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I was doing rather well right now... A big titty catgirl high off her ass was dozing across my lap in Ecris and I was sitting in the lap of Barghest with her sweater torpedos acting as pillows to cradle my head as I was working on my data pad for the next mission.

"The Karnak Twins are working to run a heretical stim and plague manufactorum in the deeper levels next to a major hab block they captured... It would be for the best if the twins could be captured to be interrogated, but if they could be killed while the factories are destroyed that would be alright as well." I mused as I gave a small hum of thought at the direction the two groups I would need to take.

One group to take out the Karnak Twins which would include myself due to how the Twins were blessed by Nurgle with some foul gifts and thus needed some more supernatural force to put their ass into the dirt. So either myself or the someone wielding the Golden Order sword I made would be the ones to destroy the twins.

But seeing as the Golden Order sword was staying with me... That meant that I would be going after the twins.

'Alright, gotta split up the sisters into two squads as I am sure they have gotten some of the enhancements by now. One group with Barghest and the enhanced Ogryns leads the enhanced guardsmen to clear out the factories and the other half is with me and the Custodian to deal with the Hab block.'

 My thought process seemed sound so I put in the orders, map of the hab blocks we were moving through, and their objectives into the data pad and sent it off to the squad leaders of the guard with Ecris and Barghest's own data pads going off in warning at the orders being given.

Ecris shot up, shaking her head clear of the lazy doze she was in with her eyes refocusing on me as she snapped to attention. "May I be excused, Commissar?" 

I nodded and said. "Granted, get yourself ready. You are going to be running scout for my forces and sniping enemy elite units."

The catgirl then ran off with her steps with her boots reinforced with Vibranium not making any noises while Barghest gave a small hum as she stood up and she put me down as she stood up to her Primarch height of twelve feet tall as she took out her own data pad and frowned at it. 

"Boss, why are you sending me and the other big lads off with the big group to just blow up some stuff? Aren't I, your shield?" She asked with a heavy pout crossing her face making my lips twitch at how utterly crushed she sounded.

But I steeled my heart as I patted her arm and said firmly. "Barghest, I need you and the other enhanced Orgyns to push through the plague manufactorum, there will be a lot of enhanced enemies there running on stimulants and having terrible hack job biotics added to them guarding the factory."

Her lips actually fucking quivered as she gave me a puppy dog-like stare that made me facepalm and gave her stomach a soft slap as I said bluntly. "Ain't gonna work Barghest. Now get suited up in your Vibranium armor, take anointed weapons and make sure your missile and bomb-carrying case is filled up."

My adorable big blond lug slouched but nodded and stiffened up her shoulders as she got suited up while my form was engulfed in the Crysis Suit and got my own loadout for hunting elite units ready.

First was my melee weapon in the Holy Order Greatsword which would boost my allies' strength, resilience, and faith. For range, I had my Suros Regime, and for elite units, I had a specialized, slimmed-down Spartan Laser.

With my form clad in the best mundane weapons I could make without more strictly supernatural materials, I walked out of the armory which held my quarters with the sounds of the troops getting ready hitting my ears and I took them all in.

At this point, all of my troops had been converted into Super Soldiers, and looking over towards the two separated squads of Sisters of Battle... I noticed that they too were also enhanced as well.

Which included Adelith, with her standing tall and proud in adjusted power armor as she held a Plasma Caster at the ready for the heavy combat that was to come as she and the Cannoness would be helping me hunt down the Karnak Twins in the occupied Hab Block.

First I looked towards Barghest and the leader of the demolition team who was a grizzled old guardsman who was of Cadian descent and gave him a nod and said bluntly. "You have your orders, you have all the arms and armor even Astartes would be jealous of. Get your shit done, and I don't want to hear any about any stupid ass deaths as your asses are too valuable to die on the first mission I give you to go out of my supervision."

Paum Gritt, saluted and shouted without hesitation. "Yes sir! Men, move out, we have charges to plant, and heretics to slay!" 

And in unison the men and women no matter their forms be they human or abhuman. They were all enhanced with their proud and strong voices speaking out. "For the God Emperor of Mankind!"

Paum then walked ahead leading the procession of soldiers as they were going to push through the Hive City on foot, pushing through a good twenty miles stretch or so of Heretic-claimed hallways, elevators and lesser hab blocks in order to get to where they needed to.

Likewise, I looked to my soldiers along with the Sister's of Battle and the Custodian who was standing at attention in a shadow and I nodded and called out. "Let's move out as well! We got a good bit of hostile land to cover!"


Lonely Bear

Thank you for the chapter ^^

Dat Man

Hmmmm would it be feasible to arm them all with Flamethrowers from Halo 3 and started singing burn baby burn ? Just a thought