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After Kaori gave me some more advice about what to expect for my training, she told me that she would pick me up from my apartment to teach me some more martial arts and the workings of chakra after a couple of hours just outside training ground 1

Of which, training ground 1 was actually inside the village and was meant for the simplest of training that wouldn't cause much damage. Practising, kunai and shuriken throwing in the thick Land of Fire forrest. Tree and water walking, and of course otherwise any other non-destructive elemental training.

But after school was out and I had a couple hours to kill... I decided to treat myself with one of the All-I-Can Tickets I got from my Akimichi teacher for winning our daily tournaments.

Going into a nice all-you-can-eat grill, I looked around and after asking I was told that they would just bring as much meat, vegetables, and desserts to me as I wanted. But I would be responsible for grilling the food on my own.

Of course, they also reserved the right to cut me off if I wasted a bunch of meat and such but in my past life, I was literally a chef so that wasn't going to be an issue.

So order up some nice cuts of beef and chicken with some dipping sauces I got to work stuffing my poor orphan body with all the protein and nutrients it would need to grow. I also called in for an order of Dango out of curiosity as I had never tried it in this or my previous life.

And once I found out that Dango was just glutinous rice that had some sauces and other flavorings added to it, to add flavor I realized I could grill it as well with some preparation.

So I made a nice thin sauce of BBQ and sweet honey and liberally painted the dango with the mixture before grilling it over the fire as I rotated some beef and chicken Shish Kabobs.

A hearty honey-sweet bbq scent filled my cabin with the soul-stirring warmth of comfort food with the soft noises of the sugars of the mixture crackling under the heat as they crystalized to give the dango a crust around it which would protect the gluttinous rice beneath it from the heat.

After a couple of minutes, I popped it off the grill as the high heat cooked it very quickly and I gave a slight moan of appreciation at the flavor.

"Oi what the hell you doing with your dango!" A voice spoke out and I blinked as I looked over to my side and my eyes at sitting height first saw... Large tits in ninja chain mail and a body glove that clung to her form. And as I quickly looked up I saw an angry woman with purple hair and brown eyes which were glaring at me with unholy fury."

'Oi shit it's Anko?' I thought before I looked at my dango and wondered. 'Is her Dango obsession actually a thing?' Either way, I looked back up to her and I spoke in confusion. "Eating it? I wanted to give it a sweet and tangy flavor."

She scowled and before I could even react her hand blurred out and the stick of dango in my hand disappeared and was in her hand as she had stepped closer to me.

"Oi!? That was mine?" I complained half-heartedly but Anko didn't give a shit about my complaint as her tongue extended out swirled around the two remaining pieces of dango on the stick and then pulled the balls of desert into her mouth.

And as those balls filled her mouth... I saw her pause as she looked down at me in my seat with her dark brown eyes having a glint in them as she swirled the flavors in her mouth before she swallowed without even bothering to fucking chew it looked like.

Anko looked down at me with a raised eyebrow and said bluntly. "Oi you genin or something?"

I shook my head and said with a wry smile. "Nah an academy student... Literally my second day there and I won the little tournaments my teacher has been having us do and he hands out tickets to the Akimichi restaurants." 

Her eyes widened as she made an 'Ahh' noise as she nodded and my lips twitched as she shamelessly took a seat in my cabin with her saying teasingly as she lifted up her breasts with her arms as she leaned forward and pouted. "Ohhh come on, can I have a ticket? I been super hungry as it takes a couple of days for payments to come through for missions and I ran out of money!?"

'What a crock of shit...' I thought with a smirk as I looked at her before shaking my head and saying bluntly. "You want me to pay for your meal? And what is your name?" 

Although I already knew her name I played ignorant to it as she raised an eyebrow and replied with amusement. "Oh, my name is Anko... And yes I do want you to pay for my food obviously... And to cook it all for me hehe." 

I nodded and then I replied flatly. "Fine, I will pay for your food, but I want you to tell me the steps for elemental training in all five elements." 

My words made Anko stop utterly short as she stared at in wonder and disgust at how shameless I was. And I just raised up an eyebrow as I retorted.

"What, you don't even know my name, you stole my food, expect me to pay and cook for you and then I get nothing out of it?" I asked rhetorically.

And Anko quickly retorted. "I ain't your teacher brat. Go bug someone to teach you that stuff!"

To which I dryly raised an eyebrow and said flatly. "I am an orphan civilian... I don't have the connections to get such lessons so if I can blackmail you, to tell me the steps to learning then I will do so shamelessly." 

There was a moment of silence as Anko looked at me and then she grinned and said. "Alright, big boy bet! You pay for my food and I will pass along the first steps of elemental training, but I won't be following you around to teach ya." 

I nodded in understanding and then I waved down the waitress and give her another one of my passes to pay for Anko's food.

Once her food got there, I started cooking it as well while she gave me an odd look at how I mixed the sauces but she didn't say anything about it.

But once she bit into the thin slices of garlic chicken, I decided to make a move on what I wanted to learn from her... As I knew Anko was supposed to be a Jounin level ninja even if she was pigeoned holed into being only a Tokubetsu Jonin due to politics.

"So! How do I train in lightning, fire, wind, earth, and water?" I asked bluntly.

Anko gave a slight hum as she chewed on the grilled chicken I made, and after considering something and then discarding the thought she held out a hand and began speaking. "My natural elements are Fire and Yin so lets start with fire. So to begin in training in Fire release you take some leaves, grass or even paper and you work to burn things by kneading the chakra within yourself or on the target."

She took another bite and even with food in her mouth she waved the chicken skewer around as she finished. "I like to think of it as using your lungs as bellows and then blowing out the resulting infused chakra. Fire jutsu is far... Far easier to get into after being taught a fire jutsu with its expanded hand signs to get used to the feeling." She finished.

But as she spoke I could feel the 'Is it possible to learn this power? Not from the protagonist.' perk going to work. As things just... Mentally clicked for myself in regards of what Anko was saying.

Wind went about the same as what Naruto went through in training wind release as Anko told me to just split leaves and peices of grass with my chakra. 

"Lightning release is one of the most dangerous to practice honestly, you shoudn't train it unless you have an actual teacher but otherwise... If you really want to train it, I suggest holding some pieces of copper wire next to one another and then while holding both pieces you run your chakra in a vibrating manner across the wires to to get a feeling for the lightning chakra that will result from that."

After a moment Anko took a bite of some grilled dumplings and she looked at me and asked bluntly. "Any questions?" 

I shook my head and said simply. "Nope, please continue."

If anything Anko looked annoyed, like as though my refusal was a slap to the face or... Maybe she wanted to use it as an excuse to not have to continue to explain but either way she continued to explain.

Explaining how you would drain water from leaves or moldy dead wood to train in the beginning of water release training. Then she smiled as she explained how earth release had the second to easiest of starts honestly as you would just practice by infusing your chakra in rocks and then work to split the rocks by following the rock's inner structure and breaking them on the inside.

Then came the easiest element as Wind was training at all levels in using your chakra to cut through things, cut through leaves first. Then you cut through branches, then you cut through rocks, and then you cut through plates of metal itself.

"Plus learning wind is easy because... As a human, you are well versed in literally breathing haha." She laughed out loud making my lips twitch at how expressive she was in her laughter.

Also, Anko was a very beautiful womanly woman, so when her cackles made her body undulate. It was definitely a feast for the eyes.

After that, Anko waved her hand to the side as she said. "Alright brat that's all you are getting out of me. Anything else is gotta cost you big... And you can't pay for such private time with big sis Anko." She finished teasingly just as she used her extra-long tongue to wrap around an entire smoked sausage.

And then literally pull it down her throat without a blink, even though I know it was some snake jutsu fuckery... As a man, I had my own thoughts at that wonderful image as I blushed slightly at the thought of her swallowing something else. 

"Hahaha! You are so cute little man, so what made you decide to come to this grill? There are a good couple dozen Achimichi restaurants in the Village after all." She asked curiously and for a moment I considered whether I should tell her before I shrugged and explained.

"My Genin taijutsu tutor is teaching me in an hour and some change to fight better and some martial arts." I answered simply with her humming and nodding in understanding.

"I see... So your teacher wants you to keep winning eh? Well after this first week, things are going to be more interesting for you and her little dream of getting easy C-class missions done in bulk."

I raised an eyebrow but she shook her head obviously in denial in answering but after a moment I shrugged and I raised up a hand slightly as I decided to test something after digesting her information.

'The body naturally makes electricity which conveys nervous system information and so much more... What if I just do this.' I mused and I saw Anko's eyes widen as my fingers flexed and I winced in pain as little sparks of lightning shot between my fingers before I closed my hand.

"Ow... So holding lightning isn't a great idea." I muttered as I shook my stinging hand free of pain before my immortal body rid itself of its issues.

"Huh you must have a pretty strong lightning affinity if you could figure it out so easily. Anyway what's your name brat? I may need to look for you for free food if I can hehe." 

I rolled my eyes at her shameless attempt to mooch more food off me as I said flatly. "My name is Akari Sandra. And besides it's not like I am actually paying for your food." 

Though... I did notice something as I was eating, all the food in my body was quickly being digested. Like being digested at super speed as I could feel my stomach expanding and then retracting after I ate three beef and chicken skewers in a row and all that food just left my stomach.

'I wonder if the food is being moved to my muscles or something?' I mused and then seeing the waitress giving me a bit of a look after I had eaten probably five or six pounds of meat, not to mention other stuff.

I decided that it was time for me to cut my losses and get moving.

As I wanted to get to the training ground and work on the elemental releases before Kaori got there.

"Alright Anko, I am going to leave now. See ya." I said simply as I left the closed-off room, leaving the older kunoichi alone as I left the restaurant. Then I made my way through the village and headed off towards Training Ground 1.

I quickly made my way over there as it was just outside the village's main population center and the training ground itself was a good couple miles in circumference so I went over to a nice tree and leaned against it as I put down a small blanket to keep my bottoms dry and clean of dirt as I sat down.

Then after a bit, I took a deep breath... Just relaxing and taking in the sounds of the forest around me, though I did note it was a bit odd that I couldn't hear any birds.

And I laid my hands in the dirt in front of me as I pulsed my chakra outwards into the dirt around myself. 'Earth and water... Both can be manipulated so much more easily with chakra than the other primary elements.' I mused as I slowly in the course of minutes learned how to drag all the water out of the earth beneath myself leaving a ball of water floating in the air.

'Now... Do I open the can of worms that is Wood Release? As Hajime, did discuss how Hashirama was the only ninja to ever properly have Wood Release that suppressed Yin lifeforms like the Biju, demons, and even the gods themselves.' I thought.

It had its pro's and cons obviously... For one, the Senju clan was still heavily diminished besides some older retired if not crippled ninja's and civilians who couldn't hack it as a ninja to even start with. So there wasn't much worry about the clan coming after me as only Hashirama had it and its not like they had any claim over the bloodline, unlike the Uchiha's Sharingan.

Along with the clan not being as much of an issue, there was also the fact that I would be catapulted upwards in value in Konoha's eyes. Having the Mokuton/Wood release would assuredly make sure I had teachers who would make sure I would reach my full potential.

To say nothing of being more able to defend myself against the supernatural threats of this world... As there were gods, demons, and all kinds of horrors in between.

The cons were all one and the same honestly. Drawing attention to myself before I was nearly ready for such a thing. As Kumo and Iwa would happily put a bounty on my ass not to mention Kiri and maybe even Suna would more discretely put a bounty out for my head.

Not to mention some supernatural elements could come after my ass as well.


I was literally fucking immortal! Death was the least of my worries!

And as thought to fucking spite me. I felt the Celestial Grimoire ping to life and it violently wrenched down a perk almost sullenly and my face twitched as I absorbed the information as my body hardened, becoming stronger, more durable... And I grew like three inches in just as many seconds with my body making popping noises with the growth.

[Mountains out of Mounds] [Are you like a mountain, solid and unbreakable? Even for a giant, a race of beings with bodies of stone, you are absurdly tough. It would take a concerted effort to smash your form apart, and as long as you’re mostly whole then no amount of loss of limb or destroyed organ will put you down. In fact, in times of desperation, you have the capacity to dismember yourself, ripping off an arm or leg to use as a weapon, a very dangerous weapon thanks to your resilience and oddly high level of skill. When the fight is finished, you may also reattach it just as easily, like two pieces of a puzzle.]

'Dear fucking god... Give me a perk that allows me to fight, give me a new power system, hell give me a fucking pet or familiar! Stop making me more immortal reeeee!' I mentally howled as I was just done at this point.

And what the hell was that part about automatically having oddly high skill at ripping off my body parts and using them as a weapon!?

But I took a deep breath as I pouted at the reminder that I was now... Doubly immortal, and I decided to say fuck it. Yolo as it were. But instead of I only live once. I literally just can't die anyway.

Pushing the water back into the earth I spread my chakra out, into the earth and the tree behind myself.

And as my chakra soaked into the earth and the tree I felt the connection between myself and my surroundings grow as my dense chakra made a gentle glow around myself.

With one hand buried into the ground to anchor myself, I lifted up another hand and I shuddered as I used a one handed Ram symbol to concentrate my chakra.

Soft cracking noises rang out as I added the secret sauce of Mokuton, Yang energy directly from my lifeforce. 

And I felt the tree behind me shifting as it conformed to my desires. The wood growing, shaping it self as a rim lifted me up up off the ground and and I now sat within an unadorned throne of wood.

I opened my eyes as I took in the surrounding silent forest with a small smile as I prepared myself to break down the throne I made for myself. But a thudding noise rang out.

And I whipped over to the side with a wide eyed look as I met the brown eyes of Anko Mitarashi who had seemingly fallen out of one of the surrounding tree's and in my dumbfounded state at meeting her astounded look that had clearly fucking seen everything... I let out the most retarded of words escape my mouth.

"Don't look at my wood!"



Next chapter: Jake "why do I have 500 different types of immortality and no fighting skills 😭"

Goddess of Victory

TFTC Wind got mentioned twice during the explanation.