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With Rose and my new captures were taken away for healing. I was just sitting down on the thin plastic-covered mattress of this rented room in the Pokemon Center for trainers and I obviously it was time for me to pay my dues.

I opened my system and went to Ai Hoshino's profile and sent her a DM asking if she was ready now to teleport and after a couple of minutes I got a message shot back.

[Yes! I am all packed up and ready to go if you are ok with it!?]

I sent up a thumbs-up emoji and then the system pinged with a priority message. [Idol of the Stars- Has requested entry to your world for an indeterminate length of time. Do you accept, Y/N?]

For a long moment, I wondered what would happen should I click the no button. But then I smiled wryly and shook my head as I knew Ai was... Weird but she was a good girl who was in a bit of a bad position from the times I had talked to her privately when the streams were over.

I mentally clicked the Y button in my system and then instantly a portal opened up in the middle of the small rented room and thankfully besides a small buzzing noise as the portal opened, it didn't make a huge noise or like cause any damage.

And then... A dress-wearing girl carrying a suitcase was seemingly pushed through the portal with her fell through it with a shriek before she fell out of the portal and I hurriedly stood up from my bed to catch her in my arms and winced as her heavy-ass suitcase smashed into my side as well.

Ai's shriek abruptly died off before she shuddered and I felt her arms slam around my form making me utterly confused as fuck as she started hyper-ventilating. 'What the shit happened?' I thought in confusion before Ai started almost hysterically giggling.

"Ai... Are you ok?" I asked trying to be comforting but I was just honestly so fucking confused.

At hearing my voice Ai froze as she seemingly realized that although I offered to basically have her has a travel companion. We only had some late-night conversations shared during the three days that we had known each other in total.

So she slowly got off of me and I was able to see her face was flushed as she breathed deeply to calm herself down. "Sorry... I was just in a bad spot when you offered the teleport. I was being stalked by a weirdo and he had been stalking me across the city for days!"

I frowned as I remembered that stalking and weird perverts were a far larger issue in Japan and other Asian nations compared to America as weirdo's were well aware a lot of women in America carried pepper spray, a taser, or even a small gun.

"Well... You don't have to worry about him anymore." I spoke with a smile making Ai nod in agreement before we went quiet as we were in this small room and we realized that besides the bed and a short large table that was clearly meant for you to put a backpack and such on it. There was nothing to do in the room.

So... We, two young adults who were locked into a small room with only one bed, what else could we be doing? "Sooo, wanna come with me to the Pokemon center's cafeteria? We can get some food, talk, and you can see your first Pokemon?" 

I blinked as I truly took in Ai's odd star-like eyes and was entranced as she grinned and said happily. "Alright! Oooh, all my old Yen got transferred into Pokedollars thank you Kriegan!" She spoke making me realize that the streams admin had helped Ai a bit.

I shook off my entrancement of her star-filled eyes so I could nod and say more naturally. "Well that's good, but make sure you save your money as I know that suitcase isn't going to last you very long." 

We headed off to the cafeteria and once we got a small platter of some food, we went to a more isolated part of the Pokecenter's cafeteria until we realized that the back of the hospital was a park and within it was a number of Pokemon that belonged to trainer's that were playing around.

And dear lord, Ai's expression as she laid eyes upon an overly adorable Pichu that was napping atop the belly of a deeply sleeping Munchlax would stick in my mind for the rest of her days as she whispered out. "Oh, my gerrrd! I need one!" I chuckled and then I spoke.

"So you want to become a Pokemon trainer as well?" 

But hearing my question her face pinched before she firmly shook her head saying. "Nope, I am not interested in Pokemon battles. But I would like to do Pokemon contests and sporting events like the Pokemon Olympics they had in Gold and Silver." 

She gave me a look as she continued to speak and said. "I am not judging you for doing Pokemon fights Jake. I understand that Pokemon are near or even half as intelligent as humans, but they are forced by their own very biology to need to push themselves to their limits to reach their fullest potential... To say nothing of your reincarnation and whatever lies in your future."

I hummed as I processed her words and I replied fairly. "It's a balancing act. A Pokemon battle can be dangerous but it's the cultural norm... To say nothing of my need to be able to defend myself should criminals come after me."

To which Ai gave a firm nod to my final example and for a bit we were quiet as we ate our meager dinner of some chicken 'that I really hoped was actually chicken' and some rice. Then we moved over to the back lot to watch the Pokemon playing around happily while older Pokemon who were clearly trainer Pokemon were keeping the more antsy younger Pokemon from getting too rambunctious. 

"Oh look at the Kangaskhan, it has a Squirtle and an Eevee in its pouch!" Ai whispered excitedly and I had a thought as I saw that the Kangaskhan didn't have a baby version of itself in its pouch.

'Huh, so even single evolution Pokemon like Kangaskhan wouldn't have a baby version of itself in its pouch.' I thought as it was clear the matronly Kangaskhan was taking care of the youngest pokemon in the wide open yard along with a couple of Chansey.

But my thoughts were moved away as Ai spoke up. "So where is Rose and those other two you captured?" She asked excitedly and I hummed checking the little phone that I got from Sabrina that had a Pokemon Center App to tell me the condition of my Pokemon and tell me when they were ready for pickup and such.

"Uhh Rose is just resting while the Vaporoean and Feebas are asleep and ready for pickup while in their Pokeballs." I answered and then I looked from my phone to Ai and continued. "So what are we going to do about your paperwork?" I asked with some concern.

But Ai surprised me as she gave a small smile and said happily. "Thankfully the system was able to help me get some paperwork added to the system... So although I do have a paper trail I am not a registered Pokemon trainer who is on the gym circuit like you." 

Well, that was a load off my mind. And with that relief and peace of mind, I got up and said. "Alright, let's go get my mons and then I would like to go to the nearby park to try to speak with Vaporean and the Feebas." 

Ai didn't see a problem with that so she got up as well and we put away our food tray and I went over and picked up the three Pokeballs carrying my team and put them back on my waist holster so that we could leave the Pokemon Center and head over to the park down the street.

Once we got to the park I popped my Pokeball to let Rose out in which she plopped down onto the ground with her looking around blearily before noticing me and holding out her arms happily calling out. "Ralts!" As she tried to have me lift her up.

But instead Ai with a cry of how cute Rose was, she tried to swoop up the Ralts's into a hug but with a harsh buzzing noise Rose teleported onto my shoulder with Ai's arms swinging uselessly making me blink at the interaction as Ralts called out with a scolding tone in her voice as she pointed at Ai and probably said some kind of slur with how offended Ai looked.

"I don't even know what she said... But I feel offended." She pouted before she looked more serious and asked. "Are you going to let out the other two out then?"

To which I nodded and looked over to Rose and spoke. "Hey Rose, I am going to let out the Vaporeon and the Feebas, make sure they can't attack us alright." 

Rose saluted with her all but shouting out. "Ralts... Ralts!" With great determination and with our mental connection I could translate that lovely little dialogue as going along the lines of. "Yes of course... If they dare I will even water from existence!"

'How did I get stuck with a murderous Ralts?' I thought wryly before I took a deep breath and then I took out both pokeballs and I clicked them sending out the two pokemon out of the ball in twin red lasers that hit the ground and deposited their forms either into the grass or in the case of the Feebas into a small clear pond that was clearly meant for water Pokemon to have some space.

Both Pokemon shifted and seemingly took in their surroundings so knowing this could be interesting I turned back on my stream so the people could watch our interactions with the Vaporeon and the Feebas.

"Hello." I spoke out gently as I crouched down non-threateningly a bit away from the Vaporeon with the Feebas already more cognizant of its surroundings with its dull dark eyes looking at me from the water.

The Vaporeon shook its head and looking at me it scoffed and said it's name with disdain as it began licking its paw clean to begin washing it's head. "So I captured both of you to hopefully join my team. As you can see for a first evolution Pokemon my Ralts is rather strong, and I am not a helpless trainer and can fight as well." I spoke trying to outline my teams strengths.

But for one the Vaporeon didn't look it gave two shits but the Feebas... It seemed somewhat interested and as I watched the Vaporeon washing itself. I had a thought as I watched it licking its paws and giving seemingly its entire body a through wash.

"Wait... You just want to be clean Vaporeon?" I asked in some confusion and the Vaporeon threw me a disdainful look and as I connected our minds slightly when she and it was clearly a she said "Va- Vaporeon!" With disgust I could clearly translate those words into my mind as she said snootily.

"Of course, I wish to be clean! Do you see this coat? See how it gleams in the sun's light?"

And more oddly was how the Feebas looked utterly enamored by the Vaporeon taking care of herself with the Feebas looking sad as she likewise didn't have any limbs to wash herself to polish the scales that covered her form.

'Am I cursed to getting Pokemon with weird personalities?' I thought with my face twitching as the Vaporeon did a little spin around and Ai made a cooing noise as Vaporeon's form was covered in tiny drops of glowing liquid that soaked into her coat while my mind flat-lined at realizing that the Vaporeon knew the healing move Life Dew... And she was fucking using it as a skin moisturizer!

Finally Vaporeon sniffed as she looked at me with inquisitive eyes making me realize that this Vaporeon likely wasn't a battle-oriented Pokemon at all if I was getting her personality right. But even then I realized that she still had potential. So I said. "So you want to remain beautiful and look the best you can?" 

Vaporeon blinked and then nodded while saying her species name in affirmation that clearly meant a plain. "Indeed." 

So with that confirmation I smiled and said. "So you wish to be beautiful and acknowledged as beautiful that's great, I can train you how to make your Pokemon moves more attractive and I can teach you moves that will allow you to take your beauty routine to the next level! Like imagine me teaching the move Rain Dance to you and amidst a crowd of adoring humans and Pokemon you use Rain Dance and dance between large glowing drops as you also use Life Dew!"

The Vaporeon's eyes widened at the scene I painted to her verbally and then to hammer the point home I even pressed my mind against hers and filled her mind with the roar of an endless face crowd with the roars of countless Pokemon cheering for her as she danced in the manner I described and as those eyes locked onto me... I knew I had won, I had my Diva.

And at seeing her nod I patted her head making her give an amused chuff of "Vaporeon!" As she told me firmly. "You mess with my coat and you will have to fix it!"

So with the Vaporeon sorted out I turned to the Feebas who looked almost shy if it wasn't for the dull-faced and eyed expression the 'ugly' Pokemon had. But I knew better, I knew that despite Feebas being the Rattata of the water world who was thought even less of than a Magikarp, I knew this Feebas could turn into a beautiful Milotic.

So I leaned in and uncaring of the water that came of to my shins I walked into the small pond to lean down close to the Feebas who watched me curiously.

"Feebas." I started out and taking a breathe I said simply. "You are an unpolished gem Feebas. I will make you into a diamond that shines when you evolve into a Milotic."

And unlike Diva the Vaporeon, the Feebas gave me a long look before her head popped up slightly and she burbled out. "Bass?" And with our mental connection, I could feel her much more... Lesser intelligence compared to Rose and Diva as Feebas weren't a naturally intelligent species of Pokemon.

But there was no mistaking the mental picture of words her mind conveyed as she asked. "Swear it?" To which I firmly nodded and the Feebas happily swam around my form so I gently leaned down and began letting the Feebas rub its scale-covered form across my hands as it celebrated my firm promise to it.


Chichi son

But for one the Vaporeon didn't look it gave two shits but the Feebas... Didn't look like it?

Chichi son

Rose saluted with her all but shouting out. "Ralts... Ralts!" With great determination and with our mental connection I could translate that lovely little dialogue as going along the lines of. "Yes of course... If they dare I will even water from existence!" ???