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The Gorgoneion was weird once I thought about it. First of all, did it exist before Verathragna beat Athena like an unwanted stepchild? Or did it just spawn into existence with the shattered parts of Heretic God Athena's multifaceted divinity in her essence of Medusa which was housed in the gorgoneion?

Using the Gorgoneion, I went down to my workshop with Medusa in tow as I did have a summoning circle ready which Rin had used to summon Atalanta. 

"Uhm, Jake make sure you don't... Let Stheno and Euryale walk all over you." Medusa said with some embarrassment that the memories of herself being bullied came across her mind.

To which I just smiled and said with zero shame. "Medusa, should your bigger sisters be brats... I will spank some obedience and common sense into them." 

"After all, I am a campione, their ruler, and their master. I can't exactly allow them to run roughshod all over this group I am building up." 

Medusa just smiled enigmatically before saying with some amusement. "I can already see it... They are going to drive you up the wall, my lord."

The way she said that with such utter surety... Did kinda make me a bit nervous for all but a moment before I sneered at the thought of a duo of bratty eternal teen bully goddesses.

No should they attempt to mess with me, I would take them to ask and instill some actual discipline in their lives.

So I took a deep breath as I felt the Gorgoneion pulse with its divinity and with my will, I forced my power into the summoning circle. There wasn't any need to use a chant to summon Eurayle, and Stheno, with Medusa and the Gorgoneion near me while I had them in my mind.

Honestly, if I managed to summon someone else other than those two with all the factors including the Gorgoneion being used as a catalyst I would only assume Alaya herself was fucking with me.

But as the summoning sign lit up with power I smiled feeling my will translate into reality, the summoned Servant's containing splitting into two lesser containers via divine mana with twin blooming forms of light coming to form in front of myself.

And then I felt a bit, not too much. But a small amount of my mana being drawn into their forms as the solid light broke down and left two forms plain to my view.

They both looked exactly the same basically, Stheno and Euryale were beauties that men most wanted after all. Short, soft looking, and well proportioned while wearing tight dresses that fit their frames well.

Their eyes fell upon our forms and then they blinked as they saw the other. And then they both smiled with the left one tittering. "Oh? Medusa wasn't enough for you to win this Grail War and you decided to call for us?" 

And then the other one said with something akin to teasing disdain as she covered her mouth slightly. "Oh my sister it may even be worse... He may be trying to trade in our sister for the upgrades! What if he has designs for our nubile flesh?" 

I coudn't help it... I burst into laughter with both of the sisters staggering in place as the full weight of my essence made them stagger and then trip and fall onto their knees and then lay flat onto the stomach as the very Matou manor shook at my amused laughter.

"Euryale, Stheno... You are the downgrade, I am your more than your Master who supplies you with the mana needed to survive as a Servant, I am your Campione Emperor." I stated firmly as I let up on my mana.

Both of the lesser gorgons staggered up into sitting positions and the way my simple force of will and the weight of my mana alone forced them to kneel was a perfect example of just how overwhelmingly powerful a Campione was in comparison to a Servant.

One of the sisters looked between herself and her other two siblings, and I quickly realized it was Stheno as she spoke up with some humor in her voice. "Well well well... It seems our run as lesser goddesses has come to an end, what are we going to do now in your service then?" She questioned me.

To which I gave a slight hum before I looked at Medusa and replied honestly. "Do as you wish so long as you do not harm the lives of my people." 

Euryale gave a slight chuckle before she broke into giggles as she said. "Oh, at least Medusa is competent enough to snag a king for us to live off of." 

My face twitched before I rolled my eyes and I cut in as Medusa looked awkward. "In any case, not only have I summoned you both to keep the best Gorgon happy, but I also summoned you so I didn't need to kill you both as Athena is here as a Heretic God about to cause issues." 

Both of the lesser two goddesses gave a weak smile at my blunt reminder and then I looked at Medusa and said. "Medusa, get your sisters set up and in their own rooms. I need to go speak with Medea now."

Medusa bowed her head demurely with a small smile crossing her face as she said kindly. "Alright Jake, make sure to check in with Sakura when you have time." And with that she fazed out of existence along with Euryale and Stheno following as took on their spirit forms.

Feeling their ghostly forms fazing away as they left the room, I took a breath as I realized it was go time now. First, I had to deal with the Grail as it was now fully activated, if not even more so due to how Gilgamesh and both the Gorgons were active.

And secondly, due to my act in summoning the Gorgons using the Gorgoneion, I knew Athena was going to have a major bug up her ass at feeling her fractured divinity within the grimoire being messed with.

So Athena was going to have to make a move soon. Better for me to make a move on the Grail now rather than later.

I began making my way through the massive Matou mansion as thoughts rushed through my mind as I considered my next moves besides dealing with the two last major threats in the area.

But soon enough I had made my way up to Medea's workshop in the attic and knocked on her door. 

The door swiftly opened with Medea opening up the door to give me a somewhat annoyed look as she groused. "You summoned two... Two servants into the Assassin slot, the damned Grail is acting up with how it is already broken."

I gave a solemn nod as I said bluntly. "Yeah, I summoned the rest of the Gorgon sisters in the Assassin slot in order to make sure they didn't descend as Heretic gods with all of Medusa's essence, Athena and the Gorgoneion in such proximity."

At my answer Medea bit her lips but she nodded in understanding as she knew my swift action was for the best. As having more insane versions of the Gorgon sisters running around wouldn't be that great for Medusa... 

"Fine. but with only the Saber slot technically open, we need to make a move on the grail as soon as possible." Medea spoke firmly.

"Alright then lets go to the grail. And deal with it at its source." I agreed before I continued. "I have all my weapons and reagents, are you ready to go Medea?" 

And I felt her tug slightly on my mana to refuel her stores of mana, my far more dense Campione divine mana filling her lesser mana stores to the brim with her exhaling in relief before she nodded silently.

We quickly made our way out of the mansion and with all the familiars that were previously watching the Matou manor destroyed by my previous wave of power, we were able to leave under the guise of one of my seals that made us invisible to mortal eyes without magic resistance.


It was a quick and uneventful flight with Medea flying beside me with her enchanted robes holding her up in flight, as when I teased her about a princess carry. Even with her deep hood, I could see she had the most adorable of blushes across her face for a moment.

But it wasn't long as we flew past the Ryuudo Temple that I could feel the Grail's tainted mana drinking on the leylines to fuel itself in preparation for the proper start of the Grail War. And soon enough following my senses we flew past the thick-warded forests surrounding the entrance into the mountain and we entered the dark cave leading to the Grail.

"Its cloying maligance is... Great indeed, I am astounded the founding families have kept this going, no even allowed this abomination to exist." Medea spoke with a glower as her nose pinched at the foul cursed air that we breathed in.

And I shook my head as I said boredly. "Magecraft is in constant decline due to its nature... And the newer generations of the founding families didn't know how to tamper with the grail, let alone fix it should something go wrong. Hell Zeltrech, after helping them get it set up was rather blunt about no longer being involved in the project." 

I couldn't help but wonder how my life would actually be though this was one of the timelines that Zeltretch nuked the grail in the Prisma Illya verses... As much as their events here in Japan was a lot more tame, that didn't mean there weren't plenty of threats like the Class Card nonsense and other stuff.

But then again Prisma Illya ran off of ecchi logic pretty hard so I was kinda happy with my more limited, power = harem logic that applied to this universe.

Soon enough we turned down a coil in the tunnels, I shredded multiple wards that failed to stop us and then we entered the atrium holding the Grail.

The massive stone cavern was light up by pools of gleaming black and purple muck with gleaming cursed glyphs blooming from the malignant fingers of flames that danced across the moat of liquid curses surrounding the Grail.

"You know... I truly believed you even if I didn't want to, about the evil god that ruined the grail. But I didn't imagine it would be this bloated, leaking this much of its essence onto the ground in waste." Medea spoke with a dark frown.

As although Angra Mainyu's condensed curses were disgusting, repugnant, and even painful to feel in such proximity. That didn't change their value, because that was literal solid divinity just pooling across the ground.

Just further proof of the power Angra Mainyu had been hoarding as he had been sucking on the leylines for a couple of centuries at least at this point.

I looked over at Medea and spoke. "I think the Grail is tainted to the point of being unusable unless I melt down its remains as a physical catalyst... Its internals are so broken that I wouldn't trust its Wish component with any amount of mana with how it would twist any wish it gets into a monkey paw."

Medea had a bit of a nervous tick when she was deep in thought where she would roll her fingers around under her robes as she was thinking and it was clear she was doing that now. 

And after a minute she slowly nodded and said. "I agree, the corruption of the literal. 'God of all the world evils.' Is far too much for me to mess with casually without spending weeks if not months purifying it."

That was Medea, Medea the grandchild of Helios saying that even while being able to call upon a literal sun, she couldn't so easily fix the corruption. So it was clear that the grail wasn't salvageable except for its physical remains.

'Whelp... Time to embrace the Campione way of solving my issues.' I thought as I marshaled my power and then I spoke with my divinity flooding the surroundings "O Lightning. I am the Conquerer who vanquished a thousand with a hundred. Release bright and shining brilliance and grant me divine power!" I roared as I pulled up one Verathragna's Goat Aspect.

As lightning's thing has always been to purge evil and for Angra Mainyu? That would go doubly so.

From my form after I chanted the authority's full activation chant came uncountable large lightning bolts that sped off from my form and then slammed into the gleaming golden Grail with the cursed Grail mud audibly screaming as my lightning coursed through its form.

"Campione!" The mud seemingly gurgled in pain, fear, and most importantly hatred.

And then the mud made a loud wet slapping noise as hundreds of pure white arms burst from the top of the grail and began slapping around the cavern blindly with each of the damned arms being thicker than a cargo container and spanning the length of the room.

"Disgusting." Medea spat from behind me as she sent magical blasts to push aside the limbs that were lucky enough to swat directly at us.

And I could nod as Angra Mainyu truly was the worst part of humanity's history in how we created him.

In that same vein, I waved my hands outward and my Yin and Yang seals flew outwards and the very world seemed to shudder as I held my hands together and whispered. "Human Creation is a folly." With the two Imperial seals locking the space of around the grail in a mire of space and time the bolts of divine lightning burned the filth away in a blinding storm of power.

[Begone Verethragna!] Angra Mainyu roared with foul divinity pulsing that had fed from the very earth for centuries and I howled with laughter as my Sage Robe weathered the foul winds carrying countless warped curses in Arabic glyphs.

"I killed Verethragna, Ahriman! You are naught but a broken soul I can see as you already forgot I am a Campione!" I spoke grandly as I swirled the two imperial seals to carve the domain around the Grail and I grimaced as I ran into the Grail's connection to the leylines below the massive Grail.

But as though the very earth was crying out in pain, I used my Flying Sword to zip underneath the grail and the powerful flying sword sliced through the metaphysical veins disconneting the Grail from the local Leylines as I marshalled my power as a massive hand of solid cursed mud bloomed from the top of the Grail.

'I don't have Ea to delete the Grail... But I do have Ahriman's conceptual weakness and the method of its defeat from myth.' I thought as golden holy light surrounded my form as I held up my hand and chanted.

"Glorious lord of the sun, Mithra be praised! To conquer all enemies, pray bestow upon my strongest self thousands of light and thousands of swords!" 

Verethragna's aspects and authorities were stupidly powerful, with this White Stallion authority supposed to be able to destroy an entire world should the sins of the target be so terrible as its power scaled to the evil done by the target.

And Ahriman? Angra Mainyu, the literal manifestation of all the world's evils?

I was, bar none. The worst opponent out of all the Campione, all the True Magician for Angra Mainyu to fight due to this one ability.

The world seemed to still as the actual sun above Japan glowed ever brighter with nine smaller suns forming around it, as my Authority registered Angra Mainyu as an entire evil world essentially. 

Behind my body rotated the Nine Holy Sun's of the Celestial Myths that Yi shot down in myth as the White Stallion authority supercharged my body to unheard-of levels and I knew here and now that I was at my strongest.

Within my hand formed a spear of flames, not an actual spear of metal nor substance. No, it was an oversized lance made out of blinding holy sunfire used by the creator god Mithras and even Angra Mainyu was stunned into silence as I wordlessly threw the spear of annihilation into the Grail.

Medea's hands held the back of my cloak as her connection to my soul as my Servant and her own divine heritage as the child of Helios protected her eyes from being blinded as the lance flew into the grail and exploded in a wave of purifying white light annihilation essentially.

Within a split moment, the light passed by our forms as the spear exploded with such power that the underground cavern we were within stopped being a cavern... And became a glass plain as the surrounding mountains were shattered, melted, and utterly destroyed as the silent wave of white light consumed all in its path.

There wasn't any grand rumble of destruction being made, there was no terrible earthquake of the force of the explosion. That would require physical matter to withstand the heat and force of the sun's glare and detonation.

I exhaled as I closed my outstretched hand and then abruptly the wave of white annihilation paused and with my eyes glowing with power I whispered. "Oh sun's Yi blotted out, retreat to push back the darkness and shadows." And I felt Medea quickly moving away from my back as the floating suns spinning slowly around my back flew into a crown of golden metal I created with my will from the pool of molten gold from the Grail.

Angra Mainyu was dead. Destroyed utterly and as I stared upon the pool of golden divine metal that made up the grail I couldn't help a chuckle as I spoke. "It is a pity... I a Campione slayed an actual god, so I can't even get any Authorities from him seeing as he wasn't a Heretic God haha!"


The world shuddered under the view of nine extra suns with all dead apostles that were under the sun's glare that wasn't Dead Apostle Ancestors or at least Superior ranked Dead Apostles burned away in within their crypts, their hidden labs, and their countless undead lighting on holy fire to fall apart as naught but ashes. 

Necromancer's projects burned away with their years of research being wasted as their very notes burned within their libraries, 

And as the Goddess of Knowledge stared up into those nine extra suns... She smiled proudly and spoke to herself. "Though power is everlasting... The darkness will swallow the sun itself in time. I will swallow your suns, and I will be whole once more usurper."

She stared out past the city of Fuyuki as she stood atop the Fuyuki bridge and as she stared down she met the eyes of another... The bloody red eyes of the King of Hero's who stared at her coldly as she considered going after the awoken Celestial Emperor now and she couldn't help an amused chuff escaping herself.

"Thou would glare upon me? Well, your pedigree and name does give you the right Gilgamesh. I will allow him to celebrate his win, and meet with you first then... As a meeting between kings is below mine interest." 

A golden portal opened in warning beside Gilgamesh but time itself seemed to pause and a cold snort rang out as Athena broke apart into a flock of owls that flew off in dozens of directions.



Ya it won't his suns she swallows, but his sons when he has Athena on her knees