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From Boston Massachusetts, we continued driving west only stopping at one of the vampire's hidey-holes to pick up their horde of collected silver and gold that the immortals had collected over the millennia that they had been alive.

We stopped on the first day to rest through the sunny daylight hours in a hotel in New York at that point. And then while the vampires were sleeping, I hung up black out drapes on the back windows of the car and back window while also putting more drapes between the front and back seats. 

Creating a pocket of almost complete darkness and no direct sunlight so the vampires wouldn't be burned to ashes while we were driving.

On day two we drove from New York through the early morning, through the day, and into the night all the way to Indiana and once we got a good fucking distance away from Mutie land. I began evaluating where I wanted to live with Hinata... And the two vampires that were clearly addicted to my blood.

And cum at this point.

"So... As safe as being a potato farmer in the northern border of North Dakota with Canada. I much rather not hide in a corner of the world, to say nothing how my Chakra could give rise to nature spirits and awaken old Indian gravesites or god knows what else." 

"In the theme of staying in a rather populated area... Why don't we go to Minnesota? It's got a good population, there is a nice amount of cloud coverage and it doesn't get as hot in the summer. And most importantly there are no mutants or other major issues!"

And without a shred of hesitation, Annika happily tore down my dreams as she said. "Nope! There are demons, werewolves, the Lamai vampire clan which is based in that area... Alot of supernatural influences are in the northern mid point of the US due to how easy it is to hide in the thick forests should their actions become too loud."

I brushed a hand down my face before I said bluntly. "Well fuck em. I want to see the Mall of America on this road trip and I am getting tired of just running away."

Even though I wasn't at all on the level of like Thor or the Hulk in a straight fight. I wasn't remotely weak, I was very confident that with my chakra-enhanced body I could beat the shit out of Captain America in a straight fist a cuffs fight.

And should a small army of monsters come after me? I now had enough chakra to throw large amounts of fire and lightning everywhere.

I was just worried about the big players like Emma Frost and the scary as fuck Hellfire Club, Magneto throwing a dozen semi-trucks onto me. Fury using some alien super weapon to disintegrate me, or likewise a Hydra operative with a similar weapon.

"Are there any big players I should be worried about? People that could wipe out an army or destroy a city that my presence would offend?" 

Elsa the more serious of the two vampires gave a hum of thought before she spoke. "Hmm it's been a couple of decades since we had been in the area and looked into the local players... But there are some water dragons in the deepest parts of the Great Lakes, powerful Mermaid Sorcerers, and the biggest issue would be the Great Old One Cultists."

"The cultists would probably try to kidnap you and Hinata with your powerful spiritual energy to use you both as vessels to summon their... Foreign idols, but they are kept in check by the magical forces spread out across the world for the most part."

Oh yes... The whole of Ohio, Illinois and those other northern states with their weakened dimensional barriers which could be an issue.

God, the more I knew about this universe the more it fucking sucked as I was terrified of running into some Dracula clone, who some mad scientist thought would be fucking hilarious to make with the bloodline of Adolf Hitler to see what would happen.

I took a breath and categorized everything... Ok, so monsters I could deal with. I had no desire to go swimming in the Great Lakes during the early winter so the things within their depths wouldn't be an issue.

So really the only real issue was the cultists... And I was perfectly willing to kill some Cthulhu worshipping psycho's as I knew they gave Kamar Tarj issues summoning eldritch and demonic entities into the world.

"Hinata, you want to go to Minnesota? Or did you have a place where you wanted to go?" I asked curiously.

For a moment Hinata was silent as she considered the question I was the one driving now. And after a moment she answered with some humour. "All these western cities blend together to me Jake. I would be happy with that city, though if we could. I would like to see if we could go to Japan at some point."

I raised an eyebrow at that and after a moment I chuckled before I said. "Alright, that should be fine. Let's get settled in with new identities and maybe we can do something." 

Annika and Elsa had very helpfully pointed us toward some supernatural-based people who could set us up with whole new identities that would be magically inserted into the US's system.

This meant that I could make up new identities away from the ones that got burned in my insertion with how Xavier and his Xmen showed up at our front door. And with new identities, we could fit in and live under the radar even better.

As I wasn't trying to be a superhero honestly. I just wanted to live a good, long life with Hinata in comfort... Plus the other four ladies, of which the next one could be dropped into my lap at any point.

So with a destination set. We kept driving without any issues as we crossed the United States to get to our destination.



Honestly Jake's should try to pick up some version of the Lightning Armor (or other Elemental variants of it). Thankfully unlike a Naruto human Jake is more a marvel one in that he can actually train his Durability so he can become as built different as the 3rd Raikage (the dude that fought and Wipeout over 10,000 ninjas by himself 1V10,000 in 3 days no rest.) It honestly the best technique for Jake at this point in terms of survival, make a Fire Cloak that Burns what ever gets close, wind that redirects or Shreds whatever gets close, Water making it so Jake can Flow around stuff etc..


Very good idea, and he is alreadly training heavily in lightning release


Scathach would enjoy slaughtering cultists and their gods. That's one way to get her back on track to what she was used to before getting mindfucked