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Me and Miu finally had some alone time and it was time for our 'confrontation.' 

"So... We are half-siblings," I stated and she gave a slow nod.

Miu with a weird expression on her face said. "Yes... Grandfather already explained it to me." She looked at me with something in her eyes that gave me a weird feeling as she continued. "You are older than me and my parents weren't even together before you were born so I don't bear any ill will towards you Jake as some kind of homewrecker." 

The clarification did help as I didn't want a bunch of 'family' drama. So I nodded but then she continued before I could respond. "Can... Can I call you Onii-Chan?" 

My face twitched making Miu break into a fit of giggles and then she said more relaxedly. "It's ok Jake... I am well aware of how martial artists run and other athletes run around."

Once again I had to hold in a twitch at the memory of news articles of rampant STD spreading in the Olympic villages where the best athletes come together for the Olympics.

But I shook my head and said. "Alright, alright. Well, look on the bright side, at least with me around. Your grandfather will devote more of his time training me instead of getting onto you haha." I joked slightly.

And Miu grinned shamelessly as she replied happily. "Indeed! I love my grandfather to pieces but his idea of training is just too much to do every day!"

There was a small lull in conversation as we just absorbed how easy this was. And the lack of any drama, but then again we were both all but laid out on the ground next to each other in my bedroom after hours of training and beating the shit out of each other.

So maybe the preemptive ass-kicking we gave each other wiped away any thoughts of wanting to start drama or get into a fight. As it was hard to even want to fight when you already got punched and kicked into a bruised mess.

And that was also on her end as well. She may have had a lot more experience in fighting and martial arts then I did. But my martial arts themselves were stronger, my body was stronger, and I could tank hits from her to hit her harder in return.

"Miu. How come you never got into Kengan matches or anything?" I asked frankly.

To which Miu hummed and answered with a wry voice. "I never really wanted to fight in Kengan matches. Fighting for a company just sounds thankless even if they pay very well. Uhm also grandfather didn't want me to do it either." 

I frowned at that, as Hayato was normally more easygoing in letting his disciples and family members make their own mistakes and would just make sure we didn't get too badly burned by our fuck up. But he would let us get burned to make sure we remembered not to stick our fingers into the toaster oven to pull out our food with our bare hands.

After a moment I smiled wryly and spoke up. "Sooo... I got my first real Kengan Match by a company that is sponsoring me this weekend, I wanted to know if you wanted to come and watch little sister." I finished with a slightly teasing voice that made her snort and give me a small kick to my leg.

Even through my chuckles, Miu responded happily. "That could be fun, hmm we should bring Haruka and Marie as well. Though Kasumi has some guard duty she got hired for, so she won't be able to come." 

I gave a grunt of understanding and then Miu asked out of curiosity. "Oh! What company did you sign onto? And what company are you fighting along with the stakes."

There was a long moment of silence before I answered with some embarrassment. "The Gold Pleasure Group... And I am fighting the representative of Trojan Condoms who bet a condom fabrication plant in America."

Miu stiffened and then slowly sat up and looked at me with a weird expression as she said flatly. "You are fighting for a luxury sex brand that women adore their products worldwide... For the rights to have them expand into America."

I raised an eyebrow at her weird tone and then to be an ass I asked teasingly. 'Why do you sound jealous Miu? Do you actually have some of their products and want to be sponsored by them as well!?" 

A kick slammed down towards my chest and I slapped it aside with the force of the blow pushing me across the room's floor but I just chuckled at Miu's dark red flush crossing her face as she whined out. "Jake! You can't ask a girl that kind of thing!"

'Notice how she didn't deny either of my questions though.' I thought before I held up my hands disarmingly as I said with a grin. "Alright alright sister, I will put in a good word for you... But I think Grandfather will kill me if he hears about you fighting for a multibillion-dollar company that was built off of selling the best dildo's and lubricants."

Miu then purposefully switched the topic around to the remnants of Ragnarok the street gang were leaving this part of town as I had put the leaders into the hospital for a good while... Well I would have if their master's didn't literally fucking abduct them from the ambulances they were riding in and then disappear.

This made me think that they were going to be going into some harsh re-training to get their asses into gear as they had lost their edge and skill in playing at street delinquents. Not even actual gangsters, but just high-school delinquents. 

"Hmm that's interesting I guess," I said softly as I stretched with a groan as I was getting ready to calm down and head to sleep. As I needed to get up early tomorrow to go to the Gold Pleasure Group's building again and meet with Kurayoshi Rino to meet the Trojan Condoms fighter as the deal was finalized. 

So I spoke out with some amusement. "Alright Miu, I need to get some sleep. Get out of my room so I can get washed up and changed." 

She pouted at my demanding tone but got up without any complaining and after hesitating for a moment she gave me a quick side hug before she left my room with her slamming the door behind her.