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Anti-Matter legion monsters fell like piles of dust in front of my dominion. And the ease in which I slaughtered the monsters with my ham-fisted method of gravity creation made one thing clear with my reincarnation.

I was meant for bigger targets honestly.

And said bigger target in the Doomsday Beast was quickly making its way towards me with a roar of primal fury as the massive kaiju of a monster grappled with the space station itself. As it crawled into the hanger bay to get at me even as the long-ranged fighters poured their attacks onto it in a never-ending stream.

"Destruction... Nanook, I can feel your gaze upon us." I spoke as I felt a feeling of what could only be described as the violence and elation you felt when you were pissed off and managed to punch through a wall to let off your anger.

The Doomsday Beast roared in answer and the large gem atop its head glowed powerfully before a beam of compressed conceptual destruction shot towards me.

I idly noted the Trailblazer Stelle stagger as they held their head and I realized they must have gleaned open the Path of Destruction. But I was more focused on the beam of annihilation coming towards me and Elysia who was sitting beside me on the arm of my throne.

And the moment the beam hit my expanding throne's influence it bloomed outwards in power as it hit the barrier I formed and then with its power washing over the circular expanding barrier of my influence I tilted my head and a loud rustling noise rang out as I turned the beam that collided into my zone of influence into naught but glowing pink flower petals that swirled around my throne.

"Well, this is romantic ufufu." Elysia giggled as she idly captured one of the petals with a hand to inspect it.

I just prodded my throne to fly closer to the Doomsday Beast with its beam of destruction being helpfully offset as March 7th sent a powerful hail of ice arrows that staggered the Doomsday Beast as she had a bit of time to collect her power.

Then the massive beast had come closer along with myself having gotten close enough. So it swung a set of massive clawed hands at me with my form being obliterated in simple violence.

But even as I blocked the arms smashing towards me with enhanced steel beams that grew out from the stations ground, I frowned as the Doomsday Monster just outside of the range of my control had turned its face towards Stelle, March 7th and Dan Heng.

"Dammit!" I cursed as the Doomsday shot a powerful beam of destruction towards the trio even as I crushed its arms into motes of dust and I moved forward to properly end the monster.

Before I could do so, however, a beam of even more compressed destruction smashed into the Doomsday Monster as I heard what could only be Stelle screaming as the damned Stellaron inside of her was activated.

I finally got onto the edge of the space station and with the Doomsday Beast's essential head and core within my zone of influence I twisted gravity, heat, and Created the 'Destruction' the Doomsday Beast beams used to obliterate the monster's core that kept it alive.

Even as the Doomsday Beast quickly broke down into motes of energy and whatnot, I turned towards the rampant Stellaron within Stelle that was creating violent arcs of lightning and destructive energy surrounding her. 

But before I could try to encase Stelle in some energy-absorbing material to calm her down or seal her away for a small amount of time. I heard a deeper male voice speak out.

"That will be enough!"

And as a train of all things flew in beside the Space Station, a male shot forward from the front of the train at great speed only to reach Stelle in but a moment, and then he bonked the shit out of Stelle by smacking her in the head with his cane.

'The black hole within his cane.' I thought as I realized as I watched Welt Yang take in the surroundings. He had fed all the rampaging energy of the Stellaron directly into the Black Hole sealed within his cane.

Then his eyes landed on me, and then landed on Elysia with his brow furrowing before he shook his head, and without a word we continued to deal with the remaining Legion of Destruction on the hanger bay as the Astral Express came to a full stop.

Once we dealt with all the dregs, it was time to face the music as I left my throne behind me to make my way over to the Astral Express crew. "Hello! My name is Elysia, its nice to meet you all!" Elysia spoke happily as she waved.

And then the crew shared their introductions quickly as Dan Heng, and March 7th helped Stelle stand up shakily on her own power.

"My name is Welt Yang." The formally dressed, brown and speckled silver-haired gentlemen said who helped seal away Stelle's Stellaron.

"My name is Himeko, thank you all for the help as well," Himeko spoke as she pushed a lock of her crimson hair out of her face.

March Seventh had light pink hair, and somewhat multicolored eyes that lit up as she announced. "Oooh! My name is March 7th!"

Dan Heng, the last current member of the Astral Express, gave me and Elysia a look before he said stoically. "My name is Dan Heng." 

And lastly was Stelle... Who gave a stiff smile before saying. "I can't remember much... But I am using the name Stelle." 

I nodded in understanding and then said. "Alright, I am going to help any injured. If you guys are injured go ahead and tell me now."

The members of the Astral Express shared a look before March 7th flexed an arm and said proudly. "Hehe we aren't so weak! We are members of the Astral Express, the Nameless, so we can deal with some Legion of Destruction!"

I gave a small smile and shook my head and as I turned to head over to the soldiers of Madame Herta's station I threw back. "Good. I didn't want Akivili's Nameless Trailblazers to not live up to their name haha!"

Elysia strode beside me as we made our way to the injured members of Madame Herta's space station and I made a noise as I swallowed down the bile of seeing people who had gotten pieces of metal lodged into their bodies along with some being far more injured that that.

Some people had gotten hit by the conceptual beams of power that the Legion of Destruction were using as projectiles and they were... A mess to put it bluntly.

I took a deep breath as I brought my throne closer to me and with it boosting my power even as a guard looked to me with trepidation, I idly formed a thumb-sized ruby gem within my hand and then I forced the concepts of 'Ranged Healing' into the gem.

The thumb-sized ruby glowed in a brilliant red with the crimson light falling upon everyone's forms with whole limbs reforming onto their bodies and organs regrowing within their bodies as I brute-forced their healing.

'Fuck right on out of here Abundance, I am going to be the best healer.' I thought with amusement as the people looked on amazement as I idly tucked the healing ruby away into a pocket as I heard Himeko speak.

"So... Jake was it? If you don't mind me asking. What Path do you walk? Are you an Emanantor with your power?" Himeko asked slowly as she was well aware that with the number of abilities I had shown that I didn't follow the common Path's the majority of Pathstriders followed.

And here was the moment of importance as I looked past the soldiers who were testing their bodies to make sure the organs I gave them weren't going to give them super cancer. 

I looked past Himeko and I laid my eyes on the Astral Express and I took a breath before speaking calmly as I looked towards Himeko and met her gaze with my own. "I do not walk a Path, I am not an Emanator... Even if that is around my current power level, I am the Failure. He who dared to blaze a new Path and faltered at the end. Jake Bariss, the Aeon of Creation." 

I saw both Himeko and Welt falter before I smiled wryly and said. "As I said before... I failed in my ascendancy. I am merely an overpowered Emanator at best." 

And that seemed to work as March 7th raised up a hand to excitedly ask. "Wait! So does that mean you can make more gems and precious materials! You could be the richest person ever!"

Even as Dan Heng visibly cringed at the thought, I shook my head and said. "Although I could, I shouldn't as that will upset the balance the world has... But Himeko, you are the Astral Expresses Mechanic and some other positions correct?" 

There was a pause before the beautiful redhead tilted her head to the side and spoke slowly. "Yes... Why ask?" 

I looked at the Astral Express and asked in annoyance coloring my tone. "Could I meet Pom Pom the Conductor, I wish to speak of the old times and see if I can help fix the train with my powers... It doesn't even have a kitchen, storage, and three other residential carts! If you guys are its current members."

I took a breath and said with disdain. "That means anyone else that joins will have to literally sleep on the front cushions or even on an air mattress or something! Hell, I bet one of you is sleeping in the records room aren't you with how there are only three bedrooms in the remaining car."

The Astral Expresses faces all twitched with Dan Heng blinking and asking. "Wait... I could actually get a bedroom and don't need to sleep on a cold tile floor?" 



This is a chance to make the Astral Express the greatest form of transportation amongst the stars. 5 star everything, kitchen, training grounds, Game Center and movie theater, library. Hell, make so many cars that every character in the game can have their own bedroom to just chill in when they want. We got teleportation devices on every planet for them to use.

Guilherme Bezerra

I just feel bad for this jake going into a reincarnation in a verse which does not have, so far, elves. Dude died for his kinks and now only got the one elf to help him. Sure it is a hot cute elf but still...