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The kill team, and sabotage team quickly met back up, and together we returned back to base with Barghest and the Cadian Guardsmen reporting me on the slight issues they had.

Namely two men and a woman died after they awoke Deamonhost after setting off the explosives.

Which... Yeah, it sucked that the enhanced super soldiers died. But in the face of a rogue pysker turned into the meat suit of an actual demon? That were very fucking good numbers as normally such an abomination would just tear through a squad or platoon of guardsmen without issue.

So once we got back to base, I took Adelith and Katherine aside to help me with a project. "Help me bless this machine with holy prayers, anoint the primers and powder with his fury and allow the bullets to be an extension of his fury." I spoke as I worked on my next wide scale project.

Seeing as my soldiers were having issues with strictly demonic threats like Chaos Spawn, Deamonhosts, and to a lesser extent, Plague Ogryns. I was going to make a mass-produced fuck you weapon for the supernatural.

A revolver of great power. The Colt, from Supernatural. It wasn't the flashiest of weapons like the BFG that could blow up planets if it had enough energy.

But it could kill the unkillable, it could destroy the souls of monsters, and if it could kill a Prince of Hell, then regularly 40k demons that weren't even a Demon Prince wouldn't be as much of an issue.

Each revolver was painful to craft though. The metal was blessed iron, which was then covered completely in runes, pentagrams, and even the bullets needed to have runes and arrays engraved upon the metal of the case and bullet itself.

The runes and engravings weren't as much of an issue. The real issue was the fact that each bullet and all the pieces of the guns themselves had to be blessed in a ritual that I was thankfully able to... Pretty up and make it more pleasing to their God Emperor worshipping senses.

But not long after work started and several Sisters cycled in and out of my armory to exhaust themselves praying with all their fervor over the materials and finished parts. We had succeded and had made twenty such revolvers and a couple hundred bullets.

"Alright. Now to make sure the squad leaders get the guns and a couple of bullets and should they run into any Deamonhost's they put one of those bullets into them and the demon should die in but moments." I spoke proudly as it paid off very well to have a bunch of religious fanatics that could make miracles be performed almost at will when I was around to direct their metaphysical energies.

I popped my neck and seeing Adelith, Barghest, Ecris, and Katherine in prayer as they held their own guns filled with six bullets of demon killing guarantee. I shrugged and said. "You girls have fun. I am going to get cleaned up."

And with that, I went over to my living quarters from the armory and I threw a nod as I saw the Custodian gingerly going through the motions training himself to draw the oversized colt magnum I made for his armored hands from his side.

'A Custodian with the ability to insta kill a demon with a spiritual weapon... Now that's a fucking funny idea. Wait though that could lead to issues.' I mused as I realized that if the Grey Knights learned about these bullets that they were going to be on my ass.

But in the end, I shrugged my shoulders as it wasn't like I was against getting acquainted with the Grey Knights... More religious fanatics to use their fervor and belief for my rituals was perfectly fine for me. Especially when both groups profited and prospered.

Grey Knights get demon-killing tools, I get more faith energy to use to fuel my Traveler Core inside of myself.

Oh and most importantly more demons permanently die. Can't fucking go wrong with more of the abominations getting blasted out of existence. 

I went into my quarters and my Crysis suit fell down around my form as I flicked on the quarter's holy wards to block out any demons from entering, looking, and likewise frying anything spiritual within my personal quarters.

And not hearing the screech of some spiritual abomination being thrown onto the equivalent of a red hot pan and frying to death I shrugged and stripped down to get into my shower and clean up.

'Haaa... In the universe of Warhammer 40k, a hot fucking shower is just so good.' I thought as I closed my eyes and relaxed as my personal showers shot hot water into my super-solider body at a high pressure to give me a bit of a massage. 

Knowing I still had things to do like expanding the range of fruits and vegetables I was feeding my troops, I reluctantly began washing myself until I heard a metallic clanging noise on the bathroom door and I instinctively grabbed the wall-mounted plasma pistol as I called out in annoyance. "What?" 

And from the other side of the door I heard Adelith speak through a small crack slit she opened up on the door as I sure as hell kept my bathroom door locked.

"It is customary for the Sisters to check one another for after battle wounds or worse, signs of taint... With how you have been accepted by the sisterhood and have been using us to our greatest effect. Sister Katherine asks that you be included in such rituals."

My lips twitched at that and I said dryly. "I have a Custodian following me around, if I was even slightly hurt. I think he would be the first one to check and take care of any wounds." 

But Adelith grunted and said calmly. "It's either you allow me and Katherine to check on you... Or Barghest will check you for wounds and she is still most cross with how she was put on the sabotage squad." 

'You know... I bet its Imperial Propaganda to have the Guardsmen thinking about the Sisters checking on one another so closely in the baths.' But after a moment and thinking about how Barghest would make me strip down so she could check me and I really didn't want to make the giant golden retriever of a superhuman cry.

I gave a sigh of defeat and called out. "Alright alright. Come in." I said and I walked out of the shower to peek through a peephole and see their faces on the other side I unlocked the door to go put away the plasma pistol while I put on a towel and turned off the shower.

The door to my bathroom opened up and as it opened up... I noticed all but instantly that Adelith and Katherine weren't in the uniforms and armor they were wearing a few minutes ago.

In fact they were completely naked!

"You still have soap in your hair Blessed One, allow me to come wash your hair while my Sister annotates your body in holy oil." Katherine spoke as she advanced on me with no hesitation with each step making her ample breasts bounce slightly with the motion.


Daniel Foley

"You still have soap in your hair Blessed One, allow me to come wash your hair while my Sister anoints your body in holy oil." Not:- "You still have soap in your hair Blessed One, allow me to come wash your hair while my Sister annotates your body in holy oil."