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We had hit a good landmark with Hinata's confidence with herself and her comfort level with intimacy in the next few days of loving debauchery.

Oh, we just fucked like rabbits across our small apartment and it was only the actual brick walls separating the apartments that stopped a noise complaint as Hinata was a loud lover when she got comfortable in herself.

 But all fun had to come to an end and even if I wasn't going to be going out to train directly due to my Chakra possibly attracting monsters, I still had errands to run, I still needed to work to keep Hinata, and I afloat.

As I certainly wasn't going to rely on selling my blood to keep me and my 'Wife' afloat.

But as I went into the local Supermarket to get a money order to pay for my rent as most anyone had to do. My bored expression vanished as a series of loud clicking noises rang out followed by a woman's voice speaking. 

"Alright, bozo's this is a robbery. I just want the cash in the stills and you ain't gotta get hurt!" 

I looked behind me and my lips twitched seeing a curvy white woman wearing a white leotard/playboy bunny outfit with white face paint across her face with her nose and mouth painted to make her face look like a bunny.

'Who the fuck is she?' I wondered but seeing as the line of Boston people just gave the woman disgusted looks like we weren't going to fucking leave our line as we already were going to wait more than half an hour probably with how long the sleepy ass employees were working.

The woman pointed her umbrella at one of the men in line and she said cheerfully. "Alrighty! Gotta leave a body I suppose haha!" And an explosion of flames shot out from the end of the umbrella that was apparently a gun.

My body flooded with lightning Chakra, sending my nerves jolting with power and my perception of time increasing greatly. And I watched in slow motion unable to move fast enough as the bullets from her rifle umbrella slammed home into the man's chest making me frown as they were upper body shots.

'Upper body shots... Most likely lethal, and she was able to aim that umbrella rifle with almost no recoil moving her. Those easter eggs on her waist and shit might even be bombs or something if she is an actual villain I just haven't heard of yet.' I thought before a calm entered my mind as I realized what I was about to do.

This woman came into this supermarket to rob it. Which fine. the money was insured and whatever... But when people didn't bow down to her demands when she looked as foolish as she did. 

She literally shot a man with a three-round burst to the upper chest.

I wanted to defeat... Maybe even kill her for the danger she was to myself and the people around me.

So with my senses still so wired and my perception so slowed I reached into my pocket and grabbed the weighted throwing knives that Hinata had taught me how to throw since we had been together and I felt the metal of the three knives slide through my fingers as I threw all three of them together at blinding speeds.

A loud, wet cracking noise rang out as the three Kunai-shaped knives slammed home into her body... One straight through her forehead with only the back finger ring of the Kunai sticking out of her skull, another stuck in her throat, stuck inside her spinal collum. And the last one went directly into her heart.

I used all the lessons on killing people Hinata had on the most lethal points to a perfect level as my martial arts savant cheat proved its value as the woman stilled as her brain, heart, and spine were pierced. 

And in the split moment I threw the knives, I knew I had to make my escape so even as people began to panic not even registering that the weird rabbit theme psycho was dead/dying I made my escape all the while fucking mentally screaming.

As soon as I got out of the superstore, I ran at higher speeds away from the nearby camera's that were going to be undoubtedly watching everyone and as soon as I got away from the supermarket and entered the back alley of a shopping mall across the way I got into my backpack I always carried with me and changed into a different pair of clothes. These ones were exercise clothes so I could begin my jog back home.

'Fuck fuckity fuck fuck... Do I need to flee Boston now? I didn't use any powers so I should still be in the clear from the Mutant Hunters and other people. But me throwing such knives with such skill and speed will probably make the police kick it to the feds who will think I am some kind of super-assassin or mercenary.'

The last thing I wanted was to get on SHIELD's radar and be one of their 'hired' guns... Hell for all I knew SHIELD was still Hydra's cum starched sock puppet as I knew that the Secretary of Congress or whatever in Alexander Pierce was still a Hydra agent for sure.

I quickly made my way back home and once I did I saw Hinata was just watching tv and seeing my anxious expression she asked with a frown. "Are you alright? Do we need to leave?" 

It made me feel better that she didn't even hesitate to ask if we needed to flee but after a moment I shook my head as I said seriously. "No, but just to be safe, let's lockdown. Put up the Funijutsu-covered barriers over the front and back doors."

My words were met with Hinata swiftly getting up and putting her hands up into a the release hand sign and I felt her chakra flare as from in front of the back and front doors thin paper looking but aluminum plates unfolded that were covered in black ink seals that hardened the metal plates to something not even some light Semtex could blow up.

Once the house was sealed up she calmly came over and gave me a hug and asked. "What happened? Did someone you recognize find you?" 

I gave shook my head and said quietly. "No... A criminal who robbed a place where I was at, killed someone so I killed them before they could hurt anyone else including myself." 

Hinata gave a slight hum before she tightened the hug and broke off with her shaking her head as she said. "I truly don't understand you Americans. You advocate guns are for everyone to defend themselves but then when someone defends themselves they still get into trouble... Back home we killed all the bandits and major criminals without any fuss."

'That's because you are weapon of war Hinata.' I thought with a wry expression as she leaned up on her tip toes with her breasts pushing into my chest and kissed my chin. "Alright go take a shower to clean out your mind. I will make us a quick dinner while you wash off your thoughts."

And leave it to Hinata to tell me how to properly compartmentalize my issues, but I knew she was right so I took a deep breath and nodded going over to the small bathroom to jump into the shower to get cleaned up.


Hinata watched her lover, husband, the reason for her existence, go to take his shower, and seeing his back flash around the corner before the bathroom door closed she then gave off a mental hum of thought.

'He has been blooded... It's good that he isn't mentally collapsing but he is obviously worried, not only about the actual act but also any possible consequences for doing such an act.'

Idly she took out the prepaid cellphone she had gotten from some of the money the vampires had given Jake. And she dialed the number Annika the more social of the vampires had given to Jake in the church's business card that had her personal number on it.

"Hello?" A voice spoke out and Hinata knew it was Annika so she spoke plainly.

"This is Hinata, Jake's lover. I want you alone to come over tonight." 

There was a moment of silence before Annika spoke cautiously. "And what do you want me over there for? Has there been any monster sightings or something?" 

To which Hinata calmly explained. "No, I want to make my man happy after a hard day, so I want you to come, and I will give you some of my blood... And he will feed you as well." 

Oh, Hinata knew she was ever so broken inside still. No matter how Jake loved her, she was still the little bitch who was broken after a month of constant abuse. She literally couldn't understand the concept of jealousy at this point.

She loved Jake more than anything, she wanted him to be the happiest man on in this universe for loving a broken thing like herself. And if she had to throat fuck a vampire onto his cock to make him happy she would do it with a smile.

As after all... What kind of wife wouldn't make her man the happiest man he could be?


Dat Man

I dont have much to say except Mochi pounding time?