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While I was lying on the couch and stroking my hand through Hinata's soft hair as she snuggled up against me atop my chest. I was considering things.

As I truly... Truly needed to figure shit out and how to more properly protect myself. 

Because Marvel was just as if not more insane than DC typically was. As Marvel was a whole less circumspect about the whole no-killing rule for heroes... As in the heroes of Marvel didn't give a shit for the most part about not killing villains unless they were literally Spiderman. 

So... Now that I was now considered 'inhuman' if not a Mutant altogether due to the Chakra and power system adaption running through my body. I needed to be worried about the stupid number of racist monsters that would want to kill me from the X-men side of things.

Next due to the amount of energy I was putting out, I would need to worry about the supernatural world. And Marvels supernatural world was... A fuck load worse then DC's in an expanded universe as the monsters didn't give a shit about leaving a mess.

Oh and don't forget the literal armies of eldritch monsters, True Fairies which were also eldritch abominations, and actual elder gods that had been sealed away and are just waiting to be unsealed.

So I had Xmen issues, supernatural issues, and... I actual gave a small smile as I remember the cinematic timeline of the Marvel Universe and if it even remotely followed the timeline, that meant I had literally like two years after the events of Thor and other stuff before the first Avengers event happens.

I had plenty of time in that case so long as the natural timeline kept to its self... Though with how the universe was expanded I couldn't exactly trust in that hope.

My thoughts were cut off as Hinata shimmied up my body and laid a gently kiss upon my lips making me raise an eyebrow at her as she pulled me to lay on my side so we were facing on another.

"You are thinking too much Jake." She whispered softly as she placed a hand across my heart.

I gave a small smile and I said quietly. "Just thinking about the future beautiful." 

Hinata gave a lovely soft smile as she looked into my eyes and I felt her smooth legs intertwining within my own before she spoke over the soft sounds of our tv playing. "What are you thinking of? Those vampires, or those other mutants and their enemies coming after us?" 

I chuckled shaking my head as I spoke quietly. "Afraid to say, I was thinking of worse things then some thirsty vampires... Though I will need to try to take my training somewhere to make sure my chakra doesn't leak outwards." 

There was a moment of silence before I felt Hinata lean in and she kissed me again with her rolling me over so she was lying atop me again. But this time as she lay atop me I carefully held both sides of her well-shaped curvy waist with my hands as we lovingly made out sharing the affection that had been born of us living and coming together for the last few weeks.

Our kiss was broken as Hinata grabbed an eye mask and wordlessly held it out to me with her biting her lower lip. And knowing she wanted to be brave and explore intimacy with herself in control I gave an understanding nod and slipped on the mask with my hands giving her waist one final squeeze before I lowered them down to my sides.

Once I put on the mask I felt Hinata carefully get off me and before sliding between my legs as she began quietly speaking. "I love you, Jake... We have been living together in a way no different from a married couple. And... I want to have that same level of intimacy with you. I want to show my love physically to you."

And as I felt her pull down my shorts I said with complete honesty in turn. "I love you to Hinata." 

I could all but feel her flush at my quick and truthful response before she got control over body again and then I felt her soft hands encircle my half-mast erection with my tip being swallowed into the moist heat of her mouth.

She gently stroked my length with her letting out plenty of saliva to act as a lubricant with her removing a hand as I became harder so she could give longer strokes and suck me in deeper.

And I just enjoyed it. I truly found joy in allowing her to bring me pleasure. Sure I wasn't folding Hinata in half and slam fucking her into the couch as I fill her womb with my cum. But that wasn't what this was about.

This blowjob wasn't about my own pleasure in reality. It was about Hinata getting confidence in her ability to engage in intimacy.

And the weeks we had been together were clearly paying their dividends as Hinata did not freeze up, or otherwise break down as she made me squirm with sexual pleasure and after a couple minutes, I felt her take a deep breath as on my length before she shifted away from me.

I waited a couple of moments wondering if she was just getting more comfortable and then I felt her legs sitting astride my waist and I gave a soft hiss as I felt Hinata carefully sink down with her womanhood swallowing my length with a sigh of relief escaping her.

As she sunk her self down to the hilt on my cock I felt her carefully lay down on my chest with my cock still buried within her as her naked breasts pushed onto my chest "Ahh I feel complete now." She whispered breathily and I could feel as she used the years of ninja training she had in precisely controlling her muscles to make her abdominal muscles contract and twist with her giggling as she began using her kegal muscles to grip down on me harder.

"I want to just lay here... With you inside me, so with every breath I take, every time my heart beats. I feel you inside me moving just ever so slightly." She whispered needily in my ear and I bit my lower lip at her wonderful words.

And in turn, Hinata gently took hold of my face so as to not startle me as I was wearing the face mask and she gently kissed me again with her starting to work her waist back and forth rising up and down only a couple inches on my length.

"Jake, please don't hate me for being so needy. I... I am going to need this more. I may attack you as you sleep and... I need you!" She whispered in a rush and my self-control snapped as I grabbed her waist and began thrusting back into her sharp grinding motions making Hinata whine loudly.

"You cheating!" She whined unable to say it properly and I gave a loving smile even with the face mask as I lifted a hand from her waist and trailed it up her side to grab hold of one of her soft milky tits that were making soft clapping noises with their size as she bounced up and down on my waist.

"You cannot say that to a man and expect to just sit there quietly Hinata," I said to her as I moved my hand up to Hinata's face to gently cup the side of her face as we settled into a slow combination of meeting one another.

Hinata held a hand to the one on her face with her leaning her face into it with her other hand taking the one on her waist to hold and use as leverage to push agaisnt as she began bouncing on my lap faster.

The clapping noise of union became louder as Hinata began moaning as my length hit her sensitive spots faster than she could verbally contain her pleasure.

 And then she removed the hand on her face and with that hand she pulled off my face mask with myself blinked in surprise as Hinata came down with her breasts covering my face as she came.

But that wasn't all as she began powerfully shaking her ass on my waist as though she was twerking and I came at the powerful feeling of her womanly sheath being so quickly dragged on my length repeatedly with Hinata sighing in orgasmic relief at feeling my seed being shot into her.



Don't forget that most x-men problems are either made by them or other mutants, an 95% of their villains are other mutants trying to fuck over the entire world, x-men gone crazy, or small parts of the American government. (The rest of the world does not care if you are a mutant they only care if you are someone with superpowers X-gene or not.

Hmm is it time

Thanks for the chapter looking forward to more.