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It didn't take me long to figure out the names of a couple of the five new people that joined into the stream. Obviously, Lelouch did something fucky as the ImmortalWitch, was C.C or C2, PlaceboHelenKeller, was Lelouch's sister.

And likewise I figured out who CryptedLovegood was with her going for the Crumple Horn Snorlack with it obviously being Luna Lovegood. 

But the MurderhoboFlugel? And StudentCouncilWaifu38? Yeah, I had no idea who they were honestly as the second one had zero clues and although Flugel sounded familiar? I couldn't remember what it meant off the top of my head.

Either way with Brock having run off after giving me my prizes at seeing Ai being touchy-feely, I quickly left the stadium with Rose secured onto my shoulder as we entered Pewter City.

[ImmortalWitch- Hmm definitely a new world as the system has explained. The stars have different constellations, to say nothing of the creatures you control.]

Seeing that message I mentally responded back with my physic energy being captured by the system as though I was speaking directly. "Yup, a whole new world here. So C2, has Lulu been good or is he still being a terrorist?" 

There was a moment of silence as the chat went still before Lelouch responded on his own. [VirginMindcontroller- I will be limiting my activities with the knowledge, I have been given. I will be directly going after my parents to get answers instead of dragging Britannia into the dirt and affecting so many other people's lives.]

I nodded in some respect to that as Ai said with a wry smile. "Yeahhh it would be kinda weird to talk to a massive war criminal so casually."

And her words were... Fair honestly.

But instead, a bloop rang out as the system rang out in a notification. [Mod_Maou- User PlaceboHellenKeller- Has requested entry to your world for healing by user's psychic energy. User has rewards reserved for completion of psychic cleansing of target.]

And just below that request was the supposed reward which made me blink. [Reward- Knowledge of Psychic ability to hamper the senses and bodily functions of other targets.]

"I assume this is your sister Nunnally, right Lelouch?" I asked and I got a quick answer in turn and in agreement from the 'Virgin Mindcontroller'

So after a moment of thought, I said. "Alright, let me and Ai get to hotel room tonight as we can't just summon her out in the middle of the street." 

[VirginMindcontroller- Very well, I agree.]

But as though having gotten over some of her nervous energy, Nunnally typed into the chat. [PlaceboHelenKeller- Hello Jake! Even if you cannot help me, I just wanted to say I am sure thankful that I can see from your point of view and around you. Hehe... Here this is a part of my appreciation.]

[User PlaceboHelenKeller- Has donated three high-class cookies to the streamer... User has acquired the cookies and User PlaceboHelenKeller has in turn received bars of enhanced protein bars that will help put muscle onto atrophied limbs.]

And then within my hands were some nice soft peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies with a smile escaping me as I chuckled and handed a cookie over to Ai and one to Rose.

With the damned cookie being half her size which made me crack up honestly.

[MurderhoboFlugel- Hmm so simple food stuffs can be donated? What would the value of powerful enchanted objects, or old weapons of war be worth?]

The system quickly responded with an admin actually popping up as we made our way through the semi-busy streets of Pewter City. [Admin_Kriegan- Weapon Constructs from your world wouldn't be as valuable as say a book or scroll written about the beasts method of Bloodrush, or the Elven books on magic.]

I was still somewhat confused but as we entered the hotel room, and I rented a two bed room for Ai and myself so we could have a nice air-conditioned room for the night as the Pokecenter rooms weren't meant for a comfortable stay. A new message came through.

[PrincessOfRuination- Yeah you donate like this!]

[User- PrincessOfRuination, has hit VIP rank 1 due to her donation of the Holy Sword Drynwyn and the demonic sword Murasamu- User, Has received knowledge on how to use Pokemon move Psycho Cut, and User PrincessOfRuination has received a Soul Binding, Blade of the Ruined King]

My face at seeing this bullshit... The Blade of the Ruined King would eat the life force and very soul of whoever it made contact with, it didn't matter if it hit flesh or an enemy's own weapons or spell shields.

For the world of DXD, if Rias gave this sword to Kiba? Yeah he was going to be a far more major threat.

But then the system pinged out. [Admin_Kriegan- It's honestly kinda sad that a Pillow Princess is the first to get to the first rank of VIP and not the strongest people in the world like you Gojo.]

I looked away from the stream chat as it began to get super rowdy, at the noise of Rose leaping off my shoulders and with a dramatic noise she belly-flopped onto the bed I was going to sleep on. "Aww... You get some rest Rose, you worked hard so go to sleep." I whispered softly as I carefully moved her across the bed a bit so I could lay down as Ai went to the bathroom to get changed.


The Kriegan



I love this fic sooo much. 💕