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My lips twitched at how Naruko pointed at me and called me out for having the Mokuton, but thankfully it was only the scary as fuck 'demigoddess?' and Shikamaru in the room currently. 

"Uhhh yeah thats me." I said with a wry shrug and she blinked before grinning and ran over to me and patted my shoulder as she said.

"So what is having an elemental bloodline like? I can use the Uzumaki Sealing Chains, but I can't use the other Uzumaki bloodlines." Naruko babbled as Shikamaru loudly groaned into his arms as he failed to be able to get back to sleep.

I held up a hand in surrender to make Naruko slow down, and after a moment I answered honestly. "Well... It's pretty easy honestly. I use water, earth and yang chakra to reach into the world and invigorate it to enhance and then control the wood I grow from the chakra I infuse into the area."

Wood Release wasn't taking wood already available in the world and enhancing it, making it grow, and controlling it. Though you could do that and save chakra, its base state was to create the wood of life from nothing like how a person would shoot stone bullets out of their mouths with a jutsu.

At my words, Naruko tilted her head to the side and said bluntly. "That doesn't sound easy at all... Are you messing with me?" 

Which I tilted my head to the side stepped out of my desk and floated up into the air as I pushed Chakra out of my feet as I used the Legend of Zelda agility perk to make me all but weightless so I could lounge in the air to ask. "I mean... No, but it's simple to me, and I figured out how to fly on my own?" 

Naruko's face twitched and she quickly waved a hand underneath my floating form and feeling nothing there she leaned back and said. "Ok... You belong in our class. Just stay away from Sasuke, she is a major bitch and loves to kick people in the nose." 

I couldn't help a chuckle hearing that but before I could respond at hearing Sasuke was also a chick, the demigoddess coughed with my eyes being drawn to her form. She laid a hand on her ample chest and her wine-red eyes all but glowed as she inclined her head towards me and spoke.

"My name is Kamimu Sagui. I hope that you can treat me well if we get paired up during exercises for this year." 

I nodded slowly and bowed my head in greeting before saying. "Yeah, my name is Akari Sadra, if the chips land that way I won't hold you back."

And then the doors of the classroom slammed open I saw it was Kiba Inazuka all but sprinting into the room with him yelping out. "Dojus is pissed after Iruka confiscated his sake!" 

Several more classmates and various people I did recognize from canon soon filtered into the classroom and alot of people I didn't recognize at also entered Class 1-A. Which for the people I didn't recognize it made sense.

As here in this world being a ninja was a very fucking serious thing. There wasn't room for fangirls or guaranteed career Genin, especially in the so-called genius class.

All the people here were the clan heirs, cream of the crop members of the clans, children of Jonin, and of course the demigods and youkai blooded. 

Then after a while the last couple members of the class filtered in... And I learned who Dojus was.

'Oni... That is definitely a fucking Oni.' I thought with a raised eyebrow as I saw the eight-foot-tall red-skinned teenager stomping into the classroom with his skin literally putting out steam with how heated he was.

And then... Dojus strode through the classroom and then stopped in front of me and he glared down at me. 

"That is my seat... Move newbie." He growled with his voice audibly shaking the air like as though I was standing in front of a huge stereo at a concert.

'Is he starting shit just because I am new and he doesn't think there will be consequences for doing so?'

But I just raised an eyebrow and said bluntly. "There literally no seating arrangement. Fuck right off tomato boy." 

The classroom was utterly silent with Naruko who was sitting beside me giving me a look that screamed. 'What the fuck are you doing?'

Dojus looked me right in the eye and then he smiled. "I like your cut." Then his large hand grabbed my hair and my vision blurred as he smashed my face through the desk with a loud crashing noise of shattered wood.

And I could feel my nose and facial bones break with the impact as I didn't have my chakra fully active to reinforce my body.

"But call me tomato boy again. And I will kill you, you hear?" He spoke with that same smiling voice.

But I was silent for a moment as he just patted my head indulgently.

Loud popping noises rang out as my face audibly put itself back together and I looked up with my jaw snapping back into place and as my eyes met his with his eyebrow-raising. I grinned and held up a hand with my fingers up before violently closing and twisting.

"One thousand years of death!" I spoke darkly and his eyes rolled up as twin cracking noises rang out like a thundercrack.

"My balls!" He screamed as I used the connection he formed via touching me to use my blessing of Tzeentch to use my ultimate spell.

"I cursed you with my ultimate jutsu... With but eye contact with you, I can explode your balls with my Testicular Torsion Jutsu!" I spoke and I saw in the corner of my eyes... My fellow male classmates looked at me in primal terror of such a 'kinjutsu/forbidden jutsu' being left in my hands.

Then just for the cherry on top the door opened up again and Iruka came in as Dojus was groaning with pain and he stopped seeing the huge Oni laying on the ground cradling his crotch. My face was covered in blood, and my desk being utterly fucked via my face being put through it.

"Dojus. You picked on the new kid, didn't you? Oni never changes in trying to pick on the weak honestly... Jake are you alright? You got a lot of blood on your face?" Iruka asked with some concern.

I just smiled shamelessly and said. "Ehh it stung for a minute but he just got a good couple of cuts in. I am fine, but I don't think I will be able to take notes on my desk that he broke with my face." 

Iruka just shook his head and said. "It's fine. There won't be any note-taking today... Ahem, Dojus you go check yourself into the infirmary and let this be a lesson on picking on people you don't know the strength of... After all, there is the saying, Playing the Pig to eat the Tiger."

Dojus just pitifully moaned in reply and Naruko leaned in and whispered. "Oni heal stupidly fast. Like they can regrow limbs in like a couple days so he will be fine in literally a couple of hours at most." 

I gave the squirming Oni on the ground a few feet away from me a look and I said with a bit more volume. "Ah, so he can regrow limbs in a couple of days? I will remember that for next time."

And without a change to his expression, Iruka said bluntly. "Akari, you aren't in trouble due to Dojus destroying the desk, but if you destroy school property you will be responsible for it." 

"Gotcha Teacher!" I said with a smile and thumbs up that made Iruka's face twitch before he quickly took attendance and got into the heart of today's lesson plan.

"Now! You were all told to prepare a very specific list of objects for a to-go bag that you will be using for the next three days camping outside the village with us inspecting your bags before you could recollect them. Now I will be telling you all your assignments." He spoke as Dojus managed to get to his feet and using tables and the wall he was able to leave the room.

But I noticed none of the students and not even Iruka gave him much of a glance which made me think that the dude just got his shit kicked in enough for it to be business as usual. 

"You will all be staying the next three nights in the outskirts of the Youkai Forrest that breaks out of training area 44 the Forrest of Death!" 

The class went wild!

"Thats bullshit! I won't go!" Kiba shouted without a hint of shame as a couple people called him a coward.

But it was actually Kamimu Sagui who raised a hand and spoke calmly but with clear confusion. "Iruka, the Youkai Forrest is aptly named. We aren't prepared to stay in a forest that is utterly hostile to our presence."

And Iruka took a breath and after a moment he said bluntly. "The Daiyoukai clans of the Forrest of Death have had peace made with and know of your presence... This is a very important lesson you all need to face in facing the truly supernatural." 

But it was Naruko who piped up with a frown as she spoke out. "This is because Kiri has aligned themselves with the Dragon-Kami's and Ocean Youkai right... You want us to be able to stand alongside Youkai as well so our fear will not fuel their desire to feed." 

'Wait so we have to face a bunch of Youkai in their natural haunt so our fear won't feed hostile youkai. Why would we even be facing hostile Youkai when the Land of Fire is... Oh...'

It was all making so much more sense now. The mentions of rising tension and hearing how Kiri was allying with their local supernatural scene it was clear what was happening.

The Fourth World War was closing in. As after the last decade of peace, the world had recovered its population and the Daiymo's wanted to continue their ambitions of world dominance to say nothing of the divines pushing things around being the scenes.

Even though most of the students didn't quite make the connection Iruka just coughed and said. "Now, you are all free to form teams or just go it alone. Your only goals are to stay within the Youkai Forrest to hold your position in the forest and not flee it."

And just to be a little shit, I decided to raise a hand and seeing Iruka nod towards me I asked clearly. "Uhhh can I just make a flying house well above the forest?" 

There was a moment of silence before I saw a vein twitch on Iruka's head before he said calmly. "No Akari... You have to physically be within the forest itself. You can hide within a tree to avoid youkai or even dig out a cave or something. But you have to physically remain within the forrest." 

Hearing his words... I grinned evilly as I realized it was time for operation Lorax boogaloo.

With that question out of the way, Iruka took a couple of questions such as the youkai we were going to run into... Which he refused to tell us squat about. And whether there were limits to teams and rules of engagement for the Youkai in the forest.

"No! There is no rules of engagement with the Youkai in the Forrest, they WILL try to kill you as the Youkai within the Forrest are the weaker flesh eaters and spiritual hunters. So do not trust anything you see within the forrest as the more sentient Youkai have moved out of the Youkai Forrest after hearing some Jonin and a couple of clan heads will be watching this event."

Naruko then piped up. "Wait if the clan heads and a bunch of Jonin are going to be watching us. Then what is the point of the exercise?" 

To which Iruka replied bluntly. "Yes... A couple of jonin and a couple of clan heads who are the parents of the clan heirs within this very classroom will be watching over you all. There are thirty of you in this classroom, do you think they will be able to precisely watch over all of you?" 

This was basically Iruka saying that if we weren't a clan heir... We better think that we don't have such a safety net.

But then Iruka spoke up. "Oh and before you all think to form large groups of ten. Remember that being in such a large group will just draw more Youkai to you and feed their desire for Fear."

'So Youkai feed off and get stronger from fear huh.' I mused before Iruka clapped his hands and said. "So go to the back and collect the bags with your names labeled on the bags. Those are your supplies for the three days you will be allotted, any food and water you desire, you will need to forage for."

And as the students went up in unison to go grab the bags labeled with their names in the back I already held my bag and as I watched Naruko jump up to go get her own bag I flinched feeling the Celestial Grimoire suddenly lunge outwards to drag a powerful perk tree downwards into my body.

[Through the power of Norma Selner, Hunters, even those of Rank S, could still be enhanced multiple times, giving them an increase of twenty to thirty percent of their power after going through the three stages of this treatment. Much like Ms. Selner, you can improve the abilities of any magical individual's abilities in the same percentage. But just like her, you are limited on using this ability five times per year.]

Dear gods... That was a boost to my value even if I felt like the Grimoire somehow missed parts of the perk. But it was already strong as all hell even if I wasn't going to give people a boost for a long while.

But beyond that, I took a breath as Iruka called out. "Alright, lets get going. We have to make our way now before noon."

And with that Iruka left the room with us all following him while I was thinking. 'This is kinda fucked for me though. I don't have the couple years of training the other genius's have. To say nothing of the years of training the clan kids have.'

Though... I had the Celestial Grimoire so it was only a matter of time before I surpassed them.

"So what do you plan to do in the forrest Akari?" Naruko asked casually as she walked beside me.

And I shrugged and said. "Well... I planned to make a nice cabin with an attached bathroom and showering area. Then I planned to grow some fruit-bearing tree's to feed myself."

Naruko's face twitched at the reminder that Mokuton could allow me to live in utter comfort. 

And then I shivered as Kamimu slid next to me with her smiling and saying. "Oh and would you mind if we formed a team, you and I?" 

I saw just past Kamimu was Naruko putting her arms over her chest with her franticly shaking her head so I gave a wry smile and said. "Hmm, I don't think a couple of teens should be left alone lest rumours come up." 

And Kamimu giggled with her elegantly covering her mouth as her wine-red eyes glowed with mirth before she said humoursly. "Oh... I am not afraid of such rumour as I am a untainted maiden. Are you a ravenous wolf who would do horrible things to me?" 

At my obvious roll of the eyes, she tittered and said. "See, then it will be no problem at all. And... You did promise you would join me for joint exercises."

Then I felt the Black Knife heat up in my jacket as she sidled closer and whispered. "Unless you were lying Akari? Were you lying to me Akari?"

I could feel... Sort of fae magic or something in her words and combined with how all the other student's voices and even footsteps were drowned out like we were underwater I realized Kamimu's nature of being a demigoddess/youkai blooded was coming up.

And after a moment... I smiled and said. "Yes, I agreed to join a team exercise but I don't plan on joining any teams. So I am afraid I will not be with you this time." 

But that didn't mean I couldn't make my own team. I didn't like how weird Kamimu was being... Though how much of it was her heritage or her just being weird was enough. I just wanted some space.

Thankfully as whatever effect she had going faded with her blinking at my words Naruko being the social wrecking ball she was quickly spoke up and she slowed her steps to fade into the back of the class. "Wow. Well, that sounds like a way to live there just make sure no youkai can sneak into your home as mere locks won't work on spiritual entities." 

I nodded in agreement and I then Naruko waved over a couple of people and I nodded to Choji the 'thick-boned' teenager and Shikamaru who was looking already tired of walking as we left the school.

"Ughh how in the heck are we going to survive in the forest. Like getting any amount of food is going to be a real pain." Choji muttered as he wistfully stuffed his face with handfuls of chips from a bag.

To which I raised an eyebrow and asked. "I mean... You guys are ninja's in training. Can't you kill a deer or some rabbits?" 

Shikamaru's eyes snapped to me and said sternly. "Don't go after any deer in the Youkai Forrest, they are protected by the Deer Kami in the Forrest of Death and my clan are partly responsible for them."

I blinked hearing that and I took a breath and asked bluntly. "Then what can I hunt in there?" 

Choji and Shikamaru shared a look before Choji said. "Also stay aware of the wild boars, while they are inside the Youkai Forrest they have some protection and they also have a greater Daiyoukai watching them and you don't want a stampede of dozens of ten-meter-tall boar Youkai trying to trample you in your house." 

Naruko then piped up cheerfully. "If you can, just try to fish up some crabs or fish. Stay well away from snakes and frogs and you will be fine!"

My lips twitched as I realized something.

In a world where sage animals and gods arise from simple animals and watched over their brethren. We as humanity weren't on the top of the food chain.

So I continued to listen to the many... Many warnings Naruko and Choji were willing to share with me until we reached the Youkai Forrest.

The Youkai Forrest was an offshoot of the Forrest of Death which was a massive patch of forestry that was the home of... Dozens of Daiyoukai/Great Demons, many nature Kami. And the Youkai Forrest was the sectioned-off part where the Leaf Village allowed the weaker entities within to come out and 'infect' the area with their supernatural presence for materials.

Now as for why the Forrest of Death was filled with so many Daiyoukai, that was because the Forrest of Death was where many entities had transcended themselves and became true Sages and the entire place was flooded with nature energy to say nothing of the huge number of leylines in converging in the core of the forest.

Just the Youkai Forrest itself was... Scary.

The tree's were massive, reaching more than thirty meters into the air at the bare minimum. And they were thick... Not a hint of natural light streaming through the thick leaves that made up the canopy and a dozen meters into the forest there was a stark, visible line where visibility dropped.

"Ok! So go on into the forest, make sure to filter your water, and don't eat any poisoned berries for the love of all of the Kami above!" Iruka shouted and then he flickered in place before disappearing in a shunshin.

I gave Naruko a look while smiling weakly and said. "Alright Naruko. You have... Fun I guess, I am going now." 

Her eyes flickered over to Kamimu who was declining her own invites and she slowly nodded and said. "Yeah I get it. Just stay safe you hear." 

Giving a grunt of agreement, I saddled the small backpack on my back and said. "Yeah, you be careful to." 

And then I broke off into a slight jog and activated my Legend of Zelda perk so each step propelled me further allowing me to swiftly build up speed as I all but glided between steps as I ran into the forest with a chuckle escaping me.

As I saw further into the forest as it got even darker away from the sun's light, that the forest was lit up by highly glowing mushroom's moss, and even the tree's have glowing flowers and branches that filled the forest with a magical environment.

'If this is just the outlier of the Forrest of Death... How magical is the actual Forrest of Death? What kind of mystical herbs and ingredients could I collect in there?' I mused as I kept running as I knew that the forest was utterly massive.

Like a good couple of hundreds of miles wide and the forest actually acted as part of Konoha's defenses. So I had plenty of ground to cover before I was 'properly' in the forest.

But after getting a good mile away from my classmates I decided it was time for me to be ready as it were and I took out the jagged multi-sided Black Knife from my jacket to keep it at the ready of running into any Youkai.

"Alright... I should probably keep going a bit deeper into the forest. The maps I saw had a couple of large rivers cutting through the forest I can keep as a landmark." I muttered to myself before nodding to use that as a plan.

I ran now slower as I kept a careful eye out for my surroundings and as I was running, I skidded across the ground as I threw myself to the ground to stop myself.

As right in front of me was hell...

I took in what lied in front of me and I frowned at seeing the huge patch of spider webs that obscured my view as it was like a tunnel web spider decided to build its next from the top canopy downwards with its nest being made to capture anything... Or any poor ninja's running through the tree's rather than the ground.

'Giant fucking spiders? Yeah, I am good.' I thought with a shudder before I stilled as I felt my Black Knife tinged in heat and I looked around without being able to see anything around me.

I then made my around the giant supernatural spide web and made my way further into the forest and once I found the river I was looking for, I then got to work building the cabin I wanted.

First, I built the cabin on stilts like three meters off the ground with my Mokuton and I made the walls thick... Each of the four walls were like three meters thick of Mokuton wood as I was rightfully afraid of whatever was going to go bump in the night.

Then as I was getting hungry and thirsty I decided to go over to the river to see if I could find any food and water.'

But just as I took in the empty river that only had a couple of deer drinking from it a way down the river away from me. I felt the Celestial Grimoire shudder before a perk seemingly shot downwards of its own volition even as my the Celestial Grimoire seemingly shrugged as I shivered at the alien feeling that came about.

Bright light bloomed next to me as the information on the perk filled my head and my gut filled with gut-wrenching pants-shitting terror.

[Chaos Witch] [One of the daughters of the Witch of Izalith, Quelaag is highly talented in all forms of fire sorceries and magic, second only to her mother. Hot-headed and obsessively protective of those she considers hers, it would be best to have others avoid angering her. She can optionally take on her demonic spider appearance whenever she desires in return a large power boost.]

"Thou's soul has called upon mine from the wretched waste that was my mother's failure." 

I slowly turned towards the demi-goddess Quelag who was thankfully in her human form that was bound to my soul and I shivered at the literal fire within her multi-pupils-filled eyes as she continued. "For as long as you live, so shall I see... So I will not allow you to die then."

And that's how I got soul bound to a scary as fuck spider waifu.



Tell Quelaag about our specific type of immortality I want to read her reaction when she hears about that fucking elixir


Typo : "Dojus. You picked on the new kid, didn't you? Oni never changes in trying to pick on the weak honestly... Jake are you alright? " Iruka shouldn't know his previous name.