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Andromeda was a woman on a mission.

Silently she crept through the night. The harpies who once would attempt to eat her had been cowed, beaten and humiliated into obedience. Their chirps that could give away her position had been silenced under her Celestial Bronze-toed boots over the last couple of weeks.

And swiftly she reached the core of the forest and laid in wait.

Lied in wait for hours within a tree while being hidden with the shadowy canopy for hours on hours on hours.

Until past the sun's rise, she waited calmly and collectedly until the horn of the Capture the Flag mission went off with her slinking out of her tree. Calmly, and with zero emotion on her face.

 As she had last night with the help of Brianna cased out all the locations the Hunters of Artemis would stake their position with the flag before they went to take the camper's flag for their own.

And in doing so Brianna, the daughter of Athena and a budding of mage of some skill had pointed out how they were likely to appear next to the Fist of Zeus rock formation and so Andy had left early in the day to take up position behind the rock formation within the woods surrounding it.

Silently she crept up behind the Rock Formation and as she reached it she could hear that tall bitch Nightshade speaking to the rest of the Hunters. "Now, the Campers are as per usual going to split apart to stay with their half-siblings, so we leave a half dozen here to defend in case a squad gets here. The rest of us will pierce through their lines to take their flag."

The hunters gave out sounds of agreement with Zoe Nightshade designating certain hunters to hide and take up sniper positions within the cracks and and crevices of the Rock Formation as the flag was put in the center in front of the formation to make anyone going for the flag an easy target.

But once Zoe left to go get the flag with the vast majority of the Hunters... Andromeda struck!

First, she released powered Oneiros dust which carried itself down the wind and into the surrounding area to lull the hunters into a stupor as she waited a couple of minutes and then she moved.

With the gentle sunrise being the only light, there were still lengthy shadows that Andromeda could hide within using her enchanted bracelet, and using those she slowly and carefully hunted the Hunters.

When she got behind one as she slunk into her small cave as a tiny shadow slunk under her. She kicked the huntress in the back of the knee to make her fall back and before she could even make a noise of surprise Andromeda hopped up and with her entire body weight, she tucked the huntress's throat under her arm with the huntress's head sticking out behind Andy's armpit as she swiftly strangled her unconscious.

'Call me short why don't you... I will fucking show you short, when your face is in the dirt and my boot is on your face. Let's see who is taller!' Andy thought vindictively as the first Huntress slumped agaisnt her as her arms couldn't reach for any of her side weapons or anything with the position she was in.

And so the 'slaughter' continued as Andy strangled the rest of the huntresses into unconsciousness and only the leader managed to struggle enough to earn Andy slamming her head into the rock wall a dozen times before falling unconscious allowing Andy to take the flag with a loud canon shot ringing out as she broke the enchantment on the flag.

"Heh. I bet Nightshade is going to have an interesting reaction." Andy smirked as she tied the shimmering flag around her arm like a trophy as she all but skipped back to the campers with her humming a little ditty as she left the unconscious huntresses behind without a care in the world.


"Andro-" At the chilling glare from the small-of-stature demi-goddess, Chiron swallowed his words before smiling wryly and saying. "Andy Jackson, through strategy, cunning, and sheer force of will you accomplished the goal of Capture the Flag!" He cheered with the campers cheering ecstatically as well as they were just happy the Hunters didn't get a chance to steamroll them again.

Then Zoe coughed and said with a frown. "Though the point of Capture the Flag is to work as a team or squads to complete the mission. Which is a reflection of many quests we go on as part of our duties to our gods and goddesses."

But she shook her head and said. "In any case Andromeda Jackson, you won this day. And you may keep the flag of Artemis within your cabin and otherwise hold it as a trophy of this win... But know this, you will not win again, this I swear on my own stature." 

Without a single blink of an eye, Andy lashed out with a kick that landed with a harsh crack as she kicked Zoe Nightshade in the shin with such force and the noise obviously signaled a crack in the huntress's shin bone with the huntress leaping backward on her good leg as Chiron grabbed Andromeda and threw her into the arms of several campers.

Who without thought pulled her behind them protectively as Hunters and Campers alike drew their weapons even as Andy screamed. "I swore it Nightshade! I swore I would make you pay if you used my full name and called me fucking short again!"

And even as this all happened, even as Chiron looked up towards the stormy sky asking for deliverance from this fucking walking nuke of short queen energy. No one noticed in the mass of drama as Hunters and Demi-Gods came into a general brawl that Dionysis with all the god's attention being locked onto the fight.

Managed to overcome his curse and was rapidly chugging large bottles of paint thinner alcohol level moonshine.


Wrath of Vajra

I am not surprised Andromeda is frothing at the mouth to sink her teeth in at some poor sucker who makes fun of her height, I like to imagine that Jake is only one to call her small and get away with it, for he is holding her on his lap with hugs and cuddles, making her grumble like an offended kitten, but doesn't shy away from the open affection.