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An agreement was made with Gunhild made with the woman saying she was going to prepare a Geass for her and her daughter's surrender. I meanwhile went and collected Yuki, Arianna, and the Nephilim, Alicia Clemice.

And by the time we returned to the royal palace, Kiyohime had finished her grizzly work and I sent her a nod as she demurely took my arm into a hug against her chest as she leaned against me.

"Any survivors Kiyohime?" I asked quietly about this city of sin that was a bit too close to a dark elf haven of evil to me.

The eastern dragon in the shell of a human gave a simple shake of the head against me as she said quietly with her face against my shoulder as we had moved to a sitting room so we could wait for the queen to send word of her being ready. "No. I made a ring of my hottest flames around the city that turned the ground up to five meters down into molten slag so even if there was any tunnels they would burn or asphyxiate all the same."

And with her otherwise burning the rest of the city down in her azure flames. That meant there wouldn't be any survivors unless they somehow made some bunkers deep underground with both magical seals and thick steel doors separating themselves from her flames.

'With this place being a Norse Viking like realm, I highly doubt that other than this castle has any other such fortifications.' I mused before I raised an eyebrow as I saw Alicia string awake with her eyes fluttering open.

Even as I watched her come awake and slightly still at realizing that she was still alive, I allowed her to get a grip over herself as I patted Kiyohime on the head and told her she was a good girl before I looked over at Yuki and Arianna and asked. "So I suggest we stay here for a couple of days in the palace. I need to set the terms of their ruling for myself in this lesser kingdom to Gunhild. And I would like to check the treasury to see what other Runic weapons they may have stored along with deciphering the ones I already collected." 

Arianna gave a sharp nod of agreement as she said. "I agree! Getting to work with so many Primordial Runes is a wonderful thing honestly haha! But we will need to be careful of the castle's staff though."

That was true... As even after we burned down the surrounding city, the fuck nuts Bloodstone crazed maids and few male servants would still try to slit our throats as they happily brought us drinks and snacks.

Like they didn't see any issue with serving us. They didn't hate us for slaughtering the city, they just literally didn't understand the logic of the power difference between us. Or had any from of inhibitions towards violence.

With Kiyohime saying bluntly in agreement. "I agree. The staff is also corrupted greatly, we should just purge them honestly."

I gave a slight hum of thought before I said. "No, instead let's use them as a case study to see if the Bloodstone's influence can be weaned off them. As many of the surrounding towns and villages still have some amount of the shit. And I want to see if after they run out, if they will go insane or likewise become an issue."

Yuki agreed with my point but then said with some amusement. "So, little nun. How much longer will you play at being asleep?"

Alicia slowly sat up with her opening her eyes to take in our forms and as she looked at me she simply said. "I assume you killed King Alfridus?" And to my nod, she visibly sighed with relief before continuing to say. "Thank you."

But she remained silent for a moment leaving me a moment to think and I had a thought pop up before I asked curiously. "So the devil who came after you. Did they invade the church or were you almost captured in battle?"

Alicia nodded with her laying a hand over her ample breasts as she spoke. "Indeed, I am an exorcist of the Vatican, I served with my blessing from God allowing me to take the battle against the darkness of Europe which is filled with pagan monsters, vampires, and of course devils."

She took a breath and continued with a frown as she remembered the events I imagine. "I was with a squad of my battle sisters and a holy father leading us as we purged a small town of a clan of invading vampires that had left Romania and invaded the heartland of Europe. And during the battle the Devil, a trueblood heir of one of the clans no doubt with his demonic power attempted to capture me and my fellow sisters with his host of twisted nuns that had been corrupted."

'Hmm... So almost certainly it was Diodora Asatroth.' I mused before I asked her. "So how long have you been here, and what is your name?"

Although I knew who she was from my 'Observe' skill. I shouldn't know her name and I was going to allow her to introduce herself.

And after a moment she blinked as she seemingly counted out how long she was here and after a moment she said. "I have been here for a good forty to fifty winter cycles... So I think I have been here for maybe two, maybe two and half years? And my name is Alicia, Alicia Clemice." She finished with a bow of her head in greeting.

Then Arianna, Yuki, Kiyohime and myself quickly shared our names before I continued on. "Alright Alicia, so here is my offer. I imagine you want to go back to earth right?" At her firm nod, I smiled and continued as I said simply. "Good, so you help me take over this realm by decapitating the leadership or beating them into submission. And or making them sign a Geass of loyalty."

"And in return, I will happily bring you back to Earth and give you the money to get a flight back to the Vatican City."

I smiled and added on. "Hell, as a gesture of trust. Here is your Runic Sword back." I said as I handed back her dangerous blade with Arianna throwing me a pout at not getting a chance to discover its secrets.

For a moment as Alicia took the blade she was silent as she gazed at the blade before she took a breath and spoke. "Very well. As a man who knows of the light of god, I will serve beside you to bring the light of humanity to these pagans even if this land is controlled by a pagan wretch... Though, I must ask-"

She paused with a blush crossing her pale cheeks as she looked between the four of us and she poked her fingers together before she whispered. "Are these ladies your lovers? Or have you made them honest women and married them?" 

My lips twitched as the girls one and all giggled before Kiyohime snickered. "Oh, he gave me a treasure worthy of being the cornerstone of my hoard and has become the color of my life. Am Abrahamic ritual of tying us together isn't needed when I am a dragon." 

And then Yuki smiled and said almost teasingly. "Oh yes, he has married me quite officially in fact. In the eyes of the Yuki-Onna, he seeded my womb and our patron god blessed him with the love we share."

Even as my mind short-circuited at Yuki's words as I wondered if she meant that she was actually pregnant right now. I saw Arianna shrug her shoulders and Alicia's eyes bugged out as large beautiful wings popped out of Arianna's wings as she said mischievously. "Oh and I am half Fallen Angel." 

I could literally see Alicia's eyes dull as she looked between me and the women before she said slowly. "What about your human legacy? I mean, they are beautiful women of power, I am sure... But what about continuing the legacy god gave you in his creation?" 

I didn't laugh or get offended by her words as she sounded honestly just dismayed by my circumstances so I responded frankly with. "I got suckered into the supernatural world and I been fighting to elevate my place within it. I don't plan to lose my humanity in anyway and if I naturally fall in love with a human woman then that's what happens." 

Adding onto that I said more retrospectively. "Also, with my life style I very much prefer a woman who can defend themselves as I am cursed to live in interesting times to say the least. Like ninety-five percent of human women are completely incapable of doing so."

Alicia actually looked at me with a bit of a scowl as she retorted. "Thats your responsibility as a man though. You defend your wife, and in turn, she takes in hand the household and raising the children to have good catholic values!"

I actually facepalmed as I realized that I had ran into a real fucking nun. A nun who had such strength of will and faith in her religion that she could manifest it as holy energy which was if you think about it... The most boot-legged version of Haki there was.

And it was just my luck that this battle nun was very much on the old-fashioned side of things.

Either way, though Arianna spoke with an amused tone of voice as she prodded at her. "Then what about yourself? Actually... Jake, why don't you unseal her Nephilim bloodline." 

I threw Arianna a look of confusion while Alicia blinked in confusion at her words and I said with some annoyance. "What, me? I can't unseal her bloodline, I am terrible at magic remember? But regardless, you let the damn cat out of the bag so you get to tell and deal with her then." I said with some exasperation at how Arianna tried to get met involved with the Nephilim for some reason. 

Then I stood up as I felt the presence of one of the princesses coming close to our sitting room and I said more seriously. "Alright ladies, one of the princesses is here."

And then said princess knocked on the door with myself using Kusanagi's divine winds to pull the door open earning a huff from the sword that resounded in my mind as the princess carefully looked into the room.

At seeing us all sitting and waiting for her. The blue haired princess took a deep breath and spoke. "My name is Hrist... Uhm, you said your name was Jake correct?" 

I slowly nodded while keeping an eye on the beautiful blue haired woman as I used an Observe on her and saw her name and title. [Hrist- Legacy of Göndul] Which matched her sibling and her mother.

"Why are you here Princess? I imagine your mother will not be happy to see you here around me before I sign a Geass not to harm you." I asked rather bluntly.

And the blue haired princess molded her hands together as she bit her lower lip before she looked down and spoke quietly. "Can't you just leave us alone?"

The room went quiet at the princesses words and even Alicia looked awkward at the way the clearly shy girl asked such a... Loaded question to say the least.

After a moment I took a breath and replied honestly. "No. I came to this realm to conquer it. I came to this realm to take bring it under my aegis and name... I will not just leave, as I have come to make this world mine." 

Yuki and Kiyohime both being warriors who had walked through slaughters nodded to my conviction while the princess grimaced but I wasn't done as I said coldly. "The only reason you are still alive, and unharmed is your lack of corruption of Bloodstones and I will need a reagent for these lands which your mother will more than suffice to be."

I stared at her hard and said bluntly. "This is the world of royalty and power Hrist, you have something I want. And I am willing to burn the world to the ground in order to get what want."

This girl was weak of magic with her having the weakest level among her sister, her brothers, and especially her mother... Worst was her weak will.

'What kind of princess walks up to the invading conquerer who had slain her father and brothers... And was witless enough to ask me to just fucking leave the capital city of the kingdom I just conquered?'

All my thoughts and feelings were summed up as I felt shadows in the room thicken and I looked over at an unoccupied seat as Queen Gunhild formed within the seat out of solid shadows with dark scowl being aimed at her daughter who shivered under the glare. "She is hopelessly naive and despite this cities depravity... She hasn't seen a single person die has she?" 

Gunhild's face was ice cold as she ordered without any emotion. "Hrist go to your chambers now." 

For a moment I saw defiance well up in Hrists eyes before the shadows in the room darkened and she without a word turned around and left the room without another word leaving my girls alone with the queen who closed her eyes with annoyance to take a deep breath before she exhaled.

And to clearly ignore Hrist's appearance here, she placed down a large peice of vellum on the table in front of me. And I leaned over to look at the Geass and that it was lined with runes of power and in the middle was a few paragraphs depicting the agreement to be made with her.

-Governance and Reagancy-
Reagency- Her Majesty, Queen [Gunhild], shall rule the lands of the western kingdom of Nifldum as [Jake Barriss's] Regent.
Autonomy of Governance- Her Majesty shall retain autonomy in the day-to-day governance of the conquered lands, provided such governance remains loyal to [Jake Barriss] and does the laws of the lesser kingdom does not contravene the laws of his empire.

-Truth and Loyalty-
[Gunhild] Will never lie or deflect a question followed by three clapped hands from [Jake Bariss] in matters of their loyalty, actions, or orders given.

-Protection of the Queens Daughters' Hrist and Brunhildr-
Non-Harm Clause-  Majesty solemnly swears and guarantees that no harm by his own hand nor a commanded hand shall befall [Hrist and Brunhildr], for the duration of their natural lives unless they attack him or majorly sabotage his empire.
Custody and Welfare- [Gunhild] shall retain full custody and responsibility for the welfare and upbringing of her daughters within the kingdom.

All of the first part was fine... And then I looked down further and I saw the other bit. The bit of an heir, a son that she was willing to give to prove her loyalty and bind herself to my service so that I did not despoil or kill her and her daughters.

-Provision of an Heir-
[Gunhild] agrees to provide an heir, a son to [Jake Barriss] from his seed. This heir shall be recognized as the legitimate successor to the throne of the kingdom.
Succession Rights- The heir provided by [Gunhild] shall have full succession rights and shall be raised by [Jake Bariss's]  traditions and laws unless [Gunhild] is given express permission to do otherwise.

And just below all that were a couple of lines with more runes, encircling the lines like knotted snakes of oak staring back at me being the signature lines. 

But I had one problem with this as the rest was fine basically. 

Obviously it's the heir bit.

I looked back at the stoic queen and I asked bluntly. "I said there was no need for you to give me an heir. Why did you put that there?" 

And Gunhild didn't even blink as she explained calmly. "Because my daughters are not of your seed, they are not of your blood. They are at best tools at your disposal to be married off or sold for you to build connections... But should you take me as your woman, fill my womb with child of your own, you will have no choice but to consider them part of your lineage if only for your future son's sake." 

That wasn't all as she finished off by saying coldly. "I am well aware of what happens when a new alpha Lion takes over a pride. And even with this Geass, there is no accounting for you having already given your ladies orders to wring my daughter's neck after I sign this agreement."

There was a moment of silence as I looked at Gunhild and I realized this woman was brutal. She loved her daughters sure, but she had a very... Very pragmatic view of the world and honestly, I couldn't deny her words.

If I didn't fuck her and fill her with my child, I would think of her daughters as a possible issue that could rise up to haunt me. Or on a completely different side of things, maybe as a target of enlistment/romance for my forces as they having the bloodlines of valkyries had promise.

But all that went away when I considered the possibility of Gunhild carrying my child, a child that would have two older sisters to help guide and raise them as their queen mother was often busy with statesmen work...

This was a moment that could define me as a budding Emperor. And in that vein, I knew that as I took over realms and minature worlds I would need reagents to rule them in my stead. Gunhild for this kingdom was perfect for that.

So after a moment of thought. I firmly nodded and after using an Observe on the Geass and searching for any possible verbal/written pitfalls that could be used to ensnare me. I signed my name next to Gunhilds.


Lonely Bear

TFTC Slow and steady, you know it make think of those Rand strategy game where you slay kingdoms and lay widows ^^

Chichi son

My lips twitched as the girls one and all giggled before Kiyohime snickered. "Oh, he gave me a treasure worthy of being the cornerstone of my hoard and has become the color of my life. Am Abrahamic ritual of tying us together isn't needed when I am a dragon." An Abrahamic? I threw Arianna a look of confusion while Alicia blinked in confusion at her words and I said with some annoyance. "What, me? I can't unseal her bloodline, I am terrible at magic remember? But regardless, you let the damn cat out of the bag so you get to tell and deal with her then." I said with some exasperation at how Arianna tried to get met involved with the Nephilim for some reason. get me involved? After a moment I took a breath and replied honestly. "No. I came to this realm to conquer it. I came to this realm to take bring it under my aegis and name... I will not just leave, as I have come to make this world mine." to take it under? to bring it under? one or the other I stared at her hard and said bluntly. "This is the world of royalty and power Hrist, you have something I want. And I am willing to burn the world to the ground in order to get what want." get what I want?

Smiley sx

Abrahamic because the christian god is know to be a part of the abrahamic pantheon