan so I didn't inspect her overtly so.

"I am indeed new to Ionia.  I unfortunately came here at a bad time though with the Noxian invasion going on." I spoke with a wry smile as I allowed Xayah to inspect the pot holding tea without a word.

And Rakan gave a grunt hearing that before he gave his lover a look and said. "Yeah... As much as we Vastayan's don't appreciate humans, Noxians truly are the worst besides the people from Zaun who have completely given up on nature." 

I raised an eyebrow before I said with some amusement. "I am also a human as well. But its a fair point, humanity cares only for its creature comforts regardless the price local nature must pay for that." 

But both Xayah and Rakan blinked at my words before Xayah rolled her eyes and said in a slightly sarcastic voice. "Yeah, you have human blood somewhere... But your blood sings of divinity and magic of the stars, you have literally less than a tenth of the taint of humanity a normal human living in Ionia would have."

'Huh... Getting the Falna and becoming a Starfarer truly has changed me so much hasn't it.' I mused before mentally shrugging as agonizing over such a thought was pointless. I was still myself and my thoughts were unchanged.

"Anyway... So you going to do anything about the Noxian invasion?" I asked curiously.

At this point, I was thinking about doing some targeted assassinations. Take out the invading army mages, poison their food and water supplies, and then throw a wrath potion onto Sion to make him go onto a rampage within their own army.

Xayah and Rakan shared a look before they shrugged and Rakan said after a moment. "Of course... Ionia is our home, and although we aren't the fondest of Ionian humans, they are far better than Noxian's who want to strip this land of its resources completely." 

I threw a look at Syndra who was pretending to remain unconscious and after a moment I made a humming noise before I spoke. "I see... Well I do have a bone to pick with them after Sion, Darius, and Draven jumped me. So if you are willing to let me start the sabotage first, I will meet you two in more open battle should it come to it against the Noxians."

Xayah however spoke up with a small frown. "I can feel how strong you are with the divinity and magic leaking from your form... But even we will fall should we try to part the river that is the army of Noxian men without our own army." 

To that, I gave a small nod before I said. "Don't worry about an army... I can open a small portal to a terrible place over in Ixtal to let a bunch of very hostile. Very numerous and large bee's come and wreak havoc for a while."

They two shared a look before Rakan took a drink and asked in amusement. "Bee's huh? How big are the bees?" 

To which I grinned evilly and said with no shame. "The queen is bigger then Syndra's temple was tall... So the lesser bees are even bigger than we are. And I will be summoning a few hundred of them." 

Both of the Vastaya gave me 'What the fuck dude?' looks before I shrugged and said with frankly. "What? Would you rather I open a portal to the voiding-filled areas of Ixtal instead?" 

"No... Bee's will be perfect. But can the bees make honey?" Xayah asked curiously and I tilted my head to the side and replied while taking out some of the Terraria honey I had.

"Oh yes, they can. In fact, their honey is magical and will very quickly help heal bees and other lifeforms wounds if they eat or have the honey in contact with their body." 

'Wow... Even when considering using monster bees for guerrilla warfare. They are still worried about the ecological effects the monsters will have on the area.' I thought with amusement.


Hmm is it time

Thanks for the chapter looking forward to more.

Dat Man

Umu Jake following the bro code when seeing another bros hot lover