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After a quick lesson from Waver on the effects of using certain fields of Druidism in certain parts of the world. And then a whole rant about being fucking stupid and doing something like calling out to a Celtic god to improve your druid magecraft while doing a norse ritual... He left us with our three man groups to come up with our project that we three would work together on.

And I had the twins Nazica and Radia of the Pentel family as my partners. "So did you two alreadly figure out something you wanted to do?" I asked curiously as I gently took out of the old Celtic druidism book and laid it down on the table while the they did the same with their own assigned books.

They both nodded with Radia speaking more formally. "Indeed, and with the theme of the shamism, we decided that going the path of binding an animal familiar using all three sources and forms of Shamanism would be the best bet." 

I hummed at that and said frankly. "So with Mongolian shamism that would leave us to either a bird or a horse to bind an animal which would also fit in with Radia having Native American shaman and druidic practises."

Shrugging I continued. "Honestly that kinda fits in with my plan but it complicates it slightly. As I wanted to work along the lines of binding a nature shade into my shadow." 

Shadow binding a shade could theoretically grow and follow my growth of power with the shadow being able to devour the shadows of others to grow stronger. And as I spoke both of the Pentels shared a look of twin speak that I coudn't read even with my vaunted Six Eyes before they turned to me and spoke seriously.

"Very well." They said in unison.

With Nazica being the more approachable of the two saying with a slight hum of thought. "That would definetly add more weight to the Celtic aspect of our triage being used... So we will combine that familiar binding ritual with a shadow binding ritual and then bind the result into our own shadows?" 

For a moment... I honestly didn't want to share this as this could be huge but then I realized I was falling into the magus trap of hoarding knowledge and I nodded as I quietly whispered to the two of them. "My plan was to bind a shadow shade from the Land of Shadow or Dun Scaith which could have its ego wiped away and then could be used as a weapon of defense and offense as it can attack a mage or enemy at the very soul by devouring their shadows." 

Both girls shared a look of shock with them both huddling closer as they realized I was fucking mad... But I had an idea of great power if it worked out. "How would you even bind a familiar from outside the Human Texture though? No beyond that, if we used the Native American skinwalker magecraft we could take on the shade and have its magical resistence cover us from spells and enhance our bodies greatly!" Radia spoke excitedly.

And Nazica added on somewhat with more excitement as she whispered. "Tengerism, Mongolian Shamanism used horses and wolves as methods of transport and they are still noted as being capable of slightly breeching into the fairy realm and skipping over the Reverse Side of the World... They also have strong animal and spirit totems that can be further used in the Native American version of totems to give the shades a stronger identity and ability to affect the world as they come out of our shadows."

The I looked at the three sisters with some respect as they had came up with idea and ways to improve my own ritual plan on their own by adding what they had brough up probably after going over it together the whole previous day.

Likewise the twins looked at me with respect as it was clear that despite me being new to the magical side of things. I had an affinity to it that only great talent and potential could display.

After a moment Nazica spoke quietly as we were all being shushed even as Radia put up a small bounded field to obsurce our voices so the other teams and our teacher coudnt hear our insane plans. "I can help act as the soul guide to the Land of Shadows with the spiritual travel magecraft in the Mongolian Magecraft. But it will be only our souls which would very vulnerable and I can't help bind the shades into our own shadows."

Radia grimaced and then freely admitted as well. "My job would be once the shades are bound into our shadows to implant the animal totems their natures would become over time... Making sure the shades or other things don't steal our bodies while you two are soul traveling back and forth to the Land of Shadows, Jake can you really bind some shadows from the Land of Shadows?" She asked with her eyes narrowing at me.

As this was dangeorus as fuck to say the least. But as the saying goes. To be a Magus was to walk with death itself.

This had the potential to be a family creating ritual that could push the Pentels up the powerstructure of the Clock Tower slightly in such a powerful familiar. As the Archibalds super familiar in their mercury based golems was powerful enough to slaughter an army of ghouls and even a greater Dead Apostle which made Kayneth so famous.

So although I was confident in the process itself... I was worried about two things honestly. The actual snatching of a few shades to bind back in our shadows and then once we got back, the totems we would form the shades into as the totems would obviously have... And huge effect on the growth ceiling the shades could grow.

"So... Disregarding Scathach possibly killing me for invading her realm of eternal darkness, what totems can you form in our shadows?" I asked curiously.

Radia gave a small smirk as she said proudly. "I am a proud magus who has been trained for more than a decade in making rituals not explode in our faces. I will make a totem out of some native american wood taken from the woods that grew from the sites in which they battled Americans or where mages slaughtered them to learn their own magecraft. That will give a powerful base to form the totem." She started before taking a breath and continuing.

"As for what totem you want and will get... Jake, for the best effects I need to know your element and origin to make sure the totem doesn't clash with your nature as a living being." Radia finished seriously and even Nazica looked a bit nervous.

As they were asking one of, the most invasive questions a mage could ask another mage besides asking to come into their workshops to read and check out their research.

But hearing how such a totem would need to fit into my element and origin... I smiled wryly as I said frankly. "My Element is space... And my Origin is Limitless. What kind of spirit totem even if you count magical creatures can fit in that scope?" I asked wryly at the end with both sisters face palming as they realized I was going to be a pain in the ass.

So with both being lost for a moment I asked them curiously. "So. I shared my deepest darkest secret to another mage. You two share unless there will be no trust between the two of us in this dangerous ritual." 

They both pouted and shared a look before shrugging with Nazica saying plainly. "I will share ours... But if you tell another mage I will kill you and whoever you tell." She finished calmly and staring into those hazel brown eyes I saw how serious she was so I nodded with her giving a nod in agreement as our vow was made.

Nazica held a thumb to her breast and said with a proud smile. "Me and my sister are both Average Ones which mean we have an equal connection all five elements. While my Origin is Duplication, and my sisters Origin is Multiplication." 

I stilled slightly as that was utterly fucking bullshit! As that meant that Nazica could basically get double the results out of a ritual to even share its effects and likewise Radia could multiple the effect of a ritual should she desire to!

So I nodded and said more seriously. "Alright, how about for the next lets say... Six hours we consider what totems we want and then tonight we can discuss our totems and their effects and then we can start putting together this ritual." I did need to pop over to the Spiritual Evocation department to start picking through the magecraft and rituals to hopefully summon my own servant at some point.

I mean what is the point in being in the Nasuverse if you cannot have a Servant?