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I quickly flew through the air towards the mountain where Syndra the Dark Sovereign was supposed to be living.

All the while I was thinking. 'This is a terrible fucking idea. Why am I even going to mess with Syndra with how fuck nuts insane she is?' 

As there was no guarantee that Syndra wouldn't try to just kill me at the first sight of me. As she hated... Literally everyone basically.

To say nothing of how prideful she was.

But my thoughts didn't have too much time to cook, as flying past the mountain the old chieftain pointed me towards. I quickly found my target in a massive temple floating in the air above the forest line but not too high in the air.

I flew directly towards the temple as I came closer the temple itself glowed with a dark backlight of dark purple magical energy with a cold female voice coming to my ears.

"Begone lest I rip the false wings from your back Ionian rat." Syndra's voice carried into my ears and I sniffed hearing the plain disdain in her voice.

I took a deep breath and flared out my mana to push back her own magic that drifted around my form. "I am merely here to deliver a message from the neighboring town! I am not an Ionian to begin with!"

Before I could however relay said message. A loud sniff rang out before Syndra said coldly. "I do not care for your message... In fact, I refuse to hear it. Take pleasure in not being an Ionian as it is the only reason you live, and leave my sight."

My eye twitched at how much of a bitch she was being and even as I felt a couple of other somewhat powerful life force signatures come to life in the distance that I didn't recognize, I decided to be an asshole and I quickly said. "Noxians are invading Haha!" I laughed as I slapped aside a small black orb of compressed gravity that sought to suck me in and crush me within its heightened gravity.

The world itself seemed to rumble as the temple glowed with heavy dark magical energy and as though Syndra was right next to my ears I heard her hiss furiously. "You... Rat! You dare to ignore and disobey me when I offer you the right to live?!" 

It was clear that Syndra didn't give a flying fuck about my warning about Noxus invading... But she had the right with how powerful she was. 

But as a massive black hole like gravity spell formed above her temple I raised an eyebrow as I spoke up. "Syndra, if you continue. I am going to break your temple and put your ass over my knee to spank you!" 

I was a fucking adventurer, defeating and humiliating Syndra would literally make me stronger.

If she wanted to fuck around... She was going to find out real quick.

As Terraria gear and weapons were very much on the divine slaying side, and I was stupidly magic-resistant at this point with all the abuse Alfia had put me through.

Syndra's most enlightened response to my warning to her future ass abuse to be delivered by my pimp's hand. Was her snarling with the sky turning darker purple as she filled with surrounding area with her mana so she could manifest her minature ghetto black holes wherever she wanted.

"And she has chosen the ass whooping." I muttered to myself as my eyes tightened onto the temple.

I focused on the temple and as I flew carefully around to avoid the swirling balls of compressed gravity that sought to crush me into paste I took my Rod of Discord out of my inventory and as I found the opened front entrance I poured mana into the Rod of Discord.

And with a crackle of power, I teleported instantly inside the main hall of the large temple.

I didn't even get to inspect the temple as I staggered slightly as gravity itself seemingly doubled and then tripled as I met Syndra's actual gaze as she sat imperiously on a throne of all things.

"You dare... To look upon me!" She snarled and honestly.

I steadied my form even as gravity grew heavier and I said with annoyance in my tone. "Yes... Yes, I do Syndra."

I then did the worst thing in Syndra's eyes.

I walked towards her. And the worst part of it was my uncaring face as I walked towards her. I relied on my armor which was meant to overturn eldritch effects and were conceptually indestructible. Not to mention my own magic resistance to swat aside the sphere of magical power that sought to crush the rip a great amount of life force from my body.

Syndra's eyes widened as I walked towards her and I idly noted how beautiful she was... Which was to be expected out of her matching her League of Legends appearance.

But her beauty was just a small note as eventually, Syndra's magic became a beam of unregulated destructive might that sought to simply push and destroy me as it tried to push me back.

But my boots shattered the floor as I steadfastly walked through the beam of destruction even as I tilted my head downwards to hide the pain of the constant magical blase.

"Just die! Don't touch me, I won't be caged again!" Syndra screamed as she stood up and abandoned her throne to make space away from me but before she could fly into the air I grabbed her by the foot as she flew upwards and then with I used my superhuman strength to smash her flying form face first into the stone floor of the temple.

Abruptly all the magical effects including the magic supporting the flying temple stopped making me glide up into the air slightly as we both fell towards the forest below us and with Syndra's calf still in my hand I looked outside and triggered the Rod of Discord again to teleport outside.

"Dumbass... You used all your magic to create a domain, blasting me with magical power, and was keeping your temple flying. No wonder your body wasn't reinforced." I scolded the supposedly magical prodigy as she lay unconscious on the ground as I put her down.


Dat Man

......reminds of that one Zed x Syndra korean fan comic....was pretty great as well