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Adelith watched with bated breath as the Cannoness threw her fellow sisters around like little more than rag dolls. Worse was how the Cannoness was bare of her power armor, bare of any armor and clothes at all.

And yet she was able to do feats only Astartes could with her throwing her power armor-clad sisters around like they were mere dolls. Their training chain swords dodged by hairs as Katherine used her enhanced speed, and reflexes, and restored vision depth to all but bully her fellow sisters.

'It's like she has the agility and power of the Eldari...' Adelith thought as she watched Katherine chuckle loudly as she took a towel offered by a flushed and clearly tired sister to wipe off the beads of sweat that were dropped down her seemingly divine carved physique. 

But Adelith's thoughts were cut off as Katherine spoke up. "Sisters one and all, my fellow champions of his divine light. I must ask of you, to enter his light as well fully and take unto your bodies in his blessings."

The sisters quieted down as they looked upon Katherine who stood proud with her nudity and barred flesh as they were in the storage area of Jake's private armory they had been given as their quarters. And Katherine let them quiet down before she continued.

"Whether Jake is a prophet, a saint, or merely a tool of the God Emperor. It makes no difference besides the fact that all signs point to him being under the Emperor's gaze correct?" 

At everyone's nods, Katherine held up her hands as she spoke powerfully. "Then a man who was given the methods in which to make his angels in the Astartes but done easier and safer even if less effective. But his divine work can be done on mass now! We who are his most ardent followers have been given a trial my sisters! To elevate ourselves above our mortal forms and serve his light to our fullest potential!"

The sisters cheered in agreement with Adelith cheering as well in agreement now. She had been converted to say the least, she would live and die by Jake's command that bared the Emperor's gaze and blessings.

 He who any could pray with, and they would fall under the Great Throne's golden weight and find themselves cleansed of filth covering their mind and body.

Katherine's arms closed as she held them together in prayer as she spoke softer but filled with ever more fanatism. "His holy light flows through the young man... Untainted by the ruinous powers we must keep his mind, body, and soul pure of the unclean."

The Cannoness shuddered at the thought before saying. "We must keep his holy light clean of filth and in that vein, we must cleanse this unholy world as Inquisitor Grendel refuses to allow any ships besides supplies ships entry and even then they are not allowed to leave." 

At that, Adelith spoke up softly. "Sister Katherine, you wish to move the lord to another world?" 

To which Katherine firmly nodded saying. "Indeed young Adelith, he is a wonderful resource to which our sisters could be cleansed on mass. His holy prayers act as proof of the God Emperor to root out the heretic... I want him moved to a Cardinal or Shrine world where he would be safe and be best placed to use his talents."

Adeltith nodded in agreement as she knew Jake besides having the Emperor's gaze and blessings was also a genius engineer and weapons manufacturer. And should Jake have his attentions directed towards mass production of more stable plasma weapons without the threat of the damned local Priests of Mars attempting to kill him as they had already been trying to sabotage the air filters in the area...

He could do so much more when he didn't have to worry about dealing with all the 'natural' mechanical failures in his area.

But another Sister spoke up solemnly. "My lady, he is a man who is blessed with the Emperor's light. How will we keep him from danger when the Emperor will rightfully push the his warrior to battle the darkness?" 

Katherine visibly took a deep breath before she threw the towel over her shoulder and said bluntly. "We take his tools, we take of his blessings... And before the holy prophet can even see the fires of our melta's, before he can hear the roar of our chainswords we will cut down all that which stands in his way."

Adelith put her fist to her chest with a resounding thud resounding through the room as the other sisters did as well in agreement to swear to do so but then Adelith's thoughts stuttered as Katherine spoke again with a joking smile.

"There is also the wonderful fact that the young man isn't chemically, or otherwise mentally castrated like the Astartes and Custodians haha. So there is always the chance we can have one of our gentle sisters taking care of his warrior's heart to make sure his mind remains clear of distraction."

The enlightening words even if dishonorable were met with unanimous agreement before Adelith had a thought that she couldn't keep in and it escaped her mouth. "What if the children we have with him share in the Emperor's gaze or the enhancements?" 

The Sisters of Battle. Loyal daughters of the Imperium all shared looks. Looks that shared a single thought process. And Katherine, looking as serious as though she had been challenged to direct combat by a champion of the ruinous powers placed a hand over her ample breast over her heart and announced.

"Do not worry my sisters, for I shall brave this journey and answer that divine question without hesitation and no regret!"


Big ToFu

I cracked up at the thought of Jake doing a prayer and accidentally giving out a cream shower that impregnate at least 5 sisters in a group woth golden seed.