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Me and my companions watched as King Gazel Dwargo flew down on his Pegasus towards us and I mused that even his mount was fairly strong... But no, I could feel Gazel's power and I knew he was still above me and Rimuru still with how she hadn't become a demon lord yet.

And its not like I was going to become a saint in this world... Though maybe I could become Hero should I gain a blessing from a Greater Spirit. But that would make me reliant on the spirit allowing me to keep the blessing.

Either way I was well aware the oversized dwarf king was stronger than myself. But I wasn't going to bend over backwards for the fucker either.

I strode forward with Rimuru in her human form walking alongside me and for a moment the three of us just stared at one another with Gazel looking between RImuru and I in a judging manner.

And then I broke the silence as I said bluntly. "Your fucking elf broke into my lab more than once to steal my elixirs... What do you have to say about that?" 

Gazel's face twitched clearly put on the backfoot as he seemingly didn't imagine I knew the elf spy/assassin was part of his forces but he quickly ralied with his lips turning into a frown as he said slowly. "We weren't sure your elixir would ruin someone's lifespan, take away free will, or otherwise harm someone. So we needed another sample."

To which I retorted coldly. "So instead of trading for it, instead of buying it. Your first actions in meeting my people outside of your kingdom which in of itself went fucking horribly with its showing. Was to greet my group and people with knaves, thieves, and sabatourers in the night to steal from me and then blow up my laboratory when we found you!"

Now the King was looking really fucking awkward as he was reminded about our last meeting. Where one of his people's scientists framed several of his dwarven people, and ourselves which resulted in us all getting banished from his kingdom.

And then came the kicker as I asked bluntly. "And now you bring your army to our front steps... What are you going to do King Gazel Dwargo?" 

There was a long pause... A long moment of silence as I saw some actual shame enter his eyes. Before pragmatic steel covered that shame and he looked at me without any emotion and spoke gruffly.

"My people have come to establish a picture of your federation Jake Bariss. Tens of thousands of goblins, hobgoblins, tens of thousands of Orcs are springing up towns and villages bearing your name... And to say nothing of the lizardmen, but even the Drayads have bent the knee to you and named you their leader." 

He took a step forward with his hand naturally landing on his sword as he continued. "A whole nation sprung up in front of my eyes in less than a very month... And when you can hand out skills to anyone and everyone without issue, that makes a neighboring king rather nervous."

Now I remained silent for a moment as I coldly stared into his eyes wondering when these words were going to end.

When was I going to attempt to burn this man alive while he did his best to cut me down with his sword?

There wasn't any killing intent in our gaze. But that didn't change the fact that an aura of violence filled the air.

Then an older voice spoke up and Gazel blinked and lost much of his tension as the voice filled his ears. "Hoho, you have become strong you codgy old dwarf."

King Gazel looked to the side and his eyes widened as he gazed upon Hakuro and he asked incredulously. "Hmm, teacher you are still alive huh... I assume this young man is your student as well correct?" 

Hakuro gave a chuckle as he threaded his wizened hand through his beard before he said calmly. "Aye, both the lad and Rimuru there are my students. So I hope you two can put this bad blood behind us. As killing one another for nothing but posturing and in Jake's case admittedly well-earned annoyance." 

Gazel closed his eyes and all but visibly reset himself before he opened his eyes and met my gaze and spoke. "Jake, as fellow disciples of the same master. I ask for you to spar with me. Show me how your blade sings the song of your heart and allow me to take my measure of you. And then I will leave your town with your blessing should you desire I and my army leave." 

I chewed on my lip before I felt Rimuru nudge me slightly and I looked down at her with her smiling softly and saying. "Go ahead, you got this... As the leader you got to accept the consequences remember!?" She teased at the end reminding me I needed to spank Treyni for her previous stunts.

But with Rimuru's encouragement I stepped forward to meet Gazel as he slowly pulled out his sword and for then as he stood there with a raised eyebrow, I lifted up a hand and pulled at my mana.

A heavy weight filled the air as the divine flames of the Yatagarasu filled the air and then solidified into a long double-edged sword that filled my hands with Gazel looking at the purple-black flames warily as he wasn't Ifrit with conceptual fire resistance.

No, he was very a flesh-and-bone being and when flesh-and-bone beings got thrown into the sun they burned very quickly.

"Don't get cut... Even a Great Spirit of Flames got burned by these flames after all." Actually my flames at this point weren't all to different from Captain Yamamoto's Bankai even if far less reaching with their effects.

But my words made Gazel nod in understanding as he firmed up with his great enchanted sword at the ready and then using Hakuro's favorite technique of flash step I was upon the dwarf king and as he calmly blocked my blade with his own...

I wryly smiled as the condensed flames were cut through by his sword and then as his sword passed through mine, I extended the sword of flames towards him even as he backstopped in a flicker of high-speed motion.

Still... I had won first blood and more. As his sword glowed red hot with the heat of my flames. His armor? Not nearly as potent or magically power as the sword and his chest plate had visibly melted and had drops of molten metal dripping from it from the line where my sword of fire came to close to the armor.

"Hmm, these flames truly are no joke. Well in that case, I won't be able to hold back as much my fellow disciple." Gazel spoke seriously as he reevaluated me as a true threat to himself.

To which I just held up my sword and said with a sarcastic smile. "Good, because I plan to get revenge for my destroyed lab that put me back for weeks by cutting your sword in half!"


Dat Man

thanks for the chapter nothing much to say but Tensura peeps are shameless in their actions XD


At this point he's justified to demand reparation. Rekt that fancy armor and sword of his and take his pony while Jake's at it