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Being a man of... Rather plain tastes when it came to fancy snazzy clothes, I went out and got myself a nice respectable medieval suit that was in style in New Atha's court yet not a weird as hell outfit with literal pounds of frills on the outfit.

And I swiftly returned to the hotel room to wait for Rose and Drakia to finish their own clothes shopping as Irabel was showing them more noble style of dressing.

But as I was sitting down in my chair reading I gave a slight hum and spoke out. "Jing come on out." 

Jing the assassin who Queen Hilda put towards my protection was as enigmatic as ever. But I had long gotten used to sensing her carefully hidden mana as she hid within literal shadows and darkness wherever I may be.

It was... Honestly comforting even if a bit weird having someone I knew had a vested interest in keeping me alive always watching my back.

Either way, I gave a slight hum as the black-haired beauty formed out of the dark shadow that crawled. From out of underneath my chair of all things, which made me form a wry smile as Jing kneeled on a knee in front of me with her head down in submission.

"Yes hero, what do you want of me?" Jing spoke softly as she remained kneeling at my feet.

I chewed on my thoughts for a moment and then asked simply. "Whats the likelihood that this room is being monitored right now?"

Jing's golden eyes glanced upwards slightly before looking back downwards and then she said slowly. "I am unsure... I removed a dozen monitoring runes, enchantments, small familiars and other forms of monitoring but I cannot be sure if the mice under the floorboards are familiars listening to our words or merely normal mice." 

My lips twitched hearing that and I just shook my head as I said evenly. "Very well then... Either way, I wanted the opinion on someone who has a more... Biased opinion on Illyana, will she attempt to shoehorn me into falling into her camp or something to that effect during this party?" 

The follower of the Darkness Goddess stilled before she said slowly. "I do not believe sir. Queen Illyana's biggest strength is that she has wrangled the vast majority of New Atha's military and old military families into her camp. And has made a name out of herself in attracting soldiers and great generals with honeyed words and favors to be paid in coin and equipment rather than vinegar words of threats and murder."

Jing looked up into my eyes fully and said rather carefully. "It is less that Queen Illyana will force you into serving her... And more that she will provide everything you could desire and more so that you would not actually want to leave her service instead."

I nodded as I recalled how Queen Illyana had the strongest military forces in New Atha while Queen Hadeena had the strongest mages as she was fighting off the invasion of the ice and winter gods to the north of New Atha in the kingdom to the north... Either way I put my face on my fist as Jing continued speaking.

"She lavishes her troops and loyal generals with great riches and most importantly power as she uses her great magic, which is an offshoot to the New Atha divine bloodline to feed the local dungeons to make them spawn monsters for her soldiers to kill and level up. You... It would be for the best if she would help you grow honestly." 

It sounded like it truly pained Jing to admit that but that... Kinda tingled at my head. 'So Illyana can make dungeons go into overdrive to make monsters? I can't help but wonder if that has anything to do with the demon scouts' plans to make the local dungeons overflow and send monsters into the land?' I mused.

But I shook the thought away as I looked at Jing and nodded saying. "Alright thank you for sharing your thoughts Jing. I am going back to reading." 

And without another word the assassin sunk back into a pool of shadows and I perked up an eyebrow as I felt her magical signature however muted and suppressed sliding across the floor in the tiny cracks of the floorboards as she went and hid under the bed.

For the next little while I had time to myself to just sit... Read and relax with a nice jug of spiced apple cinnamon tea while I was reading. Until the three girls got back with their forms glowing after a hearty shopping trip and a pep in their steps as they strode in.

"Jake, I managed to find a nice dress that's nobility worthy that's sponsored by the Light Goddess!" Rose spoke happily making me raise an eyebrow before Drakia coughed to get our attention.

The party is in less than an hour, we should all get dressed and ready for the party, Jake can see our new dressed when we are wearing them." 

I blinked and looked outside and yup... Fucking twilight was coming which meant that with the party starting at sundown, I needed to get truly ready as well.

"Alright girls, let's get changed," I said taking out my nice suit from my inventory and began stripping down with my back turned to the girls so I could let them get changed and ready in some peace.

I took my time getting changed along with putting on some nice new shoes and making sure everything was nice and neat with my hair taken care of before I turned around and... It was a wonderful sight honestly.

Drakia was wearing a lovely reflective silver dress that seemed to be covered in scales that reflected off light that landed on her form. Irabel was wearing her same noble-like dress but with some accents added to her functional adventurer outfit that was transformed into a more seductive dress.

And Rose... I actually stared for a minute before I thought blankly. 'Yup her goddess is still a degenerate.' As her dress was a tight-fitting white and gold piece that exposed much of her back and sides and had slits at the hips... That was actually clearly reinforced with extra threading as though to act like a damned handle of all things.

Clapping my hands I smiled and obviously had to say something to their dresses so I said naturally. "You ladies look great. Now let's get going to the party lest we be fashionably late." 


Dat Man

Kek Rose and her degenerare faith XD